In the Bible in Proverbs 4:27, we read about not turning to the right hand nor to the left and removing your foot from evil. What does it mean to remove your foot from evil?
Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove your foot from evil
Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil (សុភាសិត 4:27)
When you walk in the Word of God and walk in His will, you shall walk on the right path of life, which will lead to eternal life. The Word warns us, to not turn to the right hand, nor to the left; don’t go astray!
Wrong doctrines
When you listen to wrong doctrines, or when you mix the word of God with the wisdom of the world; the wisdom of man, you could go astray and leave the Truth.
When you leave the Truth; the Word of God, you will leave the path of life, and automatically enter the path of death.
The only way to keep walking on the path of life, which is the path of righteousness that leads to eternal life, is when you keep the words of God in your heart and stay obedient to His Word.
When you stay obedient to His Word and be a doer of His Word, you will walk in His will, and walk on the path of life, which will lead to eternal life.
Keep walking on the path of life; the path of righteousness, and keep your foot away from evil.
Remove your foot from evil
The world may look attractive. បាទ, the world is trying hard to attract and seduce you. But when you give in, you give in to evil and shall return to the darkness and walk in darkness.
When you become disobedient to the Word of God and give in to evil, you shall enter the path of unrighteousness, which will lead to eternal death. Therefore remove your foot from evil, repent, and turn back to Jesus. Stay obedient to Him; the Word.
‘Be the salt of the earth’