La raison pour laquelle tu n'as pas de victoire dans la vie

Il y a beaucoup de chrétiens, who don’t experience a victorious life but a defeated life and wonder what they do wrong. Maybe you are one of them and wonder, why you don’t experience victory in your life? Are you tired of applying all kinds of methods and techniques without any result? Let’s have a look at what the Bible says about victory and living a victorious life and what you should do to have victory in life.

Delivered from the kingdom of darkness

Avant vous est né de nouveau, you were a slave of the devil and walked according to his will; the will of your flesh. You were led by your flesh and ruled by your senses, while you lived in darkness.

Until Jesus came into your life and you repented of your sin. Jesus delivered you from the darkness and transferred you into the Kingdom of God, into the Light (Lire aussi: L'appel au repentir).

délivré du pouvoir des ténèbres, racheté par son sang

Your senses, volonté, pensées, sentiments, émotions, convoitises, désirs, etc.. commanded you what to do.

While your soul and your flesh were alive, your spirit was dead.

The blood of Jesus cleansed you from all your sins and iniquities.

By Jesusredemptive work and by His blood, you were made righteous and holy.

You were not made holy and righteous because of what you’ve done and your works, but by the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Par le sang de Jésus, you’ve entered a New Covenant. Through Christ, you’ve been reconciled with the Father and have become a son of God and a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The old has passed away, toutes choses sont devenues nouvelles

By faith in Jesus Christ and by becoming born again in the spirit, you’ve become a son of the Almighty God; le Créateur des cieux et de la terre. You may call God your Father, because through Jesus Christ you have received His Spirit. He has become your Father, and you have become His son (cela s'applique aussi bien aux hommes qu'aux femmes).

La nature de Dieu; the Holy Spirit dwells in you. God has given you power through Jesus Christ to become a son of God and walk as a son of God, after His will.

Mais tous ceux qui l'ont reçu, il leur a donné le pouvoir de devenir fils de Dieu, même à ceux qui croient en Son Nom: Qui sont nés, pas de sang, ni de la volonté de la chair, ni de la volonté de l'homme, mais de Dieu (John 1:12-13)

Getting to know your Father through the Word

It all comes down to getting to know your Father. You can only get to know the Father through Jesus Christ; le mot. There’s no other way to get to know God than by His Word.

Renouveler votre esprit

When you take His Word; la Bible, and read and study His words, you will renouvelle ton esprit; Votre façon de penser.

When you renew your mind and apply His words in your life, you shall walk according to His Word after the Spirit.

When you study the Word of God, you shall find out what the will of God is andwho you really are En lui.

You shall find out what you’ve inherited in Jesus Christ.  I’m not talking about money or material things, but I’m talking about the Holy Spirit.

As long as you stay ignorant and stay a child, the inheritance you’ve been given shall profit you nothing. You shall still be a servant instead of walking in dominion as a son of God.

Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differs nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all (Galates 4:1)

You are a co-heir in Jesus Christ

You have become a co-heir in Jesus Christ. You have received the Spirit of God: le Saint-Esprit. He lives in you. You have become une nouvelle création, a new species. Même si tu vis sur cette terre, tu n'appartiens plus à ce monde. You will no longer be a slave of darkness and be ruled by your flesh. But you have become a slave of Christ and shall walk after the Spirit.

Assis en Jésus-Christ

You are no longer under the dominion of the devil and his angels, but you are assis en Jésus-Christ dans les lieux célestes, having authority over them.

But as long as you don’t study His Word, you shall stay ignorant of your new position and God’s will and what He has given you. If you don’t know what you’ve been given, you can’t walk in it.

When you only read the Bible occasionally and don’t apply the words to your life, then the words will only remain written words and shall never become alive in you. You shall not bear the fruit of the Spirit, but shall remain bearing the fruit of the flesh.

But when you feed yourself with the Word of God, renouvelle ton esprit avec ses paroles, and speak His words and apply His words to your life, you shall walk in His Word, and you shall spiritually mature and walk as a son of God in His will.

Jesus has given you power to walk as a son of God

But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill Him, because He not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God (John 5:17-18)

It is not just something, to call yourself a son of God. When Jesus called God, Son père, the Jews became so angry with Jesus, that they wanted to kill Jesus. Jesus called God, Son père, and therefore Jesus made Himself equal with God.

Think about that for a minute, because that’s really something. God has made you, en Jésus-Christ, equal to Him.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. Pour qui Il a connu d’avance, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, afin qu’il soit le premier-né d’une multitude de frères (Romains 8:28-29)

Et soyez renouvelé dans l’esprit de votre esprit; Et que vous revêtez l’homme nouveau, qui, après Dieu, a été créé dans la justice et la vraie sainteté (Éphésiens 4:23-24)

Et ont revêtu l’homme nouveau, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Où il n’y a ni Grec ni Juif, circoncision ou incirconcision, Barbare, Scythe, Caution ni libre: mais le Christ est tout, et dans tous les (Colossiens 3:10-11)

You live in Jesus Christ and have been made in His image, which means that you should be and walk like Jesus and do the works that Jesus did, when He walked on this earth. Oui, Jesus even said, that you will do greater things, parce qu'il est allé vers le Père.

