Слово на мъдростта – Ridicule people

For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall (Притчи 4:16)

The wicked (the ungodly) walk on the path of evil. The devil is their father, and his ultimate goal is to destroy as many people as possible. He is full of pride, and he wants to have the highest position there is. He doesn’t tolerate any contradiction, he is evil, a liar, jealous, misleading etc.

remove your foot from evilThe wicked walk on his path, they have the same character as he has, and therefore they walk according to his will. They will sow evil seed, and reap evil fruits.

When the ungodly cannot hurt someone, or can’t do mischief, then they will not be able to sleep, because the lust of their flesh is not satisfied yet. Only when they can do evil, harm someone, and cause someone to fall, then they will be able to sleep.

They hurt others by their speech, when they gossip and say evil things about a person. But they can also hurt others by their actions, when they mistreat others. These people have a negative nature and see everything through black glasses. They complain and talk negative about others, and don’t think that anyone is good enough, except themselves. They think they are the best, and that no one can touch them. Because of that attitude, they walk in pride, just like the devil.

Ridicule people

It’s very common and a popular thing to do, to make fun of people and ridicule people, and hurt them by their words. да, it is all about making jokes and fun about other people, and make them look like a fool in public. Why do they do that? Because it is a way to make other people laugh, and to become the center of attention.

Many people make offensive, sarcastic, and sometimes nasty remarks, because they want to be liked by others and get attention.

But it’s a very sad thing, when you have to ridicule people, in order to become noticed and be liked. When you act this way, you’ll exalt yourself. By doing this, you say, that you are better person, than the person you ridicule.

Would Jesus laugh?

The nastier you become, the more people (worldly people) will like you, and laugh. But would Jesus laugh? What do you think?

Those who really know Jesus, and live according to His will, shall never make fun of others. They shall never make jokes about other persons, and ridicule them. Followers of Jesus Christ shall never hurt another person intentionally. The righteous shall show respect to others and shall never make fun of them.

Do you love your neighbor as yourself? Do you treat your neighbor, the way you want to be treated? How would you feel, when someone would make jokes about you, and make fun of you in public?

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