Beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, minat terhadap agama Timur, falsafah timur, dan amalan Timur telah meningkat dengan ketara. Ramai orang telah mengamalkan ilmu tersebut, kebijaksanaan, doktrin, dan amalan yang berasal daripada agama Timur dan falsafah Timur. Because of that Eastern religions and Eastern philosophies are prominent in Western society. You would think, that this has only been taken place in the world and that believers have abstained from these Eastern philosophies, doktrin, and practices. But unfortunately, this is not the case. Instead of believers being led by the Word and the Holy Spirit and guarded the gates of the Church against evil spirits and false doctrines, they are led by the words of man and have adopted the knowledge and wisdom of the world and opened the gates of the Church for demonic powers and false doctrines to enter. They have succumbed to the spirits of this world and have allowed Eastern wisdom and knowledge into the Church and have adopted their doctrines, techniques, (healing)methods, and practices. As a result, many churches have been defiled with the occult and think they walk in the light on the right path of life, while in reality they are blinded in their minds and walk in darkness on their way to hell. Many have Christianized Eastern philosophies and Eastern practices and think they can separate the natural from the spiritual. But that’s impossible! You can’t separate the spiritual aspect from the natural wisdom, pengetahuan, techniques, methods, and physical practices, since they derive from the spiritual.
You can’t separate the spiritual from the physical
There are many people, who say they believe and practice meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and/or martial arts. They say they only practice the techniques, methods, and physical exercises, without the religious, philosophical, and spiritual aspect.
They say that the meditation techniques, mindfulness methods and physical exercises and/or combat techniques have no spiritual context. But how is that possible? Since these techniques, methods, exercises, and/or combat techniques derive from the spiritual and are inextricably linked.
These techniques, methods, and practices derive from evil spirits, who have given their wisdom and knowledge to carnal people through meditation and channeling. They derive from inspiration and revelations (visions) from demonic spirits (Baca juga: The danger of consulting spirits).
If these techniques, methods, practices, and combat techniques derive from the inspiration of demonic spirits, how can you separate these demonic spirits from these techniques, methods, exercises, and/or combat techniques? Since these demonic spirits are ‘the owners’ of these (combat) techniques, methods, and physical exercises. Every (combat) technique, method, and physical exercise contain a promise, which will come to pass through application and practice.
Because just like in the Bible there are many promises that become reality through obedience and by doing the Word, these methods, (combat) techniques and exercises also contain promises, which become reality by applying and doing them.
When someone gets involved in meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or martial arts and practice a specific pose or combat technique, the person obeys the words and practice of the demonic spirit. From that moment the person bows and submits himself or herself to the demonic spirit and allows this demonic spirit to enter his/her life.
Participating in Eastern philosophies and practices opens a door for demonic powers
You can’t separate the religious and spiritual aspects from the physical exercise. Therefore you can’t disregard the spiritual aspect, since it derives from the spiritual.
This also applies to alternative and holistic ways of healing, like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki, Acupuncture, massage techniques, Dll. (Baca juga: ‘The danger of Reiki’, ‘The danger of acupuncture’, ‘The danger of massage’).
All these Eastern doctrines, techniques, (healing)methods, and physical exercises derive from the mind of the old carnal man, who have received their wisdom and knowledge through meditation and channeling with demonic spirits.
These doctrines and practices derive from Eastern religion and Eastern philosophies and are not part of the Kingdom of God.
These Eastern doctrines and practices are not written in the Word of God and therefore they must be rejected by the Church. Kerana Allah telah memerintahkan umatNya; GerejaNya, untuk menyimpan perintahNya dan tidak terlibat dengan agama kafir, falsafah, and practices, kerana mereka berasal dari kerajaan kegelapan (Oh. Cth 20:3, Ia memberi 12:1-32, Kerana 10:1-5, 1 Jo 5:3).
Ramai orang, yang mengatakan mereka percaya mempunyai fikiran dunia
Namun begitu, masalahnya ramai orang, yang mengatakan mereka percaya, adalah duniawi dan mempunyai fikiran dunia dan milik dunia. Mereka mencintai dunia dan perkara-perkara yang ada di dunia. Oleh itu mereka tidak boleh menahan diri daripada amalan ini tetapi ingin mengambil bahagian.
Mereka tidak mahu berbeza dengan dunia, tetapi mereka mahu mengambil bahagian dalam trend dunia. Oleh itu mereka telah mencari jalan untuk meluluskan mereka, iaitu dengan mengkristiankan amalan-amalan ghaib ini.
Jalan itu, they can live according to their will and say and do the same things as the world, without being accused in their mind, thinking they are saved.
But pouring pious Christian sauces over the things of this world and Christianize them, don’t change anything about the truth and the spiritual roots of Eastern philosophies and Eastern practices.
You can deceive and fool an unspiritual person and make him or her believe that Christian yoga, Christian self-defense, Christian martial arts, Christian meditation, and Christian mindfulness or christfulness exist and that there is nothing wrong with it and has many (health) benefits. But a son of God, who is spiritual and walks after the Spirit, akan membezakan roh dan tidak akan tertipu dan tertipu oleh pembohongan syaitan ini dan tidak akan terlibat dengan kerja-kerja kegelapan.
"Saya hanya berlatih yoga untuk latihan fizikal"
Ada orang, yang mengatakan mereka percaya dan hanya mengamalkan yoga kerana latihan fizikal dan tidak terlibat dengan aspek agama dan rohani yoga. Mereka mengatakan bahawa yoga barat tidak berbahaya dan tidak berbahaya. Tetapi anda tidak boleh memisahkan amalan fizikal yoga daripada asal agama dan sumber rohani.
