Dám ti bohatstvo sveta

“I will give you the riches of the world” is the message, that is preached in many churches today. The modern gospel has been changed into a prosperity gospel for the carnal man. Everything revolves around man and the prosperity and riches of the carnal man. The motivational sermons and carnal doctrines, that are preached are focused upon the wealth, material possessions, and financial success of people and to get as much as possible, so that they can lead a comfortable peaceful life in the abundance of wealth.

In order to substantiate this modern doctrine of man, many scriptures from the Bible, especially from the Old Testament, are quoted, zmenené, and twisted. And because of that, the gospel is being misused for the enrichment of the carnal man, so that the carnal man can live after the lusts and desires of the flesh and satisfy them.

God is a Provider and He ensures that His children have no lack. That’s what He promises His children. Ale.... God also knows the power of money and wealth and what money and wealth can do with the life of a person.

Money is needed in daily life and serves as a tool, but it must not become an idol, and people should not rely on their possessions and put their trust in money and riches. And it’s certainly not right, to use the precious gospel as a tool to get money, (materiál) possessions, and wealth.

Praying and fasting for money, financial success and an increase of earthly possessions only prove that a person is not znovu narodený and lives after the flesh. The carnal person is focused upon the things of this world and also seeks and longs for the things of this world.

The words of God or the words of the devil?

“I will give you the riches of the world are very similar to the words, which the devil spoke to Jesus when he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. The devil possessed all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, including the riches of the world, and he had the power to give them to Jesus. He didn’t lie about that, because Jesus didn’t say that the devil was telling a lie. But if the devil really would have given it to Jesus, that’s a whole different story.

But the devil possessed the kingdoms and could have given it, to whom he wanted. The only thing that Jesus had to do, to receive all the kingdoms of the earth and their glory, was to bow down for the devil. Everything could be His, without walking the difficult path of God with strive, Pokušenia, odpor, prenasledovanie, and rejection of man, that would end in the crucifixion.

Even if it sounded so good, Jesus knew the devil and his nature and discerned his plan. Because his tactic wasn’t changed and he had tried the same with Adam, Boží syn. Jesus knew what the devil tried to do because Jesus was a danger and threat to the devil and his kingdom.

And that’s why the devil tried to tempt Jesus by using God’s words and take them out of their context in order to use them for Himself; for His own benefit and to fulfill the lusts and desires of His flesh.

Preto, the devil tried to tempt Jesus by using God’s Word to still the hunger of His flesh, to prove Himself as Son of God (because the carnal man always wants to prove himself) and by tempting Him with kingdoms of this world and their glory, so that He would become mighty and wealthy and fulfill the lusts, túžby, and greed of the flesh (Matúš 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13).

But Jesus belonged to another Kingdom and His heart belonged to God. He had laid down His flesh and therefore He didn’t walk after the lusts and desires of the flesh. He knew the will of God and therefore He didn’t use the words of God for Himself; for personal gain and to fulfill the carnal lusts and desires of His flesh and for His own carnal prosperity. Namiesto toho, Jesus used the words of God to preach and bring His Kingdom to the people of God so that His Kingdom would be established on earth.

The devil knew, that if Jesus would have listened to his words and obeyed his words, in order to satisfy His own carnal lusts and desires, Jesus would have bowed before him and left the commandment of God (Deuteronómiu 6:13). He would have listened to His flesh and allowed His flesh to reign over Him and therefore He would have submitted Himself to the devil, who reigns in the sin nature of the flesh. But Jesus knew that you cannot serve two gods, it is either One or the other. Every person has a choice to stay loyal to God and let the spirit reign or to stay loyal to the devil and let the flesh reign.

Bow before the devil

Although Jesus has taken Kľúče from the devil and has all authority in heavens and on earth, and the devil is judged (John 16:11), the devil still has the ability to manifest himself as the ruler of this world. Po všetkom, Jesus called the devil the prince of this world (John 12:31, John 16:11). And although Jesus called him that before His crucifixion and resurrection, after His resurrection the apostles also called the devil the prince of the power of the air and the god of this world (Ephesians 2:2, 2 Korinťanom 4:4).

Every person makes a choice to live in the dominion of the Kingdom of God and under the authority of Jesus Christ, or to live in the dominion of the kingdom of darkness; the kingdom of this world, and under the authority of the devil.

Sila diabla je poháňaná hriechomJe veľa veriacich, who unlike Jesus, bow for the devil and believe his words and use the gospel to satisfy their carnal lusts and desires.

The devil comes as an angel of light and many believers fall for his acting traits and trap into his lies and don’t discern him from Jesus.

As long as a person keeps living after the flesh according to the sinful nature, the person stays under the authority of the devil and is controlled by the kingdom of darkness. The more people belong to the devil and his kingdom, the more power he has na tejto zemi.

A person can call himself or herself a Christian, visit a church, has a Bible college or university degree, have earned a doctorate or received an honorary doctorate, and do charity works, but all these things don’t make a person a son of God.

