Čo je tajomstvom Zákona?

V Matúšovi 5:17, it is written that Jesus didn’t come to earth to destroy the law, ale Ježiš prišiel naplniť zákon. Although many people in the Old Covenant considered the law burdensome, Jesus knew the secret of the law. Jesus knew what the law of God was all about. Jesus knew the meaning of the law and what the law represented. That’s because Jesus came from another Kingdom and lived in another Kingdom than the kingdom of this world. Although Jesus lived in this world, Ježiš nepatril tomuto svetu. Jesus belonged to the Kingdom of God and came to earth to represent, preach and bring the Kingdom of God to this world. What is the secret of the law of God?

Christians are looking for answers, while God has already given the answer

There are many discussions and debates going on in the Church about the issues of life. Veľa kresťanov, including leaders of the Church, have questions about certain issues and spend a lot of time searching for answers. But what many of them don’t know is that God has already given them the answer in the Bible.

Avšak, the problem is that many Christians don’t want to hear the answer to their questions, because the answer of God is not according to their will or in their favor. Preto, they close their eyes and shut their ears for the truth of God.

Some questions are: may a Christian have sex before marriage? May a Christian live together (unmarried)? May a Christian marry an unbeliever? May a Christian get a divorce? Can/may a Christian be gay? Does God approve of homosexuality? May a Christian have a gender change operation? May a Christian abort babies? Or support abortion? May a Christian get a tattoo? May a Christian pierce his or her body? May a Christian practice yoga? May a Christian practice martial arts? May a Christian practice reiki? May a Christian have acupuncture? May a Christian have foreign statues or masks (t.j. buddha statues, Asian, African, South American statues or masks) in home? May a Christian go clubbing or visit (salónik) bary? May a Christian drink? May a Christian smoke? May a Christian watch horror movies? May a Christian….. and so forth.

All these questions are related to the flesh and the answers to these questions are given to us in the Bible; slovo.

Čo hovorí Biblia?

Slovo; Jesus answers all these questions. But if the Bible is clear about it and provides the answers, then why are there so many discussions and debates going on in the Church? Dobre, the reason is that many Christians don’t want to submit to God and hear and listen to the answer that the Word gives.

While the Word is clear, many Christians keep searching in the Bible for scriptures that will approve the carnal works, which derive from the will, lusts and desires of the flesh. So that they can keep living after their own will and lusts and desires of the flesh and keep doing the same things as the world.

They take the words out of the context and change the words of God, so that they won’t have to change and can do what they want to do and keep serving the spirits of this world, who operate in the flesh.

They think that they are free in Jesus Christ and that they live in freedom by accepting all things under the denominator of ‘walking in love’ a ‘the grace of God'. But the truth and reality is, that they live in darkness in the bondage of sin and death. They are blinded to the truth of God and keep believing the lies of the devil.

What does the Bible say about the Law of God?

Z tohto dôvodu, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come (Rimanom 5:12-14)

When Adam and Eve sinned sin entered the world. The law didn’t change anything. Sin didn’t enter the world, when God gave His commandments to Moses. The spiritual realm was the same before the law as after the law.

poslušnosť Jeho prikázaní

The only thing that God did was, that He gave the law to His carnal people to reveal His will and His Kingdom and the spiritual realm. So that God could have a relationship with His people.

Because the people were carnal and God is Spirit and the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh, and are contrary against each other, sin was made known through the law (Galaťanom 5:17, Rimanom 7:7).

The spirit of man was dead. Z dôvodu, že, they were unspiritual and unable to walk after the spirit.

Therefore God made His will known to His carnal people, to keep them in His love and guide them in love. So that they could have a relationship and His people would be free and stay free from every oppression and bondage of the devil and his kingdom.

As long as they feared God, yielded themselves to God and kept the law, they served God and walked in His will and the devil could not touch them.

But as soon as they went their own way and left God by becoming disobedient to God’s law, which represented God’s will, they came into the bondage of the devil and death.

Nowadays the law of God, which is written in the Old Testament, is seen as outdated dusty rules and many people are horrified by all of these rules. They want to be free and do whatever they want to do. They want to live their own lives, doing their own will, without someone telling them what to do.

Rebellion against the law of God

The devil was rebellious and didn’t submit himself to God and didn’t want to obey Him. He was rebellious. The unregenerate man has the nature of the devil and therefore the unregenerate man doesn’t want to submit to God and obey His commandments either. The old creations are sons and daughters of the devil and are Hriešnikov, who rebel against every word and every commandment that comes from God, including the moral commandments of God, which are written in the law.

They are horrified by God’s commandments. Because it means, that they cannot walk after their own will and after their carnal lust and desires and live like the world, but it means they have to die to ‘self’.