En vérité, en vérité, je te le dis, He that believes on me, les œuvres que je fais, il les fera aussi; et il fera de plus grandes œuvres que celles-ci; because I go unto my Father (John 14:12)

That’s what Jesus promised us, parce qu'il est allé vers le Père, and is now seated at His right hand. He overcame the devil. He bound the strong man, now it’s up to you, what you’re gonna do with this victory.

A child is subjected to powers

As long as you stay carnal and keep walking after the flesh instead of the Spirit, you shall stay a child and shall not grow up into His sonship.

When you stay a child, you shall be subjected to the powers and forces of the darkness. You shall not be able to rule over the powers of darkness and have victory over sin, because you are carnal and operate from your flesh in your own power (Lire aussi: Prenez autorité sur vos pensées avant qu'elles ne prennent autorité sur vous!).

But when you take your position in the Word, en Jésus-Christ, et marche selon l'Esprit, only then you shall reign in Christ, in His authority over sin and the powers of darkness; over all demonic forces and powers, and elements of the world. Lorsque vous walk in the dominion of Jesus Christ, you shall have victory in life.

The devil tries to keep Christians asleep

The devil and his minions are adversaries of God and they know that as soon as believers become born again and start walking in the authority of Jesus Christ after the Spirit, they become a threat and a danger for his kingdom. Therefore the adversaries of God try everything they can to keep Christians asleep.

They keep Christians asleep through their ignorance and by keeping them away from the Word of God.

The devil roaring lion walks about seeking whom devour 1 Pierre 5:8

The devil knows that the Word of God is dangerous for his kingdom, because the Word is alive and quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword (Oh. Éphésiens 6:17, Hébreux 4:12).

Therefore the devil and his minions use many distractions, cares of life, and sources of entertainment, like television, jeu, Films, théâtre, musicals, clubs, sportif, social gatherings, réseaux sociaux, etc..

But not only do they use these sources, to keep them distracted, away from the Word, and keep them in carnal bondage. They also use wrong doctrines in the church, to deceive many (Lire aussi: ‘Fausses doctrines qui sont une insulte à Dieu').

They shall do EVERYTHING they can, to bring Christians on the wrong track of life. The devil and his minions have many tactics.

That’s why it’s so important to repousser le vieil homme et à mets le nouvel homme et marche selon l'Esprit, so that you will be able to discern these ‘dangers’. The Holy Spirit will always expose these dangers. He will show you what is behind the natural realm.

Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differs nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all, But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father (Galates 4:1)

As long as you stay a child, et marcher selon la chair, you shall not differ anything from a servant. Therefore you shall not be able to walk as a son. Because a child is subjected to the spirits of this world. That’s why it’s so important to grow up fast and start walking as a son, so that you will reign over the darkness, instead of the darkness reigning over you. As a son of God, it’s your task to represent and bring the Kingdom of God on this earth.

How do you spiritually mature?

By believing the Word of God, studying His Word, and applying His words in your life. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher. He shall teach you into all truth. When you take the words of God and plant them in your life as seeds, you should guard them and protect them, so that no one will rob these seeds from you.

Guard and protect the seeds in your heart, and don’t let any doubt enter your heart. Meditate on the Word of God, jour et nuit, so that you become steadfast in the Word.

Your way of thinking should be renewed, so that your way of thinking is in line with the Word of God. If you have the mind of Christ, you shall think the way God thinks, and do the things that God wants you to do. When you do Sa volonté, you shall please Him and exalt Him.

When you are going through a hard time, take the words of God into your mouth, and speak against situations, dangers, pensées, maladie, maladie, etc.. Don’t give up, and you shall experience victory.

How to have victory in life?

You will have victory in life, when you become a doer of the Word and build yourself up in the faith. Persevere and don’t give up!

At this point, many Christians fail, because they often do give up. The devil knows this, so he shall strive a little bit longer in order to gain victory. The devil knows that immature Christians walk after the flesh and are sense-ruled. Donc, when Christians don’t see anything happening in the natural realm, they will eventually give up instead of persevering.

Many Christians are often not disciplined and stay ignorant. When they hear a sermon, or attend a seminar, they are passionate, and all fired up, ready to win the whole world for Jesus Christ. But as soon as there comes opposition, they give up.

Therefore persevere and don’t give up. Stand on the Word, and keep speaking the Word. You know one thing for sure, and that’s that you shall win! Because Jesus has the victory. Tant que vous restez en Jésus-Christ, you will be seated in Him and shall have victory in Jesus Christ.

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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