Seated in Jesus Christ; kráčať za Duchom

V Rimanoch 8:1, we read that there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale po Duchu. This verse gives so much clarity of what it truly means to be in Jesus Christ and to be seated in Him. Let’s look at the meaning of Romans 8:1 and what it means to be seated in Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to be seated in Jesus Christ?

Preto teraz nie je žiadne odsúdenie pre tých, ktorí sú v Kristovi Ježišovi, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, but after the Ducha (Rimanom 8:1)

Rimanom 8:1 tells us what it means to be in Jesus Christ and to be seated in Him. Those who walk after the Spirit are in Christ Jesus and to them, there is no condemnation.

Many theologians say that the last part of Romans 8:1 is incorrect. Hovoria, that it is not written in the original Greek manuscripts. But if we continue reading, then it says in verse 4, that if you are in Jesus Christ, and are born again of the Spirit of God, you will walk after the Spirit and fulfill the righteousness of the law.

Znovuzrodenie z neporušiteľného semenaThat the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale po Duchu. Veď tí, čo sú podľa tela, myslia na veci tela; ale tí, ktorí sú podľa Ducha, veci Ducha (Rimanom 8:4,5)

Lebo ak žijete podľa tela, áno zomrie: ale ak vy skrze Ducha umŕtvujete skutky tela, budete žiť. Lebo všetci, ktorých vedie Duch Boží, sú to synovia Boží (Rimanom 8:13,14)

Many Christians do not know, what it truly means to be seated in Jesus Christ.

They talk about being seated in Jesus Christ, because they’ve read it in the Bible, or they heard it in church or during a conference or seminar. Ale veľakrát, they do not know, what it means to be seated in Jesus Christ in their daily lives.

What defines a Christian?

A person doesn’t become a Christian by believing that God exists, doing charity work, going to church, through church membership, a theological study, or being raised in a Christian home. Many people call themselves Christians, but not all of them are Christians. What defines a Christian?

When a person believes in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work, and by faith in Christ becomes born again (zrodený z vody a Ducha), the person becomes a new creation, syn Boží (to platí pre mužov aj ženy). Through the identification with Christ, who was the Firstborn of the new creation, the person becomes a Christian.

A Christian is born in the likeness of Christ and is no longer carnal but spiritual. A Christian is set apart from the world through regeneration in Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian.

Because the flesh is crucified in Christ and the spirit is raised from the dead and the Holy Spirit abides in the Christian, the Christian shall walk after the Spirit according to the Word and not after the flesh as a sinner anymore.

Walking after the Spirit in the obedience of God’s Word proves, that a person has become a new creation in Jesus Christ and is seated in Him.

Každý sa rodí ako hriešnik

We are all born in the flesh, ako hriešnik. Nikto nie je vylúčený (except Jesus). Predtým, ako si sa znova narodil, you were carnal and a sinner. As a sinner, you walked after the flesh, according to the will, žiadostivosti, a túžby tela. you lived under the authority of death in darkness and sin reigned as king in your life. You did the works of the flesh and walked in sin and iniquity, which lead to eternal death.

But when you heard the word of God and the gospel of salvation, you believed in Jesus the Son of God and Saviour of the world. By faith in Christ and by His blood and regeneration in Him, your spirit became alive, and you became a new creation.

As the new creation, who is justified by the blood of Jesus and spiritual, you shall walk after the Spirit in obedience to Christ in holiness and righteousness, which lead to eternal life.

There’s no condemnation to them, who are seated in Jesus Christ

Ak poviete, that you know Jesus Christ, but stay carnal and keep living after the flesh, and keep living in sin, then you tell by your works, that you don’t know Him. You may say, that you know Him and that you love Him, but your actions tell, how you truly feel about Him.

When you keep living in sin, you show by your actions, that you don’t love Him enough to stop sinning and remove the sin from your life.

If you don’t listen to Him and keep His commandments, then you are not seated in Him. When you are not seated in Him, you shall be condemned.

