When your spirit is raised from the dead and you are born again it is very important to feed your spirit. Your spirit needs to grow up and mature so that your spirit will reign in your life instead of your flesh. For years the flesh has reigned as king in your life. You were a slave of your flesh and you lived in the bondage of sin and death. Therefore, as is written in Ephesians 4:22, it’s time to put off the old man with his deeds; your flesh with all its lusts and desires and toZieh den neuen Mann an, who is created after the image of God and is born of the Holy Spirit and lives after the Spirit in obedience to God. What does it mean to put off the old man? How do you put off the old man according to the Bible?
Wer ist der alte Mann??
In a previous blog post ‘The old man’ was discussed and what Jesus said about the old man and his nature, Werk, und Lebensstil. The old man is a carnal person, who lives after the flesh; Seele, and body and is led by his senses, Emotionen, Gefühle, carnal thoughts, Intellekt, Begierden, Wünsche, usw.
The spirit of the old man is dead. Since the spirit in the old man is dead, the old man is unspiritual, sense ruled and led by his carnal mind. Therefore the old man can’t see the Kingdom of God nor comprehend the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God (Lesen Sie auch: How can you see the Kingdom of God?).
Because the old man can’t see the Kingdom of God and can’t comprehend the things of the Kingdom of God, they are foolish to him.
When you accept Jesus as your Saviour andbereuen and make Him Lord over your life, you have made a choice to lay down your flesh in which sin and death reign.
No one forced you to. You have made the choice to say farewell to your life as a sinner, with all its sins and iniquities. Therefore you shall no longer live the way, you lived before your conversion, but you will start a whole new life in Jesus Christ; a life after the Spirit and not after the flesh anymore.
The baptism
Deshalb sind wir durch die Taufe in den Tod mit ihm begraben: so, als ob Christus durch die Herrlichkeit des Vaters von den Toten auferweckt wurde, Dennoch sollten auch wir in einem neuen Leben wandeln. Denn wenn wir im Gleichnis seines Todes zusammengepflanzt worden wären, Wir werden auch seiner Auferstehung ähnlich sein: Das wissend, dass unser alter Mann mit ihm gekreuzigt wird, damit der Leib der Sünde vernichtet werde, dass wir von nun an nicht mehr der Sünde dienen sollten. Denn wer tot ist, ist von der Sünde befreit (Römer 6:4-7).
When you are im Wasser getauft, you symbolically lay down your former life; the old man with all his sins and iniquities.
You can’t becomeeine neue Schöpfung before the old creation has died (Lesen Sie auch: Can you live the resurrection life without dying?)
Through baptism, Du gibst dein altes Leben auf (Dein Fleisch) in Jesus Christus, and in Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, der neue Mann (your spirit) is raised from the dead.
Im spirituellen Bereich, Du bist zu einer neuen Schöpfung geworden. What took place in the spiritual world will become visible in the natural realm (the visible realm).
Das heisst, that your life and your walk and talk will change. Your speech and works shall line up with the confession of your repentance and you shall walk as the new creation after the Word and the Spirit.
In order to walk after the Word, you have to get to know the Word. Because you can’t walk after the Word if you don’t know the Word.
This means that you have to renew your mind with the Word of God. When you renew your old carnal mind that thinks like the world with the Word of God and you obey the Word and become a doer of the Word, then you shall grow up into a mature son of God, who knows the will of the Father.
As a mature son of God, you shall walk as the new creation after the will of the Father on earth and you shall represent, preach and bring the Kingdom of God to the people on earth (Lesen Sie auch: The earth mourns and waits for the manifestation of the sons of God’).
What does it mean to put off the old man?
“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts” (Epheser 4:22)
Wenn du eine neue Schöpfung geworden bist (neuer Mann), it’s time to put off the old man; the former man, who had the nature of the devil and walked after the flesh in obedience to the lusts and desires of the flesh, and to put on the new man, who is created after the image of God and has the nature of God.
The word ‘put off’ is translated from the Greek word ‘apotithēmi’ which means o.a. cast off, lay apart, lay aside, lay down, put away, aufschieben.
You will put off the old man like you put off pieces of garments. This is not something that God has to do, but that you have to do.
How long it takes to put off the old man depends upon you. The more you hate your former carnal life as a sinner and its Sünden, the quicker you will stop doing the works of the old man.
What are the works of the old man?
