Pokea mafundisho yangu wala si fedha

Receive My instruction, and not silver; And knowledge rather than choice gold (Mithali 8:10)

Most people don’t like to be told what to do. They don’t like to receive instructions, corrections or warnings by people. The only things they want to receive from people are compliments and praise. Lakini neno hilo linasema, that we should love instruction and receive instruction. Because through the instruction of the Word, the born again Christian shall mature and grow up into the image of Jesus Christ.

If a child is not instructed and corrected by the parents and is allowed to do everything (s)he wants to do and is constantly exalted and complimented by his/her parents, then the child shall become an unguided projectile in society. When the child matures, (s)he shall think very highly of himself/herself. (S)he shall look down at others and shall be full of pride. (S)he shall not be able to handle criticism, correction or warnings, kwa sababu (s)he has never learned how to cope with instruction and correction.

When you receive instruction your spirit will mature

Wakati wewe kuwa kuzaliwa mara ya pili, your spirit is a baby. Therefore you must be fed and nurtured, ili roho yako ikue. The only way to mature is by feeding your spirit with the Word of God, so that your spirit will mature and grow up into the image of Jesus.

When you open the Word and study the Word, you shall not only gain knowledge, but you shall also be instructed and corrected through His words.

Yesu anasema, that you should accept His instruction so that you grow up and be molded into His image. You have a choice to accept His instruction or to reject His instruction.

It is important to receive instruction and gain knowledge of the Word of God. Because if you have a lack of knowledge of the Word, you will be destroyed. Instruction and knowledge are more valuable than gold. Therefore don’t be focused upon money, silver, na dhahabu. But be focused upon Jesus, neno. Don’t reject the Word, but receive His instruction and His knowledge.

‘Kuweni chumvi ya dunia’

Unaweza Pia Kupenda

    kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa