
有很多基督徒, who call themselves prophets and are appointed in the office of prophet. 然而, 并非所有这些先知都是上帝任命的. 并非所有人都是真正的先知, who listen to God and speak the words of God. Many of them are false prophets, who speak their own words and lying divination. 一直都有假先知,也总会有假先知. Jesus and the apostles warned the believers about false prophets. How do you recognize and identify false prophets in our time? What does the Bible say about false prophets and the characteristics of a false prophet?


我没有差遣这些先知, 然而他们却跑了: 我没有和他们说过话, 然而,他们却预言了. 但如果他们站在我的劝告中, 使我的子民听见我的话, 那么他们应该使他们脱离邪恶的道路, 从他们所做的邪恶 (耶利米 23:21-22)

A prophet of God is not always loved, because a prophet often speaks corrective words for the edification and protection of the church (信徒聚会, who are born again and belong to God).

当我们看旧约中的先知时, 他们经常有一项艰巨的任务要完成. The prophets in the Old Testament were not always loved and appreciated by the people. They were only loved and appreciated when the people were in trouble, 压迫, and needed advice. When the people needed help, 他们去见先知,向先知询问,向他们寻求建议.

If they had stood in My counsel and hear My words Jeremiah 23:22

The prophets of God were not always learned men. 但他们总是男人和女人, 按照上帝的旨意生活的人.

他们没有选择自己成为先知. But God had chosen them to speak His words in His name to His people.

Take for example Amos and Elisha. They were farmers, when they were called by God (1 国王 19:19, 阿莫斯 7:14).

上帝不是在寻找有学问的人, 熟练, 强, 和帅哥. Nor was God looking for charismatic eloquent speakers. But God was looking for people, 那些完全献身于上帝的人.

上帝没有看 (向外) 外观, 但他看的是一个人的心.

上帝寻找忠诚的人,忠诚的心灵,他可以在他们身上展示自己的坚强. The only thing that the prophets had to do, 就是要向神的话语敞开心扉, 听他的话, 并通过对他的子民说他的话来顺服他.

The false prophets in the Old Testament

在旧约中, there were many prophets but not every prophet prophesied by God. 多次, false prophets entered, who said they were sent by God and pophesied in ‘the Name of the Lord’ . But in reality they prophesied according to their own visions, 见解, 知识, 想法, and what was in their hearts.

They spoke words, which didn’t originate from God but from themselves and lying spirits. Many prophets tried to please and win people for their own gain and to get a large following.

这些假先知使用超凡魅力的话语,向百姓许下了美好的应许. By saying what the people wanted to hear, they gained the acceptance of the people. But because of their false prophecies (谎言), they fooled the people and gave them false hope. Their prophecies caused the people to enter wicked ways, 这导致了上帝和他的子民之间的分离.

这 400 prophets and their false prophecies

在 1 国王 22 和 2 编年史 18, 例如, we read about approximately 400 先知, 谁都预言了对国王的谎言. 他们预言, 国王想听什么. They were not completely devoted to God. Therefore a lying spirit could operate in them.

亚哈, 以色列王, 想在基列带走拉莫斯, 出自亚兰之手, 叙利亚国王. 他问约沙法, 犹大王, 与他一起战斗到拉莫斯.

image grass with bible verse matthew 6-10 thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven

但约沙法想先向耶和华求问. 约沙法想听听主对这件事有什么看法.

Therefore King Ahab gathered the prophets of Israel, 关于 400 男人.

The king asked the 400 prophets if he should go against Ramoth to battle or not.

All the 400 prophets answered that King Ahab should go up and that the Lord would deliver it into the hand of the king.

But Jehoshaphat was not convinced and asked the king if there wasn’t another prophet to inquire.

亚哈王回答约沙法说,还有一位先知, who they could inquire. His name was Micaiah. But King Ahab hated Micaiah because Micaiah never prophesied good concerning him but only evil. But the king called an officer to bring Micaiah to them.

当两位国王都坐在他们的宝座上时, 先知们在他们面前预言, 信使, 谁带来了米该雅, asked Micaiah to speak good to the king and say what the other prophets had said to the king. But Micaiah didn’t allow anyone to intimidate or influence him. And so Micaiah answered, As the Lord lives, 主对我说的话, that will I speak.

