Что такое освящение?

Ибо это воля Божья, даже твое освящение, что вам следует воздерживаться от блуда: Чтобы каждый из вас умел владеть своим сосудом в святости и чести.; Не в похоти похоти, как язычники, не знающие Бога (1 Салоники 4:3-5)

Sanctification is the will of God

Sanctification is part of the daily walk of every born again Christian. You have been sanctified and have been made righteous and holy, by the Lord Jesus Christ, Его кровью. Но сейчас, it is up to you to walk in righteousness and holiness. It’s time for the process of sanctification and to cleanse yourself from every sin and dead work of the flesh.

Sanctification is воля Божья. Поэтому, if you want to serve God, then sanctification is part of your new life, как сын Божий (как мужчина, так и женщина).

When you study His Word, ты узнаешь правду. When you renew your mind with the truth of God and apply His Word; His Truth in your life, you will sanctify yourself with the Word and you shall walk after His will.


Maybe you’ve heard of the word ‘detoxing’. Detoxing is very common and on trend these days. It is meant to cleanse your body from toxic substances (detoxing), which are build up inside of you. Как рожденный свыше верующий, you should also detox your life from the world.

две великие заповеди, Если ты любишь Меня, соблюдай Мои заповедиWhen you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, и родиться заново в духе, Ваш разум; Ваш образ мышления, is still the same as the world.

Your worldly thinking, ходить, мудрость, и знания, which you have built up over the years, will conflict with the will of God.

Сейчас, its up to you to show how much you really love Jesus.

Когда ты любишь Его, then you know what to do: it’s time to say goodbye to your старая жизнь. Время, to remove all the toxic habits and all the build up toxic in your mind, which leads to bondage and death. It’s time to обнови свой разум with His Word and begin to walk in His Word.

Ты, как рожденный свыше христианин, should abstain from fornication. You should know how to possess your vessel in sanctification and honour, and not in the lust of concupiscence, like the gentiles, who do not know God. How do you do this?

Обновите свой разум Словом Божьим

The first thing to do, заключается в том, чтобы обнови свой разум, со Словом Божьим. Because without the Word of God, you are not able to find out His will.

Обновление вашего разумаMeditate on His words, make His words your own. Stay habitually in His Word, so that your thinking will line up with His thinking.

Только затем, will you be able to work together with the Spirit.

Don’t obey your flesh! Don’t give into your will, твои мысли, ваши чувства, your emotions, твои похоти, ваши желания, your cravings etc., но вместо, do what the Word tells you to do.

Stand up against these carnal feelings of lust and desires. Dare to master over them, by taking the Word of God, and speak the Word.

The junkfood of the world

As long as your thinking is filled with the junkfood of the world, and you keep filling your mind with the junkfood of the world, then your thinking will never line up with the Word. Your way of thinking will never be the same, as the way God thinks. You shall always think like the world, and walk like the world.

не люби ни мира, ни того, что в миреYou will never walk as the new creation in Jesus Christ. But you will always stay a carnal Christian, кто ходит по плоти. And you shall always say, that His thoughts are far above your thoughts.

You shall always see yourselves as a sinner and because of this wrong mindset, you shall keep walking in sin and iniquity (and make it right by using the grace of God, as an excuse to sin).

Walking in holiness, и освящение, means to walk in воля Божья. Но пока, as you keep on doing your will, instead of doing His will, you shall never be able to walk in holiness and righteousness.

One Spirit with Him

When you stop feeding your flesh (Ваш разум) with the junkfood of the world, and begin to feed your spirit with the Word of God, then your thinking shall be обновленный, and shall line up with the Word. You shall think His thoughts, and become one in Him.

Sanctification is the will of GodЕдинственная вещь, that stops His Spirit from working, is your worldly way of thinking. But when you begin to think like the Word, you shall say: His ways are my ways, and His thoughts have become my thoughts.

Of course He is God, but we are His children, and He has given us the heritage; to become His sons and daughters, and to have the ability to walk as His sons and daughters на этой земле. Just like Jesus walked on this earth.

Единственный путь, to get to know what this new life, as a son or daughter, содержит, is to study the Word of God.

Believe His words and become a doer of the Word (вместе со Святым Духом).

По обновление вашего сознания со Словом, and by becoming a doer of the Word, you shall walk in faith. Пока вы остаетесь в Слове, you shall walk after the Spirit and walk in holiness and righteousness. You shall be led by the Word, instead of the world and being led by your passionate carnal desires and lusts. If stay in Him, you shall live a sanctified life in Christ.

«Будь солью земли’

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