They consider the commandments as a deprivation of their liberty. Ale pravda je taká, that if they turn away from the Word and His commandments and don’t listen to Him, they automatically come in the bondage of the devil.

The old creations and the carnal believers, who walk after the flesh consider the Božích prikázaní as a set of religious and annoying rules, that keep them from being free. ale the new creations consider the commandments of God as precious warnings and guidance for their lives. They consider the commandments of God, to come from a loving Father, Who wants to have a relationship with His children and wants to guide them into all truth and raise them up so that they will spiritually mature. He wants to reveal His Kingdom and His will to His children.

Jesus fulfilled the Law

Do not begin to suppose that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfil (Matúš 5:17)

Jesus came to fulfill the Law and not to destroy the Law. He endured many Pokušenia, but He never left the commandments of His Father (the Law). He never walked after His own will and after the lusts and desires of His flesh, but He stayed obedient to the Father and walked after the will of the Father.

Jesus loved God the Father with all His heart, duša, moc, and mind and therefore He wanted to please and glorify the Father. Áno, Jesus gave up His own life for His Father, because He knew how much God loves people.

Kvôli Jeho veľkej láske k Svojmu Otcovi, He stayed obedient to His Father, to His commandments, a Jeho vôľa.

Jesus didn’t bow to the temptations and seductions of the devil and his demons; the spirits of this world, but He ruled over them (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Dám ti bohatstvo sveta!).

The Law revealed the will of God

The law revealedGThod’s will; His heart, to His carnal people, who walked after the flesh. Through the law, God made Himself known to His people. Jesus walked in the will of His Father, He kept all the commandments of His Father. Therefore He walked in love, in the Law.

Jesus even added commandments to the Law and expanded the Law. He made the commandments harder for the carnal people, who walked after the flesh.

Keď miluješ Ježiša, budeš zachovávať Jeho prikázania

But Jesus knew, that the new creations, ktorí maliukrižovali svoje telo in Him and were risen from the dead, mocou Ducha Svätého, would have the same Spirit of God. Therefore they would also be able to fulfill the expanded Law of God in their lives on earth.

Jesus is our Example. He showed us how to walk as new creations. He was the Firstborn of the new creation (ROM 8:29, Plk 1:18, Rev 1:5). Jesus fulfilled the law by walking in the will and commandments of His Father.

Keď sa stanete a new creation, you will have His nature and you will also be able to fulfill the law in your life.

Pokiaľ zostaneš v Ňom; slovo, and you live after the Spirit and do what pleases Him, you will live after His will and you shall fulfill the law or as is written in Romans 3:31, you shall establish the law.

Či potom vierou zrušíme zákon? chráň Boh: áno, ustanovíme zákon (Rimanom 3:31)

But it all depends upon one thing and that is, are you truly prepared to lay down your own life for Jesus Christ? Are you willing to give up your will, vaše túžby, tvoje túžby, sny, názory, pocity, emócie, your …….? Are you willing toukrižuj svoje telo?

Walking as a son of God

When the new creation walks after the Spirit, ako Boží syn (this applies to both male and female), potom (s)he will not listen and give any attention to the flesh, because the flesh is crucified and is death. Every son of God ought to walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh. The sons of God shall not be led and dictated by their senses, pocity, emócie, bude, žiadostivosti, túžby, atď.

The Word reigns in their lives and therefore they walk after the Spirit and the Word and therefore the sons of God walk in God’s will after His commandments (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Aké sú vlastnosti Božieho syna?).

The new creation is no longer a sinner. Because the new creation has ľutoval of his/her life as a sinner and repented of the former things. The new creation willodložiť starca, who lived after the flesh as a sinner, and by faith in Jesus Christobliecť si nového muža, who is born of the Spirit and live after the Word and the Spirit (Prečítajte si tiež: ‘Zostávaš vždy hriešnikom?').

Čo je tajomstvom Zákona?

Nové stvorenie, ktorý kráča za Duchom, doesn’t need the written law anymore. Because the secret of the Law is, that by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Boží zákon (the commandments of God) is written in the heart of the new creation. Therefore the new creation will automatically walk in His prikázania, doing His will and therefore fulfilling His law.

one heart and one spirit

If you love God with all of your heart, myseľ, duša, moc, budeš konať Jeho vôľu, because you want to please Him.

The Word of God came to the prophet Jeremiah and said:

But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, hovorí Pán, I will put my law in their inward parts, a napíšte im to do srdca; a bude ich Bohom, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, a každý svojho brata, hovorí, Poznaj Pána: for they shall all know me, od najmenšieho z nich až po najväčšieho z nich, hovorí Pán: lebo im odpustím neprávosť, a na ich hriech si už nebudem pamätať (Jeremiáš 31:33-34)

The Holy Spirit shall say and do what the Word says and shall never contradict the Word. Therefore the Holy Spirit shall never turn against the commandments of God, which are given in the Old Testament.

