啟示錄中騎白馬的是誰 6:2?

在啟示錄中 6:2, we read about the rider on the white horse, who had a bow and to whom a crown was given and went forth conquering and to conquer. But who is the rider on the white horse? Is the rider on the white horse Jesus, as so many Christians assume and preach? Will there be a great revival on earth? Or is this rider on the white horse the antichrist or someone else, and shall there be a falling away instead?

Is the man on the white horse Jesus Christ?

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer (啟示 6:1-2)

Let’s assume, that this man on the white horse is Jesus Christ, then where is His sword? And what about Jesusreign and status as King and Overcomer? Because Jesus is King of the Kingdom of God and an Overcomer and has already received a crown and the Kingdom with all authority in the heavens and on earth given to Him. 所以, Jesus can’t receive another crown and other authority, since all authority has already been given to Him.

If we look at the six seals in general, why is the first seal a seal of prosperity and the rest of the seals full of disasters? This is odd. But if this man on the white horse isn’t Jesus, then who is this man on the white horse, with a bow, and to whom has been given a crown?

The bow of the rider on the white horse

In the Old Testament we read in several places about the bow being used as a weapon, and about God, Who uses a bow and arrows in reference to His righteousness and to deal with the disobedience of the people towards Him. 然而, in the New Testament, we don’t read anything about a bow being used as a weapon or symbolically used by God. We also don’t read anything about Jesus, using a bow and arrows. But we read about the sword; the Sword of the Spirit, which is the truth of the Word of God.

will of God vs will of the devilJesus didn’t use a bow and arrows, but He used the sword in a perfect manner. The devil tried everything to separate Jesus from God. He tried to tempt Him, by twisting the Word of God and misusing the Word of God for His flesh, so that He would sin.

The devil fired all kinds of darts (lies) at Jesus, in order to tempt Jesus, but Jesus knew the Word and the 神的旨意, and therefore Jesus was able to withstand and beat the devil.

因為事實, that Jesus knew the truth of the Word, Jesus used the sword in a perfect manner and defeated the devil with his lies (arrows).

The purpose of the devil has not changed and will never change. He is still the same and still tries, to tempt those, who have the Spirit of God and are sons of God (male and female) and separate them from God by making them believe his lies and 錯誤的教義 and lead them to sin. This hasn’t stopped because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The spiritual warfare still takes place and shall continue until the devil is cast into the eternal lake of fire. Until that time, he still has the ability to tempt people and leads them to sin.

He still fires his evil darts. And what do you need to fire darts? Exactly, a bow.

The fiery darts of the devil

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. (以弗所書 6:16)

In the Book of Ephesians chapter six, we read about the fiery darts of the devil, which you can only quench with the shield of faith. The bow and arrows of the devil symbolize the lies and 錯誤的教義, which the devil and his sons use to tempt people and lead them to sin (Palms 11:2; 詩篇 58:1-7; 詩篇 64:2-4; 詩篇 91:5; 耶利米 9:3; 耶利米 9:8; 耶利米 49:35). And because of the fact, that many believers don’t walk in the truth of the Word and therefore don’t walk in faith, many are being misled and habitually keep living in sin.

假基督和假先知The spirit of the antichrist is already active in the world and therefore many false doctrines have already entered the church, which has caused the believers to stay the way they are, and keep habitually living in sin.

But this already happened in the time of Jesus and the apostles, who constantly warned the church for 假教師假先知, who came with enticing words and preached false doctrines (馬修 24:11-24, 馬克 13:22, 2 哥林多前書 11:12-15, 加拉太書 2:4, 2 蒂莫西 3 和 4, 2 彼得 2:1, 1 約翰 2:18-27, 啟示 2:14-16; 啟示 20-25).

The majority of the church is not holy; set apart for God and for His service, to exalt and glorify Him. But the church has allowed the spirit of the world to enter, and is focused upon the service of man and being exalted and glorified. 所以, the church is no longer a spotless Bride without spot and wrinkle but has been defiled.

The abomination, which leads man to destruction, has entered the church and has been given a place in the church. 所以, the devil has become the head of the congregation and is seated as ruler on the throne of the church. The majority of the members of the church don’t walk according to what God and His Word say, but what the devil, who works in the flesh and in the world, says.

The devil tempts the people and leads them to sin, through his lies and false doctrines (arrows). This way he prepares the church for the coming of the antichrist so that the church will also receive him.

At the end of the last days, he shall give a crown (power and authority) to someone, who will arise out of the midst of the people. This man to whom he will give the crown (力量) and who will use the lies and false doctrines of the devil in order to tempt and mislead the whole of humanity, will be the antichrist.

The antichrist shall receive the crown of the devil and shall go around with a bow (lies and false doctrines, which contradict the Word of God) and mislead many by performing great signs and wonders (Daniel 8:24-25, 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12, 啟示 13)

Is the man on the white horse the Messiah or the antichrist?

This man on the white horse isn’t Jesus Christ. The real Jesus Christ, Who will come on a white horse is mentioned in Revelation 19:11. But the man on the white horse in Revelation 6 is the antichrist, who will come as jesus; the messiah; the deliverer of humanity. The antichrist is the ‘jesus’ of the devil and represents the devil and his kingdom. The antichrist is the ‘jesus’ 惡魔的; he is sent by the devil and shall represent the devil and his kingdom.

The world shall receive the antichrist, including those, who belong to a religion or philosophy. That’s because he will be seen from every religion and philosophy as the deliverer, who is sent by their god, and for whom the world has waited.

魔鬼的教義The Bible also mentions this man, who is considered the deliverer of the world. But according to the Bible, this man is not the Messiah, but the antichrist, who shall arise from the people and shall be given power from the devil to reign.

He shall arise in a time of deep darkness, in which sin reigns, many natural disasters occur, the world is one big chaos, and the world’s future, from i.e. an economic viewpoint, will not be hopeful.

In that time, when there is almost no hope for recovery, this man shall arise and shall come with the answer and the solution and he shall be given much power.

The people shall see him as the deliverer, who shall deliver them from their current situation. There shall be one world order, one world religion/philosophy and everything shall look hopeful, including the antichrist, who seems godly and hopeful, but in reality shall mislead many by his lies and bind them to the devil and his kingdom of darkness, and shall eventually destroy the lives of the people.

The people will bow before the antichrist

Everyone shall bow before the antichrist and worship him, except those, who love God above all, including themselves, and stay faithful to His Word and shall not bow their knees for anyone, except the true Jesus Christ, 這 Messiah, and King.

Only those, who know the Word of God and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and through Him with the Father and walk after the Spirit, shall recognize the antichrist and shall not consider him a deliverer but the antichrist; the adversary of God.

Out of the reign of the antichrist, who comes on the white horse (as deliverer) with a bow (錯誤的教義, which contradict the Word of God) and to whom has been given a crown (力量) by the devil, and shall walk in great power, doing many signs and wonders, six major events; six seals will come forth.

There shall be war (second seal), famine (third seal), death and hades shall conquer by the sword, famine, 死亡 (pestilence) and animals (fourth seal), persecution of the sons of God; the saints, who stay loyal to the Word (fifth seal), the wrath of God, which will be shown in natural disasters (sixth seal), and the silence in heaven (seventh seal).



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