Как идти по пути понимания? Пословицы 9:6

В пословицах 9:6 the Word tells us to forsake the foolish and live and to go in the way of understanding. There are two kinds of wisdom in this world; the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world. The wisdom of God is the wisdom of the Spirit and the wisdom of the world is the carnal wisdom of the flesh. People choose in which wisdom and in which way they want to walk in.

Why is the wisdom of this world foolishness to God?

Forsake the foolish, и живите; and go in the way of understanding (Пословицы 9:6)

The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. But the wisdom of God and the Kingdom of God is глупость перед миром. The wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world can’t be mixed together. Because they operate in two different realms; Духовная сфера (дух) and the natural realm (плоть).

Библия с изображением с названием блога для кого предназначена Библия

The smarter someone becomes (according to the world by increasing their intellect through carnal human knowledge), the more foolish the person becomes to God and the Kingdom of God.

It is impossible to understand the Bible; the Word of God with human intellect. You can only understand and comprehend the Bible through the Spirit.

Because of the fact that many try to understand and explain the Bible with their human intellect and through theological studies, много людей, которые называют себя христианами, say that the Bible contradicts itself or the Bible is difficult to understand.

Но правда в том,, that you can only understand the Bible; the Word of God by the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit of God, it is impossible to understand the Bible.

Как идти по пути понимания?

That’s why the Lord says, to forsake the foolish; and the wisdom of the world. Don’t build yourself up with the knowledge and wisdom of the world and the teachings of carnal man. But build yourself up in the knowledge and wisdom of the Word of God; Иисус.

Только Словом Божьим, you shall get understanding and become wise. This understanding and wisdom shall give you (вечный) жизнь.

When you get knowledge and wisdom through the Word of God, you shall go in the way of understanding and depart from the way of foolishness.

«Будь солью земли»

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