Tidak ada perbezaan antara yoga Timur dan yoga Barat. Semua jenis yoga dan semua latihan yoga berasal dari sumber rohani yang sama melalui inspirasi daripada roh syaitan. Setiap pose yoga menyembah tuhan hindu, who is in reality a demonic spirit.
Setiap orang, who practices yoga, will be yoked together with the devil and every pose opens a door for a demonic spirit to enter his or her life (Baca juga: ‘The danger of yoga‘).
Itu, who say that yoga is just physical and not spiritual and that you can separate the religious and spiritual aspects from the physical exercises are liars and don’t have the Spirit of God and don’t belong to Jesus Christ, but they have the spirit of the world and belong to the world.
Can you separate the philosophical and spiritual aspect from the combat techniques?
There are believers, who don’t practice yoga, because they acknowledge that through meditation and the physical exercises you open your life for demonic spirits to enter, kerana mereka percaya bahawa anda tidak boleh memisahkan aspek agama dan rohani daripada latihan fizikal. Tetapi sementara itu, mereka mengamalkan seni mempertahankan diri dan percaya pada etika moral seni mempertahankan diri dan/atau mempromosikan pertahanan diri yang berasal daripada seni mempertahankan diri.
Mereka kata, bahawa anda tidak boleh memisahkan aspek agama dan rohani daripada latihan fizikal yoga, tetapi anda boleh memisahkan aspek falsafah dan rohani teknik pertempuran fizikal seni mempertahankan diri dan teknik mempertahankan diri. Tetapi ini tidak masuk akal sama sekali!
Kerana jika anda tidak dapat memisahkan aspek agama dan rohani yoga dan kesan dalam alam rohani daripada kaedah dan latihan fizikal, you can’t separate the philosophical and spiritual aspects of martial arts and the effects in the spiritual realm from the combat techniques and physical exercises.
Just like yoga, martial arts is a way of life, it’s a life philosophy, whereby the philosophy and practices are inextricably connected to each other. Therefore it’s impossible to separate them.
Martial arts is developed by Buddhist monks through yoga, meditation, and channeling with demonic spirits. Every combat exercise has derived through the inspiration of demonic spirits, who belong to the kingdom of darkness (Baca juga: The danger of martial arts).
Just like yoga, has its origin in pagan religion, martial arts also has its origin in pagan philosophy, that belong to the kingdom of darkness. Their doctrines, ethics, and physical exercises diametrically oppose the Word of God.
They deny the existence of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They deny that God is the Creator of the heaven and the earth. They deny that Jesus is the Son of the Living God and they deny the Holy Spirit.
People can do everything by themselves and don’t need God.
The reason why even church-leaders are misled and have succumbed for Eastern philosophies and practices?
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1)
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Not only many people, who say they believe and go to church are misled and have succumbed for these Eastern false doctrines and pagan practices, but even church-leaders are misled and have succumbed. Why? Because they are carnal and belong to the world. They believe in the opinion of people, who say that you can separate the religious, philosophical, and spiritual aspect from the natural practice of meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or martial arts or they have practiced meditation, yoga, and/or martial arts in their former life, before their repentance, but have not fully renounced these occult practices.
Many church leaders have started right but down the road, they have succumbed under the pressure of carnal believers, yang mempunyai pemikiran dunia dan/atau kerana cinta lama mereka terhadap agama Timur, falsafah, yoga, dan/atau seni mempertahankan diri dan telah meninggalkan kepercayaan dan telah menganut agama Timur dan falsafah Timur, dan amalan dalam gereja.
As a result, ramai pemimpin telah mencampurkan Firman Tuhan dengan falsafah Timur dan amalan Timur dan mengajar pemakanan, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, martial arts (termasuk mempertahankan diri).
Mereka menggunakan contoh-contoh dari falsafah dan amalan Timur dan/atau pengalaman mereka dari kehidupan dahulu dalam khutbah mereka, untuk menjelaskan kebenaran rohani, di mana pendengar dalam jemaah dipengaruhi dan mendapat pengetahuan tentang falsafah Timur dan amalan Timur ini dan menganggapnya sebagai baik dan diterima oleh Tuhan.
Kerana para pemimpin ini telah membuka diri mereka untuk doktrin dan amalan pagan, they are inspired by demonic spirits masquerading as the Holy Spirit.
They receive special visions, revelations, and prophecies that seem spiritual and divine, but are not from God, but from man through the inspiration of demonic spirits and ensure that people become prideful, independent and can do all things by themselves by applying the right words, techniques and methods (Baca juga: ‘A technical faith‘)..
Prayer houses are turned into yoga classes and Dojo’s
Many churches are changed from a house of prayer, where Jesus; the Word is the center and is exalted and God is glorified and the spirit of man is fed, into occult places, where the flesh; the soul, and body of people are fed and Eastern philosophies, meditation, mindfulness techniques, yoga and martial arts (termasuk mempertahankan diri) are taught and demonic powers are exalted and the devil is glorified (Baca juga: ‘Zaman baru dalam gereja’, ‘Gereja ghaib’, ‘The church, a social institution or power of God?' dan 'The world church is being prepared for the antichrist’).
As a result, many believers have become lukewarm for Jesus Christ and hardly spend any time with Jesus and the Father. They don’t study the Bible and don’t pray and fast. They have become indifferent towards sin and the lost, and because of that they tolerate sin and people don’t repent and don’t become born again and therefore souls are not saved.
They don’t live after the Word, but they live after the words of the world. Itu, many don’t experience rest and peace in their lives and are not happy and satisfied. But they are prideful, restless, fearful, anxious, dejected, depressed, lonely, rebellious, angry, unsatisfied, unforgiving, dan tertekan dengan masalah dan kekacauan dalam kehidupan seharian mereka.
‘Jadilah garam bumi’