Jesus is the Living Word, Who was made flesh and walked on the earth (约翰 1:14). 耶稣是新创造的首生者 (new man). 通过耶稣’ redemptive work on the cross, Jesus took once and for all care of the sin problem and dealt with the sins and iniquities of man and the evil sin nature of man. 每个人, who believes in Jesus Christ and is born again in Christ becomes a new creation in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. 现在, 时机已到, to feed the spiritual new man. 以便, the new man will mature and live and walk as a son of God on earth. Because the purpose of every believer is to become like Jesus and walk as a son of God upon this earth. 耶稣, the Firstborn of the new creation, has set the example for every believer, who would be born of the Spirit and become the new creation.
看不见的神的形像是谁, 一切受造物的长子: 因为万物都是借着他创造的, 那些在天堂的, 那些在地球上的, 可见与不可见, 无论它们是王座, 或领地, 或公国, 或权力: 万物都是他创造的, 并为他: 他在万有之前, 万物皆靠他而存在 (歌罗西书 1:15-17
Jesus not only represented and preached the Kingdom of God upon this earth. But Jesus also brought the Kingdom of God to this earth. 所以, every believer, who has become a son of God through regeneration in Christ and represents Him should do the same.
When you are 重生, you have become a member and a partaker of the (精神) Body of Christ. You have become one with Jesus Christ and the Father through the Holy Spirit
Your purpose as a born again believer is to become like Jesus and represent the Kingdom of God on this earth.
You shall not only preach the Kingdom, but you shall also bring the Kingdom to the people.
If you are not born again and you don’t want to become like Jesus, there’s no point in calling yourself a Christian or visiting a church. Because it doesn’t mean a thing.
You can go to church and be a member of a church. You can be, a partaker of communion and keep Christian Holidays, but all those things don’t mean a thing to God. It has no value at all. The only thing that matters is, whether you have become 一个新的创造 在耶稣基督里. That you live in Christ and do His will upon this earth.
A new creation
For neither circumcision is anything, 也没有未受割礼, but a new creation (加拉太书 6:15)
If you don’t want to let go and 赶走老人 and don’t want to 穿上新人, your lifestyle shall by no means differ from the lifestyle of the world. There shall be no difference between you and the world. Therefore you shall live the same life, as those, who don’t know Jesus Christ.
You shall experience the same problems and go through them, the same way as the world, by murmuring and complaining. You shall seek help and find solutions in the secular world. You shall depend and rely upon human institutions, 哲学, 智慧, and science. Your trust and hope shall be in the world and the world system. Therefore you shall expect it from the world.
If you remain 那个老人 and keep walking after the flesh and go to church, because you think that you will be saved by going to church, you will defile the Body of Christ through your lifestyle. By doing the works of darkness, you shall not only defile your own life, but you shall also defile the lives of other believers.
Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? (1 哥林多前书 5:6)
But if you have truly 悔改了 and have given your life to Jesus and put off the old sinful nature, there’s only one thing you want, and that’s to grow up and mature and become like Christ. 每个信徒的目标是变得像耶稣.
If you want to walk like Jesus Christ, you shall do what Jesus did. You will believe in the words of God, accept them, and apply them to your life. You’ll be a doer of the Word. You shall love your Father, spend time with Him, and shall walk according to 他的意志.
But as long as you won’t listen to the words of God and Jesus. If you don’t apply them to your life then your mind and life shall remain the same.
Even if you know the Bible by heart, and you can quote every scripture in the Bible, it doesn’t mean a thing. You shall stay 那个老人, who has the character and nature of the devil. And because you have the character and nature of the devil, you shall also do the works of the devil and do what pleases him.
The purpose of every believer in Jesus Christ is to become like his/her Master. The more you feed your spiritual man with the Word and the things of the Kingdom of God, the faster the transformation will be.
When you apply His words in your life and do what the Word tells you to do then the spiritual new man will become visible in the natural realm. You will be transformed and become like Jesus Christ. This purpose is not for some believers, but for all believers.
You shall do the same works as Jesus did, and greater works than Jesus did, because Jesus went to the Father. You shall never be above Jesus Christ, but you shall become like Jesus and you shall exalt Jesus and glorify God the Father through your life.
弟子并不高于师父, 仆人也不能凌驾于主人之上. 徒弟能像师父一样就够了, 仆人如同主人 (马修 10:24-25)