The law warned the carnal people of God, who lived after the flesh, to not walk as the Gentiles (svet), but to turn away from their religions, praktík, and habits.

God set apart His people

God didn’t want His people to walk like the world; like the sons and daughters of the devil. This not only applies to His carnal people; the Jews, but it also applies to His spiritual people, who are born of God and have become nové stvorenie skrze Ježiša Krista.

God gave the promise of the new creation to His people. He promised them the nové stvorenie, who would be born of the Spirit of God. The new creation would be a son of God and co-heir of Jesus Christ, a reign with Him over every principality, sila, autorita, and power of the darkness.

He has given His power; His authority to the new creations of God, who are the Church; telo Kristovo.

A New Covenant

The covenant is renewed, which means that the Old Covenant isn’t legal anymore. Because before the New Covenant in Jesus Christ came, the carnal people of Israel were justified by their works; by keeping the law, including all the feasts, obete, a rituály. But that is no longer the case. Jediná cesta to be saved and become justified and righteous is by faith in Jesus Christ; by His blood and by becoming born again in the spirit.

Trpezlivosť svätých zachovávajte prikázania

But that doesn’t mean that the will of God has changed!

God is the same Yesterday, Dnes, a navždy! That means God’s commandments, which represent God’s will also stay the same.

Jediný rozdiel je, that God has written His law; His will upon your heart, because the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you.

The same Holy Spirit that dwelled in Jesus Christ and Who answered all the questions to the people about the issues of life, dwells inside of you. Therefore He shall answer your questions, prostredníctvom Slova.

But the thing is: “will you listen to Him, and obey Him?“

When He speaks, and when He answers it will always be in line with the commandments of God (vôľa Božia), a Jeho Slovo. He will never contradict the Word of God.

The secret is, that a new creation doesn’t have questions regarding the flesh, because the flesh doesn’t live anymore,

The new creation walks after the Spirit and discerns what is carnal and what is Spirit; what is evil and what is good. The new creation shall walk in the law of the Spirit, the law of Jesus Christ, which is the law of God, including the commandments of Jesus). The Holy Spirit shall lead the new creation into all truth.

Questions about the issues of life

If you have questions concerning the issues of life, that have to do with the flesh, you shall find all the answers in the Old Testament and the four gospels (because God gave His commandments to His people, who walked after the flesh). The apostles Paul, Peter, John, James, atď. referred to the Old Testament. Therefore it proves that the commandments of God are still valid for the new creation.

Nech si tvoje srdce zachová moje slová a zachováva moje prikázania, príslovia 4:4

Bohužiaľ, many Christians today, live in a false theology and have been taught false doctrines, that tell them that the commandments of God, which are written in the Old Testament, are outdated and dissolved in Jesus Christ. Therefore the commandments of God are no longer applicable to today’s Christians and to this era. But that’s one of the biggest lies!

Samozrejme, we no longer have to keep the feasts, rituály, potravinové zákony, and sacrificial offerings of the Old Covenant, because they applied to the old creation; starý muž, and were an allusion to Jesus Christ, Jeho obeť, and the New Covenant in Him.

But God’s commandments, which represent His will are still valid. Because His Kingdom is still the same. Ježiš povedal, that He didn’t come to destroy the law, but to fulfill the law.

If we look at all the questions, I mentioned at the beginning of this article, you already know deep down inside of you the answers. And you know what is striking? That the answers to all the questions are the same.

Justified by faith in Jesus Christ and not by the works of the Law

Let me be clear, you are not justified by keeping the works of the Law, but you are justified by faith in Jesus Christ; by His blood and Jeho vykupiteľské dielo. But as a new creation, you have received the Holy Spirit, Who lives inside of you and therefore you shall automatically walk in His Law; v Jeho vôli, doing His commandments, which are written in your heart. As long as you abide in Him and walk in His will, doing His commandments, you shall do the works of righteousness.

What doth it profit, moji bratia, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? Can faith save him.Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone (James 2:14,17)

By the habitation of the Holy Spirit and by renewing your mind so Slovom Božím, you shall gain knowledge and get understanding in the spiritual realm, which is behind the natural realm.

The more you seek the things which are above and not on the earth and zomrieť telu, the more the Kingdom of God becomes visible to you. When the Kingdom of God becomes visible to you, you shall be able to represent, preach and establish His Kingdom upon this earth.

Tu je trpezlivosť svätých:tu sú tí, ktorí zachovávajú prikázania Božie, a Ježišovej viery (Zjavenie 14:12)

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