Only when you listen to Him, a dodržiavať Jeho prikázania, budete kráčať podľa Ducha. Keď kráčaš za Duchom, then you shall not be condemned.

Walking after the flesh

Keď kráčate podľa tela, you live under the power of the devil and death and the whole army of darkness. They only want one thing, alebo, actually, two:

  • cause you to live in rebellion against God and disobey His words
  • destroy you.

As long as you keep walking after the flesh, they shall rule over you. They shall dictate you what to do and have power over your life.

There is only one way to escape from their rulership (moc), and that is through Jesus Christ. When you believe in Him, činiť pokánie of your sinful life, and be washed clean with the blood of Jesus, lay down your flesh (krst) and be raised in the Spirit (baptism in the Holy Spirit), stanete sa novým stvorením.

A born-again Christian is seated in Jesus Christ

When you become born-again, you shall no longer be subjected to the devil and his army. They will try to make you believe, that you are still subjected to them. But the truth is that you are transferred from the darkness into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and are seated in Jesus Christ.

That’s your new position, ako znovuzrodený veriaci; syn Boží.

They will always have the ability, but you have the power, to stop them from controlling you. As long as you stay in Christ, you have the power to rule over them (Prečítajte si tiež: How to walk in the dominion that God has given you?)

Shall the devil and his army, never try to attack you? Shall they leave you alone? Nie, they shall always keep attacking you, and try to get you back into their ‘camp’.

But the difference is, that before you became born-again, you didn’t have any authority at all. You couldn’t tell them what to do. Ale teraz, that you are seated in Jesus Christ, you have all authority in Him.

Understand your position in Jesus Christ

It is therefore important to understand your position in Jesus Christ. And what authority has been given to you in Him. You are seated in Jesus Christ in the Heavenly Places, and you will reign together with Him. As long as you stay in Jesus Christ, a kráčať za Duchom, you have all authority over the devil and his whole army. You shall have all authority, and nothing shall harm you.

Áno, you shall be untouchable in Him, unless…. You return to the flesh. Then you will become subjected to the devil and his army again. And these evil powers will reign over you again, and cause a lot of harm in your life.

The Gadarene man, who was possessed

When we look at the story of the Gadarene man, who was possessed by devils and abode in tombs, we see the mission of devils.

A Ježiš sa ho opýtal, hovorí, ako sa voláš? A on povedal, légie:pretože do neho vošlo mnoho diablov. A prosili ho, aby im neprikázal ísť do hlbín. A na hore sa páslo stádo mnohých svíň: a prosili ho, aby im dovolil vojsť do nich. A trpel ich. Potom vyšli čerti z človeka, a vošiel do svíň:a stádo prudko bežalo dole strmým miestom do jazera, a boli udusení (Luke 8:30-33)

diabol ako revúci lev, hľadá, koho by mohol zožraťThose devils begged Jesus not to command them, to go out into the deep (bottomless pit, peklo, abyss). Because then they would have to go back to their master, while their assignment was not fulfilled. Therefore they begged Jesus, to let them enter the herd of swine, so that they could accomplish their mission. Jesus didn’t forbid them, but He allowed them to enter the herd of swine.

When the devils entered the herd of swine, we saw the true assignment of these devils, namely destruction.

When they entered the swine, they ran violently down a steep place into the lake and were choked.

The final destination of those swine should have been the final destination of the Gadarene man. But Jesus prevented it from happening, by setting this man free. He set him free, so that he could live in freedom.

Reign with Him

Pokiaľ budete dodržiavať Jeho prikázania, a kráčať za Duchom, then you are seated in Jesus Christ. You shall reign with Him, and you shall do the same works as He did.

But if you stay the starý muž a kráčaj ďalej po tele, then your life will be like the Gadarene man, who was ruled, and even tortured, by devils. Maybe you will have fewer devils than this man had. But when you keep walking after the flesh, they shall possess your life and cause destruction, and your final destination shall be eternal death. Because that is their assignment; to steal, zabiť, destroy, and fill hell, with as many people as possible.

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