The lying spirit in the mouth of all King Ahab’s prophets

当米该雅站在国王面前,被问到他们是否愿意与拉摩斯对抗还是忍耐, 米该雅回答说, “去吧, 并繁荣昌盛: 因为耶和华要把它交在王的手里。国王说, “我该劝告你多少次,你只告诉我奉耶和华的名说的真话?”

然后米该雅说, “我看见以色列众人都散落在山上, 像没有牧人的羊一样: 主说, 这些没有主人: 让他们让各人平安地回到自己的家里。

亚哈王对约沙法说, “我不是告诉过你,他不会预言关于我的好事吗, 而是邪恶的?”

Micaiah continued, Hear thou, 因此, 主的话语: 我看见主坐在他的宝座上, 天上所有的万军都站在他的右边和左边. The Lord said, 谁能劝说亚哈, 使他可以在拉摩斯上下? 有人以这种方式说, 另一个人以这种方式说. There came forth a spirit, 站在耶和华面前, 并且说, 我会说服他. The Lord said unto him, 其中? 他说, 我要出去, 我要在他众先知的口中作说谎的灵. 他说, 你要劝说他, 并且也占上风: 勇往直前, 并这样做. 因此,现在, 看, 耶和华在你所有这些先知的口中放了一个说谎的灵, 耶和华对你说了坏话。

但是西底家, Chenaanah的儿子, 被米该雅的话冒犯了. 他走近米该雅, 打米该雅的脸颊, 并且说, “耶和华的灵从我往哪边去,对你说话?“米该雅回答他: “看哪, 那日你要看见, 当你要进入内室藏身时”


After the words of Micaiah, the king instructed his servants to put Micaiah in prison. He commanded them to give him bread and water of affliction until the king would return in peace.

King Ahab listened to the words of the 400 假先知上战场. 但在他上战场之前, 他乔装打扮自己, 这样他就认不出来了. 他以为自己可以愚弄上帝. 但神的话总会应验.

神通过米该雅口所说的话应验了. 有一个人在冒险中拉弓,用他的马具关节击打亚哈. 那天晚上,亚哈死了,他的血从伤口流了出来, 进入战车之中.

第二天,王被带到撒玛利亚, 他们把他埋葬在那里. 当战车在撒玛利亚的池子里被洗净时, 狗舔了他的血; 他们洗了他的盔甲; 照着主的话, 他通过先知以利亚的口说了这话 (1 国王 19).

Micaiah didn’t speak positive words to gain the king’s approval and to please King Ahab. Because Micaiah didn’t fear King Ahab, 但米该雅敬畏神.

米该雅照主吩咐他说话的做了. 他没有背离神的话语, 甚至没有一点点. 甚至不, 当他被俘虏并投入监狱时. Micaiah stayed faithful to God and His Word. He spoke what the Lord commanded him to speak.

God exposed the false prophets, 谁教导人民反叛

在耶利米书 28 和 29, 耶利米哀歌 2, 和以西结书 22:28 (除其他外), God exposed the false prophets. The false prophets caused the people to rebel against the Word of God instead of correcting the people and making them aware of their iniquities and causing them to walk in the truth on the narrow path, 导致永生.

哈拿尼雅, 先知, 说得很精彩, 有希望, 令人 振奋, encouraging prophetic words to the people of God and the prophet Jeremiah. 这一切听起来都那么真实, 甚至耶利米也在假设之下, that these encouraging words originated from God. 因此,耶利米对哈拿尼雅说,证实了他的话, 主的话, 他所说的话确实会实现.

但当耶利米走他的路时, 耶和华的话语临到耶利米.

image flowers with bible verse matthew 4-4 man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God

The Lord confronted Jeremiah and said that He didn’t send Hananiah at all and that Hananiah made the people trust in a lie. 因为事实, that Hananiah taught the people rebellion against God, 主说, 在一年内, 哈拿尼雅将从地上被抛弃.


在耶利米书 29, 耶和华警告耶利米关于先知的事, 占卜者, 还有那些做梦的人, 不被他们欺骗. They prophesied in ‘the Name of the Lord’, 虽然主根本没有差遣他们!

