When your spirit is raised from the dead and you are born again it is very important to feed your spirit. Your spirit needs to grow up and mature so that your spirit will reign in your life instead of your flesh. For years the flesh has reigned as king in your life. You were a slave of your flesh and you lived in the bondage of sin and death. Therefore, as is written in Ephesians 4:22, it’s time to put off the old man with his deeds; your flesh with all its lusts and desires and toobući novog čovjeka, who is created after the image of God and is born of the Holy Spirit and lives after the Spirit in obedience to God. What does it mean to put off the old man? How do you put off the old man according to the Bible?
Tko je starac?
In a previous blog post ‘The old man’ was discussed and what Jesus said about the old man and his nature, radovi, i stil života. The old man is a carnal person, who lives after the flesh; duša, and body and is led by his senses, emocije, osjećaji, carnal thoughts, intellect, požude, želje, itd.
The spirit of the old man is dead. Since the spirit in the old man is dead, the old man is unspiritual, sense ruled and led by his carnal mind. Therefore the old man can’t see the Kingdom of God nor comprehend the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God (Pročitajte također: How can you see the Kingdom of God?).
Because the old man can’t see the Kingdom of God and can’t comprehend the things of the Kingdom of God, they are foolish to him.
When you accept Jesus as your Saviour andpokajati se and make Him Lord over your life, you have made a choice to lay down your flesh in which sin and death reign.
No one forced you to. You have made the choice to say farewell to your life as a sinner, with all its sins and iniquities. Therefore you shall no longer live the way, you lived before your conversion, but you will start a whole new life in Jesus Christ; a life after the Spirit and not after the flesh anymore.
The baptism
Stoga smo krštenjem s Njim pokopani u smrt: kao što je Krist uskrsnuo od mrtvih slavom Očevom, pa tako i mi trebamo hodati u novosti života. Jer ako smo zajedno usađeni u obličju njegove smrti, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: Znajući ovo, da je naš stari čovjek razapet s Njim, da se tijelo grijeha uništi, da od sada ne bismo služili grijehu. Jer tko je mrtav, oslobođen je grijeha (Rimljani 6:4-7).
Kada si ti kršten u vodi, simbolično polažete svoj prijašnji život; starca sa svim njegovim grijesima i nedjelima.
Ne možete postatinova kreacija prije nego što je stara kreacija umrla (Pročitajte također: Možete li živjeti životom uskrsnuća bez smrti?)
Kroz krštenje, polažeš svoj stari život (tvoje meso) u Isusu Kristu, i u Njemu snagom Duha Svetoga, novi čovjek (tvoj duh) je podignut iz mrtvih.
U duhovnom carstvu, postala si nova kreacija. Ono što se dogodilo u duhovnom svijetu postat će vidljivo u prirodnom carstvu (vidljivo područje).
To znači, that your life and your walk and talk will change. Your speech and works shall line up with the confession of your repentance and you shall walk as the new creation after the Word and the Spirit.
In order to walk after the Word, you have to get to know the Word. Because you can’t walk after the Word if you don’t know the Word.
This means that you have to renew your mind with the Word of God. When you renew your old carnal mind that thinks like the world with the Word of God and you obey the Word and become a doer of the Word, then you shall grow up into a mature son of God, who knows the will of the Father.
As a mature son of God, you shall walk as the new creation after the will of the Father on earth and you shall represent, preach and bring the Kingdom of God to the people on earth (Pročitajte također: The earth mourns and waits for the manifestation of the sons of God’).
What does it mean to put off the old man?
“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts” (Efežanima 4:22)
Kada ste postali nova kreacija (novi čovjek), it’s time to put off the old man; the former man, who had the nature of the devil and walked after the flesh in obedience to the lusts and desires of the flesh, and to put on the new man, who is created after the image of God and has the nature of God.
The word ‘put off’ is translated from the Greek word ‘apotithēmi’ which means o.a. cast off, lay apart, lay aside, položiti se, put away, put off.
You will put off the old man like you put off pieces of garments. This is not something that God has to do, but that you have to do.
How long it takes to put off the old man depends upon you. The more you hate your former carnal life as a sinner and its grijesi, the quicker you will stop doing the works of the old man.
What are the works of the old man?
Umrtvite dakle udove svoje koji su na zemlji!; bludništvo, nečistoća, neumjerena naklonost, zla požuda, i pohlepa, što je idolopoklonstvo: For which things ‘sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which you also walked some time, when you lived in them. But now you also put off all these; bijes, gnjev, zloba, bogohuljenje, prljava komunikacija iz tvojih usta. Nemojte lagati jedni drugima, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds; I obukli novog čovjeka, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created Him (Kološanima 3:5-10)
Sada se očituju djela tijela, koji su ovi; Preljuba, bludništvo, nečistoća, lascivnost, Idolopoklonstvo, vještičarenje, mržnja, varijanca, emulacije, gnjev, svađa, pobune, hereze, Zavidnici, ubojstvima, pijanstvo, revelings, i slično: o kojima vam prije govorim, kao što sam vam također rekao u prošlosti, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (Galaćanima 5:19-21)
The works of the old man are clearly defined in these verses. These works do not belong in the life of a born again believers, koji su postali nova tvorevina. These works are not the works of the new man.
Therefore you must put off these works. Because the Word says, da su oni, who do these things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.
The carnal works of the old man
The carnal works, which every born again believer must put off are:
- Adultery* (dobrovoljni spolni odnos između bračne osobe i osobe koja nije njen bračni drug)
- Bludništvo (bludničenje, uključujući preljub i incest, nevjenčani spol, homoseksualnost, figurativno idolopoklonstvo)
- Nečistoća (impurity, fizički ili moralno: -nečistoća, ritualno nečist)
- Neumjerena naklonost (ispravno pateći, (neumjeren) ljubav, požuda)
- Zla požuda (loša/zla/opaka želja ili požuda)
- Pohlepa (jadolatrija) (varljivost, iznuđivanje:-pohlepne prakse, pohlepa, imati žudnju za posjedovanjem)
- Bijes (nasilna strast, gnjev, indignation, osveta)
- Gnjev (žestina, indignation)
- Zloba (zlo, nestašluk, pokvarenost)
- Bogohuljenje (ocrnjivanje (posebno protiv Boga), ograda, zlo govoreći)
- Prljava komunikacija iz tvojih usta (podli razgovor)
- Laganje (izreći neistinu ili pokušati obmanuti neistinom, lažno, laž)
- Lascivnost (ispunjen ili pokazuje seksualnu želju)
- Idolopoklonstvo (obožavanje idola, neumjerena privrženost ili odanost nečemu)
- Vještičarenje (korištenje čarobnjaštva ili magije, korištenje čarolija i zazivanje duhova, komunikacija s đavlom ili s poznatim, neodoljiv utjecaj ili fascinacija)
- Mržnja (predrasudama neprijateljstvo ili neprijateljstvo, razlog za protivljenje, neprijateljstvo)
- Varijanca (neizvjesnog afiniteta; a quarrel, tvrdnja, debata, svađa)
- Emulacije (zavist, žarki um, indignation, ljubomora, revnost)
- Svađa (čin svađe, napor ili borba za nadmoć)
- Pobune (podjela, poticanje otpora ili pobune protiv zakonite vlasti, pobuniti se protiv autoriteta države)
- Hereze (sekta, uvjerenje ili mišljenje suprotno ortodoksnoj vjerskoj doktrini (osobito kršćanstvo),uvjerenje ili mišljenje koje se ne slaže sa službenim uvjerenjem ili mišljenjem određene religije)
- Zavidnici (ljubomora, osjećaj da želite imati ono što netko drugi ima, Osjećaj nezadovoljstva ili ogorčene čežnje izazvan tuđim vlasništvom)
- Murders (pokolj, to kill, pokvariti ili upropastiti, vrlo loše poraziti protivnika)
- Pijanstvo(intoksikacija, stanje pijanosti)
- Revellings (rioting, a carousal, uživati na živahan i bučan način, osobito uz piće i ples)
Kako odgoditi starca?
Odbacujete starog čovjeka i njegova djela mijenjajući svoj život (način života, navike). Prestanite hraniti svoje meso; tvoj stari način razmišljanja, navike, ponašanje, emocije, osjećaji, požude, želje, itd. i prestati im se pokoravati. Nemojte se voditi njima i nemojte im se prepustiti. Umjesto toga, nahranite svoj duh Riječju Božjom i slušajte Riječ i Duha, i biti vođen od Njih.
Kad svoj duh hranite Riječju Božjom, moliti i govoriti drugim jezicima, izgradit ćeš se u svojoj presvetoj vjeri.
Tijekom procesa odlaganja starca, post igra važnu ulogu. Because when you fast you ‘kill’ meso (Pročitajte također: What is the meaning of fasting?).
When you feed your spirit and obnoviti svoj um s Riječju Božjom, you shall get to know the will of God and think like the new creation. Because of the fact that you think like the new creation, you will also speak and act as the new creation.
Vi ćeteobući novog čovjeka and walk as the new man; the new creation after the will of God.
The new creation is risen with Christ and is seated in Him in the heavenly places. Stoga, the new creation will seek the things which are above and not upon this earth (Efežanima 2:5-6, Kološanima 3:1).
When you feed your spirit with the Word, moliti, and speak in tongues, your spirit shall mature and shall become stronger than your flesh.
Your flesh, koji je uvijek vladao kao kralj u tvom životu će vrištati i pokušati sve da privuče tvoju pozornost, tako da ćete se prepustiti žudnjama, požude, i želje vašeg tijela.
Ali sve dok slijedite Riječ i govorite i činite ono što Riječ kaže i ne slušajte svoje tijelo i ne popuštajte i nastavite hraniti svoj duh, tada će vaš duh vladati zajedno s Riječju i Duhom Svetim kao Kralj u vašem životu.
Važno je odgoditi starca. Jer tek kad odložiš staroga, nećete biti vođeni i dominirani vašim osjetilima, tjelesni um, i vaš tjelesni način razmišljanja, želje, požude, emocije, osjećaji, itd. Nećete više biti rob svog tijela s njegovom grešnom prirodom i nećete biti kontrolirani od strane kraljevstva tame. Ali ti ćeš kraljevati u Isusu Kristu iz Kraljevstva Božjeg nad svojim tijelom i nad grijehom.
‘Budi sol zemlje’
*Izvor: Oksfordski rječnik, Merriam Webster rječnik