Odmena života

Práca spravodlivých vedie k životu: ovocie bezbožných k hriechu (Príslovia 10:16)

Každá osoba, ktorý žil na tejto zemi, jedného dňa bude stáť pred trónom všemohúceho Boha. At that moment he shall receive his reward, for the works he has done, during his life.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works (Mat 16:26-27)

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad (2 Kor 5:10)

You have been made righteous, by faith in Jesus Christ

You have been made righteous, by faith in Jesus Christ; by His work and by His blood (Gal 2:16). You cannot become righteous by your own works, and by following the law and its rituals (circumcision, hody, offerings, sacrifices etc.). Because from the moment, that the New Covenant was established, the Old Covenant was made obsolete (Heb 8:12).

son of man shall come, reward of lifeAle.... When you have repented and have been made righteous, by faith in Jesus Christ, Jeho krvou, then you shall put of the works of darkness, and do the works of God.

Therefore the works that you shall do, shall correspond with your repentance. You shall no longer walk the way, you walked before you knew Jesus Christ.

Ale najprv im ukázal Damask,, a v Jeruzaleme, a po celom pobreží Judey, a potom k pohanom, aby činili pokánie a obrátili sa k Bohu, a skutky sa stretávajú k pokániu (aktov 26:20)

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Kráčajme poctivo, ako v deň; nie v výtržnostiach a opilstve, nie v komorovaní a bezohľadnosti, nie v hádkach a závisti (ROM 13:12-13)

A nemajte spoločenstvo s neplodnými skutkami temnoty, ale radšej ich napomínaj (Eph 5:11)

The reward of the righteous

Keď ty činiť pokánie and accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, it doesn’t stop there. It’s only the beginning of a new life in Jesus Christ. You will have a relationship with Him, and out of your relationship with Him and the Father, a your position in Him, you shall do the works of God.

You shall sow in your spirit, and bear the fruit of the Spirit. The righteous; nové stvorenie, shall walk in righteousness, and shall do the same works as Jesus did.

Naozaj, veru, hovorím ti, He that believeth on me, skutky, ktoré ja konám, bude aj on konať; a väčšie skutky ako tieto bude konať; pretože idem k svojmu Otcovi (Jn 14:12)

The reward of the righteous will be eternal life.

The reward of the wicked

But you can also choose to live the life, you lived before you ľutoval. You can choose to live like the world and walk after the flesh, just like them. But the spirit and the flesh, cannot work together, therefore the flesh shall reign over the spirit.

Nevadí, how many ‘good’ works you do, if they are out of the flesh (staré stvorenie), and not out of the spirit (nové stvorenie), then they will be death works.

Osoba, who says he believes, but lives like the world, belongs to the world. He will sow in the flesh and shall reap the fruit of the flesh.

You can confess with your mouth, that you believe in Jesus Christ, but your works will proof if you really believe in Him.

Vyznávajú, že poznajú Boha; ale v skutkoch ho popierajú, byť ohavný, a neposlušný, a ku každému dobrému skutku zavrhnúť (Sýkorka 1:16)

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (Jam 2:26)

What a man sows, he will reap

Everyone’s end shall be according to their works (2 Kor 11:15). Because what a man sows, he will reap.

A videl som mŕtvych, malý a veľký, stáť pred Bohom; a knihy sa otvorili: a otvorila sa ďalšia kniha, which is the book of life: a mŕtvi boli súdení podľa toho, čo bolo napísané v knihách, podľa ich diel. A more vydalo mŕtvych, ktorí boli v ňom; a smrť a peklo vydali mŕtvych, ktorí boli v nich: a každý bol súdený podľa svojich skutkov (Rev 20:12-13)

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