God identified the false prophets and revealed the sins of the false prophets. The false prophets committed adultery, 以“主的名”说谎, 并向神的子民宣讲悖逆. 主通过耶利米的口说话:

万军之耶和华这样说, 以色列的神, 亚哈,可莱雅的儿子, 和玛西亚的儿子西底家, 以我的名向你们预言谎言; 看哪, 我要把他们交在巴比伦王尼布甲列撒的手中; 他要在你眼前杀了他们; 他们当中的人,必被巴比伦的犹大众人所掳,受咒诅, 说, 耶和华使你像西底家和亚哈, 巴比伦王在火中烤他; 因为他们在以色列犯下了恶棍, 又与邻舍的“妻子”通奸, 并奉我的名说谎话, 我没有吩咐他们; 即使我知道, 我是证人, 耶和华说 (耶利米 29:21-23)

这时,耶和华对耶利米的话语就来了, 说, 把所有被掳的人都送给他们, 说, 耶和华这样说关于尼希兰人示玛雅; 因为示玛雅已经向你预言了, 我没有打发他, 他使你相信谎言: 耶和华这样说; 看哪, 我要惩罚尼希兰人示玛雅, 和他的后裔: 他必没有一个人住在这百姓中间; 他也看不见我为我的子民所做的善事, 耶和华说; 因为他教导人悖逆耶和华 (耶利米 29:30-32)

你的先知为你看见了虚妄和愚蠢的事情: 他们没有发现你的罪孽, 离开你的俘虏; 但已为你看见了虚假的负担和被放逐的原因 (耶利米哀歌 2:14)

Jesus warned the believers of false prophets and revealed how to identify false prophets

要提防假先知, 披着羊皮来到你身边, 但内心却是掠夺性的狼. 你们要凭他们的果子认识他们. 男人会收荆棘的葡萄吗, 或蓟的无花果? 即便如此,每棵好树都会结出好果子; 惟有一棵败坏的树会结出恶果. 一棵好树不能结出恶果, 腐败的树也不能结出好果子. 每棵不结好果子的树都被砍倒了, 并被扔进火里. 因此,凭着他们的果子,你们就认识他们了 (马修 7:15-20)

Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, 那只有那些, 遵行父的旨意的人, 将进入天国.

许多假先知将复活, 并要欺骗许多人 (马修 24:11)

For there shall arise false christs, 和假先知, 并要显明伟大的神迹奇事; 因此,鉴于, 如果可能的话, 他们要欺骗选民 (马修 24:24)


即使在我们这个时代, 有许多假先知, who prophesy out of their flesh. The false prophets prophesy by what they see and prophesy after their senses, 自己的见解, 情绪, 情怀, ETC. 而不是追随圣灵. They are carnal and led by the flesh instead of the Spirit. They walk after the flesh and prophesy after the flesh.

Many prophets speak wonderful, 令人 振奋, 有希望, and encouraging words over the lives of Christians, 虽然主从未说过这些话. They don’t prophesy the truth of God but they prophesy deception and lies. 正因为如此, 他们杀死了许多灵魂, 谁应该得救:

耶利米 23:22 如果他们站在我的劝告中,听到我的话

愚昧的先知有祸了, 追随自己的精神, 什么也没看到! 哦,以色列, 你的先知就像旷野中的狐狸. 你们还没有上到缝隙里去, 也没有为以色列家在耶和华的日子在争战中站立的篱笆. 他们看到了虚荣和撒谎的占卜, 说, 主说: 耶和华没有差遣他们: 他们使其他人希望他们会证实这个词.

你们岂不是看见了虚妄的异象吗, 你们岂不是说谎的占卜吗, 而你们却说, 耶和华说; 虽然我没有说话?

所以,耶和华神这样说; 因为你们说了虚荣的话, 和看得见的谎言, 因此, 看, 我反对你, 主神说. 我的手要放在看见虚荣的先知身上, 那个神圣的谎言: 他们不得参加我人民的大会, 他们也不得写在房子的文字上 以色列, 他们也不得进入以色列地; 你们就知道我是耶和华神.

因为, 甚至因为他们引诱了我的人民, 说, 和平; 没有和平; 一个建了一堵墙, 和, 罗, 其他人则用未经节制的morter涂抹它: 对那些用不节制的侍女涂抹它的人说, 它必倒下:应有溢出的淋浴; 你们, 哦,大冰雹, 哦,大冰雹; and a stormy wind shall rend it. Lo, when the wall is fallen, shall it not be said unto you, Where is the daubing wherewith ye have daubed it? 所以,耶和华神这样说; I will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury; and there shall be an overflowing shower in mine anger, and great hailstones in my fury to consume it.

