Quel est le but de la Parole de Dieu dans la vie des gens ??

Although the Bible used to play a major role in society and people’s lives, this is no longer the case. Malheureusement, the Bible has slowly disappeared from the scene and no longer has the same place in society and people’s lives as the Bible used to have. Même dans les églises, the Bible has faded into the background and has been replaced by the vain words and philosophies of man. Many people doubt the authenticity and reliability of the Bible. They wonder whether the Bible still fit in today’s world and whether people can trust the words of God and apply them in their lives. But what differentiates the Bible from other (religious) livres? Why is God’s Word so important to people? Quel est le but de la Parole de Dieu dans la vie des gens ??

Why is the Bible reliable?

Chaque parole de Dieu est pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him. Add thou not unto His words, de peur qu'il ne te réprimande, et tu seras trouvé menteur (les proverbes 30:5-6).

The Bible is the infallible Word of God and reveals the truth about a.o. Dieu, the universe, creation, humanité, the way of salvation, life after death, and ofcourse, la volonté de Dieu.

Why is the Bible reliable and can we consider the Bible as the Truth? The Bible is reliable, because every word of God and all the prophecies that are written in the Bible have come to pass. There is no prophecy in the Bible that hasn’t come to pass. And the prophecies that are written in the Bible and have not come to pass yet, will come to pass at the designated time.

Quel est le but de la Parole de Dieu dans la vie des gens ??

Toute écriture est donnée par l'inspiration de Dieu, et est profitable pour la doctrine, pour réprimande, pour correction, pour l'instruction dans la justice: Pour que l'homme de Dieu soit parfait, entièrement fourni à toutes les bonnes œuvres (2 Timothée 3:16-17)

Les paroles de Dieu sont esprit et vie. Without God’s Word, the new man can’t spiritually mature and can’t walk by faith.

John 6:63 C'est l'esprit qui vivifie la chair ne profite à rien, les mots que je prononce sont esprit et vie

The words of God are still profitable for teaching, réprimande (conviction), correction (improvement), and for instruction (entraînement) in righteousness. So that all the sons of God (cela s'applique aussi bien aux hommes qu'aux femmes) may be complete, fitted out for every good work.

God’s Word is the truth and stands forever and shall have the last word on the Day of Judgment.

God’s Word brings salvation for mankind, cependant, God’s Word also brings division.

The Word of God is a Mirror and a Compass in the lives of the sons of God and is both a consuming fire and the washing of water.

It’s God’s Word that brings victory in battle.

Sans la Parole, man is lost and shall be lost forever.

Articles about God’s Word

In the list below, there are some articles about God’s Word and the purpose of God’s Word in the lives of people. Click on the titles to read the articles.

People may change the words of God and adjust them to the lives of people and society, but does this influence and change the will of God, His judgment, et la destination éternelle des gens?

Although many people consider themselves perfect and don’t see the need for God and His deliverance, the truth is the opposite. How does God’s Word bring deliverance?

What did Jesus say about the role of the Word in society and the effect of God’s Word in the lives of people and on earth?

People look in the mirror daily to see how they look. But who looks daily in the mirror of God’s Word? What does the Bible say about this

Is God’s Word a compass in your life

What is the power of God’s Word? And what can God’s Word do in the lives of people

What does the Bible say about the washing water of the Word

Why is God’s Word a consuming fire?

Every Christian has to deal with battles in life. But how do you come out of the battles victorious

People can say what they want and have opinions, Mais ce qui compte, c’est, what God’s Word says. Dans John 12:48, Jésus a dit, that the word which Jesus had spoken will judge those, who rejected Jesus and didn’t receive His words, in the last day. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie?

Although nobody knows when the Day of Judgment will come, one thing is certain, the Day of Judgment will come. What does this Day be like? What happens on the Day of Judgment according to the Bible?

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