Пословицы 9:8 – Упрекните мудрого человека, и он будет любить тебя

Что означают пословицы 9:8-9, Rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Дайте наставление мудрому человеку, и он будет еще мудрее: научить справедливого человека, and he will increase learning?

Why will a wise man love you, when you rebuke him?

Упрекните мудрого человека, и он будет любить тебя. Дайте наставление мудрому человеку, и он будет еще мудрее: научить справедливого человека, и он увеличится в обучении (Пословицы 9:8-9)

We are not allowed to reprove or rebuke wicked man; неверующие, who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. But we may correct and rebuke those, who are part of the body of Christ; the church.

When you rebuke a wise man, a believer, who walks in obedience to God, and confront the wise man with his sin, you will rebuke the wise man out of love. Because you want to prevent the believer from departing from the Word and the path of life and walking on the path of unrighteousness, что приводит к смерти.

Упрекните мудрого человека, и он будет любить тебя

Много раз, Christian’s sins are allowed and approved in the body of Christ. Many churches approve of sin and iniquity and call their action (to justify sin) love and grace.

But when you accept sin and iniquity in the church, and don’t correct and rebuke the wise man, then you don’t walk in love and grace. Because you let that person live in the bondage of the devil and the power of darkness, and send that person directly to hell. How cruel is that?

When someone lives in sin, or when someone returns to his old lifestyle and start walking in sin again, then that person is not saved from death Because everyone who commits sins is грешник; раб греха (a slave of the devil). The wages of sin is not life but death (Ой. Джон 8:34, римляне 6:23).

Many church leaders are open graves

Иисус сказал фарисеям, that they were open graves. And in our time, ничего не изменилось. Many church leaders allow sin in the church and use words like любовь and the grace of God to justify their actions. But they are open graves and lead many people to hell with their findings and opinions.

They approve sin, while God is very clear in His Word. God reveals His will in His Word. He is also clear about the final destination of a sinner (кто-то, who lives in disobedience to God in sin).

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When you warn a person of danger, that person will be grateful. То же самое и с христианами.

When you correct and rebuke a wise man; a brother or a sister in Christ, and tell the wise man to let go of that sin, then the wise man shall eventually love you and be grateful. Because you showed that brother, or sister that you love him/her and don’t want anything bad for him/her to happen.

You don’t want your brother or sister being misled by all these lies that are being preached from the pulpit, which will lead many to hell. Нет!

You want to save your brother or sister from any harm. Поэтому, you rebuke the person (in love). Now that is true love!

Give instruction to a wise man and he will love you

It is not only important to rebuke a wise man. В пословицах 9:8-9 Слово говорит, to give instruction and teach the wise man in God’s Word. So that the wise man becomes wiser, and increases in learning.

The purpose of Christians is to grow up in the Word of God and become doers of God’s Word. Так что, they become like the Word and walk in holiness and righteousness, just like Jesus walked upon this earth.

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