Demütigt daher eure Mitglieder, die auf der Erde sind; Unzucht, Unreinheit, übermäßige Zuneigung, böse Begierde, und Habgier, Das ist Götzendienst: Aus diesem Grund kommt der Zorn Gottes über die Kinder des Ungehorsams: In the which you also walked some time, when you lived in them. But now you also put off all these; Wut, Zorn, Bosheit, Blasphemie, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lüge nicht einander an, da du siehst, dass du den alten Mann mit seinen Taten vertröstet hast; Und habe den neuen Mann angezogen, das in der Erkenntnis erneuert wird nach dem Bild dessen, der ihn erschaffen hat (Kolosser 3:5-10)
Jetzt sind die Werke des Fleisches offenbar, Welche sind das?; Adultery, Unzucht, Unreinheit, Lüsternheit, Götzendienst, Hexerei, Hass, Varianz, Emulationen, Zorn, Streit, Aufruhr, Häresien, Envyings, Morde, Trunkenheit, Feierlichkeiten, und dergleichen: von dem, was ich dir vorher erzähle, wie ich euch auch schon früher gesagt habe, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (Galater 5:19-21)
The works of the old man are clearly defined in these verses. These works do not belong in the life of a born again believers, who have become a new creation. These works are not the works of the new man.
Therefore you must put off these works. Denn das Wort sagt, dass diese, who do these things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.
The carnal works of the old man
The carnal works, which every born again believer must put off are:
- Adultery* (voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse)
- Unzucht (harlotry, including adultery and incest, unmarried sex, Homosexualität, bildlich Götzendienst)
- Uncleanness (impurity, physically or morally: -Unreinheit, ritually impure)
- Inordinate affection (properly suffering, (inordinate) Zuneigung, Lust)
- Evil concupiscence (bad/evil/wicked desire or lust)
- Habsucht (ichdolatry) (fraudulence, extortion:-covetous practices, greediness, having a craving for possession)
- Anger (violent passion, Zorn, indignation, vengeance)
- Wrath (fierceness, indignation)
- Malice (teuflisch, naughtiness, Bosheit)
- Blasphemy (vilification (especially against God), railing, evil speaking)
- Filthy communication out of your mouth (vile conversation)
- Lying (utter an untruth or attempt to deceive by falsehood, falsely, Lüge)
- Lasciviousness (filled with or showing sexual desire)
- Götzendienst (worship of idols, immoderate attachment or devotion to something)
- Witchcraft (use of sorcery or magic, use of spells and the invocation of spirits, communication with the devil or with a familiar, an irresistible influence or fascination)
- Hatred (prejudiced hostility or animosity, a reason for opposition, enmity)
- Variance (of uncertain affinity; a quarrel, contention, Debatte, Streit)
- Emulations (Neid, fervent mind, indignation, Eifersucht, zeal)
- Strife (an act of contention, exertion or contention for superiority)
- Seditions (division, incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority, rebel against the authority of a state)
- Heresies (sect, belief or opinion contrary orthodox religious doctrine (especially Christianity),a belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief or opinion of a particular religion)
- Envyings (Eifersucht, the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has, A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions)
- Murders (slaughter, to kill, to spoil or ruin, to defeat an opponent very badly)
- Drunkenness(intoxication, the state of being drunk)
- Revellings (rioting, a carousal, enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing)
How do you put off the old man?
You put off the old man and its works by changing your life (lifestyle, Gewohnheiten). Stop feeding your flesh; your old way of thinking, Gewohnheiten, Verhalten, Emotionen, Gefühle, Begierden, Wünsche, usw. and stop obeying them. Don’t be led by them and don’t give into them. Stattdessen, feed your spirit with the Word of God and obey the Word and the Spirit, and be led by Them.
When you feed your spirit with the Word of God, pray and speak in other tongues, you shall build yourself in your most holy faith.
During the process of putting off the old man, Fasten plays an important role. Because when you fast you ‘kill’ das Fleisch (Lesen Sie auch: What is the meaning of fasting?).
When you feed your spirit and Erneuere deinen Geist mit dem Wort Gottes, you shall get to know the will of God and think like the new creation. Because of the fact that you think like the new creation, you will also speak and act as the new creation.
Du sollstZieh den neuen Mann an and walk as the new man; the new creation after the will of God.
The new creation is risen with Christ and is seated in Him in the heavenly places. daher, the new creation will seek the things which are above and not upon this earth (Epheser 2:5-6, Kolosser 3:1).
When you feed your spirit with the Word, pray, and speak in tongues, your spirit shall mature and shall become stronger than your flesh.
Your flesh, which has always reigned as king in your life shall scream and try everything to draw your attention, so that you will give into the cravings, Begierden, and desires of your flesh.
But as long as you follow the Word and say and do what the Word says and don’t listen to your flesh and don’t give in and keep feeding your spirit, then your spirit shall reign together with the Word and the Holy Spirit as King in your life.
It’s important to put off the old man. Because only when you put off the old man, you shall not be led and dominated by your senses, fleischlicher Geist, and your carnal way of thinking, Wünsche, Begierden, Emotionen, Gefühle, usw. You shall no longer be a slave of your flesh with its sinful nature and not be controlled by the kingdom of darkness. But you shall reign in Jesus Christ from the Kingdom of God over your flesh and over sin.
„Sei das Salz der Erde“
*Quelle: Oxford dictionary, Merriam Webster dictionary