So will I break down the wall that ye have daubed with untempered morter, and bring it down to the ground, 以便发现其基础, 它必倒下, 你们必在其中被吞噬: 你们就知道我是耶和华. 我就要这样在墙上发怒, 又加在那些用不节制的morter涂抹它的人身上, 并会对你说, 这堵墙已经不复存在了, 他们也没有涂抹它; 机智, 以色列的先知,他们预言耶路撒冷, 并为她看到了和平的异象, 没有和平, 主神说 (以西结 13:3-16)

同样, 你是人子, 让你的脸与你子民的女儿作对, 从他们自己的心中预言; 并预言你要反对他们, 并说, 主上帝如此说; 那些把枕头缝在所有袖孔上的女人有祸了, 在各身材的头上做手帕,猎杀灵魂! 你们会猎杀 我的人民的灵魂, 你们要拯救那些活到你们身边的灵魂? 你们要在我的百姓中玷污我,只为一把大麦和几块饼, 杀死不的灵魂, 并拯救那些不该活着的灵魂, 因你向听见你谎言的我子民撒谎?

因此,耶和华神这样说; 看哪, 我靠在你的枕头上, 因此,你们在那里猎杀灵魂,使它们飞翔, 我要把他们从你的臂膀上撕下来, 并会让灵魂离开, 甚至你们猎杀那些为了让他们飞翔的灵魂. 你的手帕我也要撕, 将我的子民从你的手中救出, 他们不再在你手中被猎杀; 你们就知道我是耶和华. 因为你们用谎言使义人的心伤心, 我没有让谁伤心; 并加强了恶人的手, 他不应该从他的恶道上回来, 通过向他许诺生命: 因此,你们将不再看到虚荣, 也不是神圣的占卜: 因为我要把我的子民从你的手中救出来: 你们就知道我是耶和华 (以西结 13:17-23)

the false prophecies lead God’s people astray

这些假先知看到了虚荣心,说着谎言占卜. 他们追随自己的精神,根据自己的见解进行预言. 他们说的是和平, 虽然根本没有和平. And they led the people of God astray. These false prophets caused the people to rebel against the Word of God and do those things which were against His will. They let the people walk in sins and iniquities.

基于这个事实, that the people considered the false prophets as sent ones from the Lord. The people were under the assumption that the false prophets spoke the words of the Lord and that they walked according to God’s will. 他们想, that by obeying the words of these false prophets, they would walk on the right path of life. 但事实并非如此. 假先知, 他们是主“所谓”差遣的人, led the people of God through their vain words in lies and deception.

The false prophets let the people of God go their way instead of correcting them. 所以, 他们加强了恶人的手, 而不是让他们远离他们邪恶的道路. They prophesied what the people wanted to hear, 而不是说主要说的话. The false prophets said that everything was fine and prophesied peace, while it was not fine and there was no peace at all.


同样的事情仍在我们这个时代发生. Christians only want to hear uplifting, 有希望, and encouraging prophetic words instead of negative or correcting prophecies. 他们不想接受先知, who reveal their sins and correct them. 不, they will only invite well-known prophets, who are like-minded and speak positive and encouraging prophetic words.

image thorn branch bible verse 1 John 4-1 believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into world

The people don’t look at the fruit of the lives of these prophets. They don’t look if they bear the fruit of the Spirit or the fruit of the flesh (偶像崇拜, 巫术, 淫乱, 性不洁, 通奸 (离婚), 说谎, 嫉妒, 二心, 贪婪, 私心, 对金钱的热爱, 仿真, 愤怒, 冲突, 异端邪说, 仇恨, 陶醉, 醉态, ETC).

他们看他们的名字和/或头衔, (著名的) 家庭, 成功, supernatural signs, 和奇迹, instead of looking at their daily walk and their works.

How many lies are prophetically spoken over the lives of Christians by well-known prophets that didn’t come to pass or led Christians astray?

Many Christians are led astray by false prophets. 而不是从深渊中被拯救出来, 他们被引向深渊.

