De ce este necesar să-ți reînnoiești mintea?

Când te naști din nou, deviio noua creatie. Although you have become a new creation in the spiritual realm, your mind is unchanged and is still carnal and worldly. Your mind still thinks, speaks, and acts according to the world. This isn’t surprising, because all those yearsyou have been fed with the things of the world and educated by the knowledge and wisdom of the world. But now that you have become a new creation, you have to renew your mind with the Word of God. What does the Bible say about renewing your mind? Why renewing your mind is necessary and important? What are the characteristics of a renewed mind?

De ce este necesar să-ți reînnoiești mintea?

Și tu, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled (Coloseni 1:21)

put off the old man which is corrupt

Renewing your mind is necessary because as long as your mind and the way you think are not renewed with the Word of God, you will always speak, act and walk according to what your old carnal mind is telling you to do.

When your mind is not in line with the Word of God, but in line with the world, you shall do those things, which are against the will of God.

You shall keep walking asvechea creație after the lusts of the flesh and the desires of the flesh and of the mind.

Printre care am avut cu toții conversația noastră în vremurile trecute, în poftele cărnii noastre, împlinirea dorințelor cărnii și ale minții; și au fost prin natura lor copiii mâniei, la fel ca și alții (Efeseni 2:3)

The carnal mind stops the work of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit lives in fullness in the born-again believer, but there is one thing that will stop the Holy Spirit and that is the carnal mind. As long as the mind is carnal and thinks like the world and doesn’t think like the Word of God, the believer will not walk after the Word of God and after the Spirit.

Reînnoirea minții

Therefore if you want to walk after the Spirit, renewing your mind is essential.

It is so important, that as soon as you repent and get born again, you renew your mind with the Word of God, so that you will get to know the will of God and live according to His will.

You can only get to know the will of God by the Word. Only the Word is able to expose the lies of the world; the lies of the devil, which you have believed for all those years and are settled as strongholds in your mind.

Și să nu fii conform cu această lume: dar fiți transformați prin înnoirea minții voastre, ca să puteți dovedi ce este acela bun, și acceptabil, si perfect, voia lui Dumnezeu (romani 12:2)

How can the new creation become visible in the natural realm?

În tărâmul spiritual, you have been made a new creation, now it’s time that this new creation will become visible in the natural realm. You will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Because when you renew your mind with the Word of God and obey the Word and become a doer of the Word, you will Lăsați-l pe bătrân and put on the new man, so that the new creation will become visible in the natural realm.

That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness (Efeseni 4:22-24)

As long as you don’t renew your mind with the Word of God and keep feeding your mind with the things of the world and believe in the knowledge and wisdom of the world, instead of God’s Word, then you shall stay the old man, who is carnal and sense ruled and you shall walk like the old creation; batranul.

Who do you believe: the Word of the world?

When the Word reveals to you the lies of the world, it is all about whether you believe what the Word of God says is true or not. You can easily reject the truths of God’s Word and believe in the lies of the world, which are in reality the lies of the devil.

Not renewing your mind or partially renewing your mind will cause strive in your mind and life

As long as your mind is not renewed or partially renewed with the Word of God, you shall experience faith issues, doubt, striving, hesitations, spiritual defeat, etc. That is because a part of your mind is still carnal and thinks like the world and another part thinks like the way God thinks. The part of your mind that is carnal and still thinks like the world, shall always strive with the part of the mind that is spiritual and thinks like the Word of God, and vice versa. The carnal mind will never submit to the law of God, which represents the will of God.

necessity of new birth

You shall be partial and shall have two sides: one side is still attached to the world and the other side belongs to the Spirit.

One moment you shall be engaged with the things of the Kingdom of God and you shall speak and do what the Word says, and the next moment you shall devote yourself to the things of the world, and shall speak and do what the world says.

You shall be a chameleon and shall adjust your behavior to the environment. When you are in church and when you are surrounded by believers, you will be pious and politically correct. When you are at school, la locul de muncă, (birthday) party, or when you speak to acquaintances, prieteni, and/or family members, who are unbelievers, you shall speak, behave and act like the world. Because if you speak about the Word in the world, you shall be considered a fool and be ridiculed and sometimes even persecuted, and that is something that most believers don’t like (Citeste si: ‘Bătălia și slăbiciunea bătrânului‘).

The mind of Christ

As long as your mind is not completely renewed with the Word of God, you shall have a partial carnal mind and not the mind of Christ. Only when the mind is completely renewed with the Word of God, you shall speak, act, and walk in faith after the Word and the Spirit.

enter the Kingdom of Heaven

You shall submit yourself to the will of God (legea lui Dumnezeu) because you’ll be rooted in the Word, think like the Word and therefore you shall walk like the Word as a son of God.

When your mind is renewed and you walk after the Spirit, you shall bear the fruit of the Spirit, and shall please God. Only the works of the Spirit will please God, not the works of the flesh.

Căci cei ce sunt după trup se gândesc la lucrurile cărnii; dar cei care sunt după Duhul sunt lucrurile Duhului. Căci a umbla după lucrurile firii pământești este moarte; Dar a umbla după lucrurile spirituale înseamnă viață și pace. Pentru că mintea firească este vrăjmășie împotriva lui Dumnezeu: căci nu este supusă Legii lui Dumnezeu, nici într-adevăr nu poate fi. Deci, cei care sunt în trup nu pot să-I placă lui Dumnezeu (romani 8:5-8)

Renewing your mind will cause perfect peace in your mind

Renewing your mind with the Word of God will cause perfect peace in your mind. da, only when your mind is renewed with the Word of God, and lines up with voia lui Dumnezeu, you shall experience perfect peace in your mind.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusts in Thee (Isaia 26:3-4)

How long will the process of renewing your mind take?

How long the process of renewing your mind takes, all depends upon the fact of how big your love for God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is, and your will to please Him. Another important factor is that it depends upon the fact whether you hate your old life as a sinner or not. If you still love your old life, with all its sins and iniquities, then you will not get rid of it. Because you don’t get rid of something that you love, but you keep doing what you love.

The love for the world stops the growth of many Christians.

Many times Christians spend more time on the things of this world, than on the things of the Kingdom of God. They seek the things which are upon this earth, instead of seeking the things which are above (Coloseni 3:1). When someone spends more time on the things of this world, then the renewing of the mind will take a long time and maybe the person will eventually fall away from the faith.

What is the greatest commandment?

Isus i-a spus, Să iubești pe Domnul Dumnezeul tău din toată inima ta, și cu tot sufletul tău, și cu toată mintea ta. This is the first and great commandment (Matei 22:37-38, marcă 12:30, Luke 10:27)

The greatest commandment, which Jesus gave to us, is to love God with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your mind, and all of your strength.

cele două mari porunci, Dacă Mă iubești, păzește poruncile Mele

Everything depends upon the fact of how great someone’s dragoste is for God.

Christians can say all kinds of things. They can say they believe in God, how much they love God, dartheir actions will prove if they really love God.

A person can possess a lot of head knowledge of the Bible and quote many scriptures, but if a person believes the wisdom and knowledge of the world above the wisdom and knowledge of God, then the mind will stay unrenewed, and stay carnal.

If the mind of a Christian remains carnal, then the person will stay the old carnal man and shall never submit to the law of God; voia lui Dumnezeu, but shall always rebel against the will of God.

If you love Him, you will do what He has commanded you to do, and not what the world; the people tell you to do.

You can’t partially serve Jesus Christ. It is all or nothing.

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