A person can believe in Jesus and that He is the Son of God, but the devil and the demons also believe that, and they are not saved.

A person belongs to the one (s)he listens to

A person belongs, to the one (s)he listens to and whose words, advice, a poradca (s)he follows. Ľudia, who listen to the words of the world, belong to the world and walk after the flesh. They are focused on money and financial success and be led by the power of greed and riches, tak ako svet.

nemiluj svetThe world is focused on the riches of the world and wants to live in the abundance of wealth and wants to possess as many riches and (materiál) possessions as possible. They will never be satisfied and therefore it will never be enough. Because when they are wealthy, their lusts and desires of the flesh are still not met, and they still want more.

They look and compare themselves with others, who have more possessions than they have and become envious and jealous, and want to have what they have.

Tam sú ľudia, who have high debts, only because they were led by the power of greed.

Others love money and are so greedy for more money, that they violate moral rules and laws, and embezzle money and steal, in order to get what they want and long for.

Vzhľadom k tomu, that many churches have allowed the spirit of this world into the church, we see the same behavior among many believers. There is hardly any difference between the believers and the world. The purpose in the lives of people, ktorí patria svetu, has become the same purpose for many believers

The deception and danger of riches

Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life (1 Timotej 6:17-19)

Podobenstvo o rozsievačovi; Štyri druhy veriacichThe riches of the world may seem so wonderful, ale v skutočnosti, are deceptive. Because it can cause people to become prideful, high-minded and cause them to put their trust in riches instead of God. And when they receive, what they wanted, they are still not satisfied, but only want more. It is never enough.

It is sad to see, that so many people don’t look at what they have and be thankful, but always look at what they don’t have.

They are so focused on the things, že podľa nich, they are lacking, that it controls their lives.

But if you are continuously focused upon the carnal things of this world and allow those things to control your mind and life, you will never mature as a son of God.

Because every word of God, that should bear fruit, shall be choked and eventually die. Jesus shows us what the deceitfulness of riches can do with a person in the parable of the sower and the four kinds of soul, which symbolizes the four kinds of lives of believers, wherein the Seed of God is being sowed.

He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word; a starostlivosť o tento svet, a klamstvo bohatstva, udusiť slovo, a stane sa neplodným. (Matúš 13:22, Marka 4:19, Luke 8:14)

Čo hovorí Slovo?

Slovo hovorí, že v posledných dňoch prídu nebezpečné časy a ten človek, vrátane kazateľov, bude medzi ostatnými, milovníci svojich vlastných ja a žiadostiví (2 Timotej 3:1-2). A je to tak pravda! Pretože keď sa pozriete na životy ľudí a vypočujete si najobľúbenejšie posolstvo, to sa káže a priťahuje veľa ľudí, je to isté posolstvo, ktoré hlása svet, menovite: ako sa môžem stať finančne úspešným a získať čo najviac peňazí, bohatstvo (bohatstvo) a hmotné statky, ako je to možné na tejto zemi.

unaviť PánaKazatelia, ktorí kážu toto posolstvo, nevolajú ľudí pokánie, ako proroci, Ježiš, a Ježišovi nasledovníci kázali.

They don’t’ call the believers to sanctification and to live holy lives unto God after Jeho vôľa. But they approve and allow those things, that go against God’s will and are an abomination to Him and they disapprove the will of God. They call evil good and good evil. A tak, they turn evil into good and good into evil, and because of that instead of pleasing the Lord, oni unaviť Pána.

Nie sú ochotní lay down their flesh and therefore they adjust the Word of God to their lives and the way they want to live. Tým, že to urobíte, they change the truth into a lie. They apply the spiritual principles to the enrichment and prosperity of the carnal man, while the Word clearly instructs the believers to lay down to old man; mäso, with all its sinful lusts and desires.

The root of all evil is the love of money

If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, rozbroje, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timotej 6:7-12).

How many times do believers, vrátane kazateľov, say that money is not evil, but the love of money is evil. But if you are constantly focused on money and constantly talking and preaching about money, and how to get more money and wealth and become financially successful, isn’t that called the love of money? If you are never satisfied with what you have, but always want more and more, and keep begging for money, isn’t that called the love of money?

Gather treasures in heaven and not on earth

The Word teaches us, to gather treasures in heaven and not on the earth. Because where your treasure is, there your heart will be (Mat 6:19-21). While the modern prosperity preachers are not focused upon the spiritual and to gather treasures in heaven but motivate and teach the believers to gather as many treasures upon this earth as possible.

You cannot serve two masters

In the parable of the unrighteous steward, Ježiš hovorí, that you cannot serve two masters, for he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Therefore you cannot God (Ducha) and Mammon (mäso) (Lu 16:9-14).

When the Pharisees, who were covetous, heard the words of Jesus, they derided Him or in other words, they ridiculed Him. This also happens in our age with preachers and believers, who stay faithful to the Word, and don’t go along with the modern preachings of prosperity and hyper-grace, in which everything is allowed and approved and whereby money, material possessions, and wealth are the centers of attention. They are accused of being religious or legalistic, while in reality they just do what the Word tells them to do and represent the Kingdom of God.