They live a life, which is not according to the will of God and is not in agreement with His Word. But because these famous prophets approve of their lifestyle and their sins, even when God says the opposite in His Word, they believe these false prophets above God and His Word and are deceived and led astray from the truth. And because they are turned away from the truth, they will not fulfill the plan of God for their lives.

Many Christians are ripped out of the hand of God by these false prophets and their deceptive words and prophetic lies.

Christians need to try the spirits whether they are of God

心爱的, 不相信每一个灵魂, 但要试验那些灵是否来自上帝: 因为世界上有许多假先知. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world (1 约翰 4:1-3)

这些日子, it is so important to have a discernment of spirits! John wrote about the importance of the discerning of spirits. He told the saints to not believe every spirit but to try the spirits whether they are from God. 为什么? Because many false prophets have gone out into the world. And that’s still the case. There are still false prophets in disguise operating in the prophetic office of the church.

When people have the Spirit of God, they believe and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh and they shall listen to Him and love and obey Him and keep His commandments and walk in the will of the Father.

They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God: he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God hears not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error (1 约翰 4:5-6)

When prophets are honored and exalted by people and received by the world (without 悔改) 然后有些事情不太对劲. You should earnestly ask yourself if this prophet is indeed born again in Christ and has become a son of God (这适用于男性和女性) 或不.

因为耶稣说, that if you are born again and follow Him, the world will hate you because you are no longer of this world.

神圣的灵魂, Who lives in a born-again Christian, 使世人认清自己的罪孽 (约翰 15:18-24; 16:8; 17:14). You testify that the works of the world are evil and because of that the people, 谁是世界的, don’t appreciate that they are confronted with their sins (evil works).

所以, unbelievers, 随从肉体而行的人, don’t like to hang out with born again believers, who walk after the Spirit. Unless, these unbelievers hate their lives in the world and their sins and are looking for the Truth and a way out to be redeemed from their sins and iniquities.

How can you recognize and identify false prophets according to the Bible?

But how can you recognize false prophets? 你能通过他们的神迹奇事认出假先知吗?? 不! Jesus said very clearly, 在他再来和世界末日之前, many false prophets will arise and do many signs and wonders, which deceive many people, 如果可能的话,即使是选民. Therefore supernatural signs and wonders don’t prove if a prophet is bor again in Christ and operates from the Spirit or the flesh.

我们从耶稣那里得到的仅有的两个指标, to identify and recognize a false prophet are:

  • 他们在生活中结出的果实
    通过他们的果实, 你会知道他们的真实身份. Do they love the world, walk like the world and therefore bear the same fruit as the world? The fruit of the world are the works of the flesh, 哪个是 (除其他外) 偶像崇拜, 巫术, 淫乱, 性不洁, 通奸 (离婚), 说谎, 私心, 贪婪, 对金钱的热爱, 嫉妒,仿真, 愤怒, 冲突, 异端邪说, 仇恨, 醉态, 狂欢, ETC. If they do the works of the flesh then they are carnal and are of the world and not of God.
  • 他们是否按照上帝的话语生活, doing the will of the Father?
    When they don’t live like the Word of God and don’t do the 天父的旨意 那么他们就不是属神的. If prophets approve things that contradict the Word of God and oppose the will of the Father then you are dealing with a false prophet. Many false prophets misuse the words ‘love’ and ‘grace’ to approve sin and to keep doing the works of their flesh. They tell people, who live in sin that they are saved, which is a lie ofcourse. It’s just like the false prophets in the Old Testament proclaiming ‘peace, peace’, while according to God, there was no peace at all. The only difference between then and now is, that nowadays they don’t use the word ‘peace’, but they use the ‘grace of God’ and the so-called love of God. 他们说: “It is all the grace of God, therefore it doesn’t matter how you life and what you do. 神就是爱.” These deceptive words, 哪些是谎言, cause Christians to be led astray from the Truth and return into the bondage os sin.

Jesus is very clear about it and we must listen to Jesus (这个单词), instead of listening and believing the words of false prophets, who teach rebellion against God’s Word and only want to be heard and seen for their own gain.

Watch, 因此, just like Jesus has commanded us to stay awake and be watchful. So that you are able to discern and uncover the wolves in sheep’s clothing. (另请阅读: ‘披着羊皮的狼,肆意破坏').



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