How hardly shall they, who have riches enter the Kingdom of God

After Jesus spoke to the rich man, who asked Him about eternal life, Jesus said unto His disciples: How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, deti, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. A boli nemierne prekvapení, hovoria medzi sebou, Kto potom môže byť spasený? A Ježiš hľadiac na nich hovorí, S mužmi je to nemožné, ale nie s Bohom: lebo u Boha je všetko možné (Marka 10:23-27, Luke 18:24)

Hoci boháč dodržiaval zákon, jeho srdce a tým aj jeho život, patril do jeho majetku. Ježiš hovorí:

Dávajte pozor, a pozor na žiadostivosť: lebo život človeka nespočíva v hojnosti vecí, ktoré vlastní (Luke 12:15)

Potom, čo Peter povedal Ježišovi, že sa pre Neho vzdali všetkého a nasledovali Ho, Ježiš povedal:

Veru, hovorím vám, Niet človeka, ktorý by odišiel z domu, alebo bratia, alebo sestry, alebo otec, alebo matka, alebo manželka, alebo deti, alebo pozemky, pre moje dobro, a evanjelium, Ale teraz v tomto čase dostane stonásobok, domy, a bratia, a sestry, a matky, a deti, a pozemky, s prenasledovaniami; a v budúcom svete večný život (Marka 10:29-30)

V týchto veršoch, čítame, že Boh sa o nich postará, SZO nasledovať Ježiša a nechať všetko za sebou pre Jeho dobro a pre evanjelium. Avšak, Ježiš tiež povedal, že budú prenasledovaní, kvôli Nemu a evanjeliu.

Hľadajte najprv kráľovstvo Božie a jeho spravodlivosť

Boh je Poskytovateľ, a On zaopatrí svojich synov; znovuzrodení veriaci, vo všetkom, čo potrebujú (Lu 12:31). Vidíme to aj v Ježišových životoch, apoštolov, a veriacich. Avšak, nečítame nič o používaní evanjelia Ježiša Krista a Božieho kráľovstva na uspokojenie telesných žiadostí a túžob. Pretože nám to Slovo prikazuje položte mäso keď si ukrižovaný a vzkriesený v Ježišovi Kristovi.

Hľadajte najprv kráľovstvo BožieZ tohto dôvodu, ak Boh tak oblieka poľnú trávu, čo je dnes, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, hovorí, What shall we eat? alebo, What shall we drink? alebo, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Matúš 6:30-34)

Slovo hovorí, to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and that all things, that you need in life, will be added unto you. The secret of this message is, that if you have laid down your flesh and have found the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, you won’t’ be focused on yourself anymore and your flesh, bohatstvo, and the enrichment of yourself, and therefore return to the weak and beggarly elements of the world, but you shall be focused upon Jesus Christ and preaching and establishing the Kingdom of God on this earth. You shall trust God and not ask and beg for money. But you shall be grateful and thank Him because you know that He will provide in everything you need and that you don’t have to worry.

The gospel misused to get money and wealth

The doctrine of the prosperity gospel attracts many people, because who doesn’t want to become rich and wealthy? Veľa kostolov, who preach this doctrine, have become mega-churches full of carnal people. But making a decision to nasledovať Ježiša on the basis of prosperity, bohatstvo, and wealth in the natural world, is not the right basis for pokánie.

It happens so many times, that believers build their faith upon the words and experiences of preachers, and when the promises of the preachers don’t come to pass in their lives, they become disappointed and frustrated and eventually become apostate and leave ‘the faith’. Prečo?? Because they didn’t get what they were promised and what they longed for, namely money, material possessions, and wealth.

Some preachers talk constantly about money, material possessions, and financial success and use many Old Testament scriptures, in which God was dealing with a carnal people, whose spirit was still dead and was not raised from the dead. Menia a prekrúcajú písma v Novom zákone, ktoré hovoria o duchovnom dedičstve a bohatstve v Kristovi, podporovať ich posolstvo a povzbudzovať ľudí prostredníctvom svojich kázní, dať viac peňazí vo viere, aby aj oni dostali viac peňazí späť (vrátane kazateľa). Veľa krát, pri prijímaní ponuky sa prednesie motivačný prejav o zážitku, čím bola osoba ‚blahoslavená’ Pánom v dôsledku dávania peňazí. Účelom tohto posolstva je dotknúť sa veriacich v ich emóciách a pocitoch, aby boli povzbudení, aby dávali.

Ale kazatelia, ktorí kážu toto posolstvo, sú stratení a nežijú v Kráľovstve Božom a nie sú vedení Slovom a Duchom, but they live in the kingdom of this world and are led by the lust, túžby, and greed of their flesh.

Of course it is true, that what you sow you will reap, and therefore if you sow money, you will reap money. But do you only give to receive? And is this what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about and is this the message that Jesus wants His church to preach? Is this the message, where Jesus died for?

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