¿No morirás si sigues pecando??

¿No morirás si sigues pecando?? Eso es lo que muchos cristianos creen. Piensan que no importa cómo vivas, siempre y cuando creas en Jesús. But don’t these words sound familiar and remind you of someone, who said the same thing and ended up lying? I’m talking about the devil. The devil also said that man would not die, if man disobeyed the commandment of God. He managed to deceive man with his lies and convince man that eating the fruit from the forbidden fruit would do no harm and wouldn’t lead to death, but that it was good for man, since man would become as God. The devil still succeeds in deceiving Christians with the same lie, that sin doesn’t lead to death. But what does the Bible say about sinning in the New Covenant? ¿No morirás si sigues pecando??

God doesn’t make people afraid, but God reveals the truth and warns people out of love

Desde el principio de la creación, God spoke the truth. God revealed the truth to people. He warned people and made people a partaker of His plans. God did that back then, and God still does that.

God still speaks and reveals the truth. He still warns people through His Word and the Holy Spirit. But the people decide whether to listen, creer, and obey the words and commandments of God (mandamientos de jesus) O no.

A wise man, who fears the Lord, listens to the words of God. A wise man believes and obeys His words and is a doer of His words.

But a foolish man may listen to the words of God but don’t believe His words. A foolish man shall not keep His words and obey His commandments, but rejects His words. (Oh. Salmo 14; 53, Proverbios 1:5, 10:8, 23; 14:16, lucas 6:43-49, John 12:48 (Leer también: Los oyentes versus los hacedores y Is Jesus thrown out of church?)).

God’s warning to man

God planted a garden eastward in Eden and put man, whom God formed, in the garden of Eden. God made out of the ground grow every tree that was pleasant to the sight and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. 

God blessed man and said, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth (Génesis 1:28)

Génesis 1:26-27 God created man in His own image male and female created He them

And so God appointed man on earth and gave man dominio para gobernar sobre la tierra y todo lo que hay dentro.

God gave man the responsibility to cultivate and keep the garden and God gave one commandment to man.

God said that they could freely eat from every tree in the garden. Sin embargo, they were not allowed to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For in the day that man would eat thereof, man would surely die.

God informed man and revealed to him, what would happen if man decided to disobey God’s commandment.

God didn’t make man afraid by informing him, but God warned man out of love. Because God’s thoughts for man were thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give man an expected end.

Man kept the commandment of the Lord, which was good and contained life. Man walked with God until the serpent approached the woman (Génesis 2).

The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field

Now the serpent, which the Lord God had made, was placed under man’s dominion. Porque, God gave man dominion over the earth and over every living thing that moves upon the earth, including the serpent.

The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. Therefore the serpent was the perfect candidate for the devil to accomplish his mission and take the place of God and usurp man’s dominion over the earth. So that the devil would become the god of man and the ruler of the earth.

The devil heard what God had spoken to man. He knew that God’s words were the truth. The devil also saw the relationship between God and man. He saw the walk of man with God and the obedience of man to God and His words.

The devil came up with a plan to tempt man in a cunning way to sin and ensure that man would believe his words and do what God had forbidden man to do.

The serpent caused man to doubt the words of God

Just as God often approaches people with a question, the devil also approached the woman with a question. The serpent said to the woman, Sí, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

The woman answered the serpent and said, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest ye die. 

biblescripture psalm 119-9 young man cleanse his way

Although the serpent knew that the words of God were the truth, he tried to convince the woman that the words of God were lies, by questioning the words of God and mixing a partial truth of God with his lie, and with his lie arousing the lust and desire in the woman by making desirable what was forbidden by God.

The devil caused the woman to doubt the words of God and made her curious. He enchanted her with his deceptive words and wonderful promise that man would be as God, knowing good and evil and therefore be wise and independent.

We know, that the devil fell from his position through pride and his lust and desire to become as God. Therefore the devil knew the ‘formula’ to tempt man and make man believe his words, which carried the death. Since the words of the devil led to the death of man.

Ye shall not surely die

The serpent said to the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God does know, that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

The serpent convinced the woman that he was telling the truth. That he was the one, who had man’s best interest at heart, en lugar de dios.

With his lies, the devil portrayed God in a bad way, by indirectly saying that God had not spoken the whole truth but that he hid part of the truth from man and that He had not the best interest of man at heart.

While God was the One, Who had the best interest of man at heart. Whose thoughts for man were thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give man an expected end. Unlike the devil, whose intentions were evil and whose thoughts were wicked and led to the destruction of man.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil, which carried the death, became desirable for man

The words of the serpent changed the view of man. Suddenly the woman saw the tree from a whole other perspective, than before. When she only heard and believed the words of God and obeyed His commandment. 

The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which produced the forbidden fruit and carried the death, was no longer considered evil and forbidden and a danger to man. But the tree became desirable for man. Because according to the words of the devil, the fruit would make one wise and become just like God. The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eyes.

Como por un solo hombre entró el pecado en el mundo y la muerte por el pecado, los romanos 5:12-13

The woman began to doubt the words of God, whereby man would live.

She began to believe the words of the serpent, which would lead to death, whereby what God had forbidden became desirable and seemed right to do.

By faith in the words of the devil, the woman and her husband did what God had forbidden to do (out of love and for the protection of man).

The woman took some of the fruit and ate. She gave also unto her husband with her, who didn’t stop her but was also tempted to sin.

They both became disobedient to God and ate from the forbidden fruit, which indeed gave them knowledge of good and evil, but led to death. Just as God told them and warned them about.

A través del pecado, Man fell from his position and lost his dominion

Instead of becoming as God, as man had imagined, man fell from his position. Man lost his dominion on earth to the devil and was put beneath the angels. Man became a slave of the devil and of sin and death. The spirit in man died and the spiritual connection and relationship between God and man was broken.

And so the devil had gained victory and became the god of fallen man and the ruler of the earth, by making man doubt the words of God and making man believe his deceptive lie, which awakened the desire in man and led to disobedience to God (pecado). 

The true nature of the devil was revealed

The devil revealed his true nature in the Garden of Eden. He showed that he was a liar, a thief, a killer, and a destroyer. And nothing has changed since then.

The devil is still a liar, a thief, a killer, and a destroyer. He still goes around as a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour (Oh. John 10:10, 1 Pedro 5:8). 

He still causes people, including many Christians, to believe his words. Because the devil speaks what the carnal man wants to hear. He gives what the carnal man wants and thinks he needs.

The devil is a master of deception and of responding to the will, sentimientos, necesidades, deseos, y los deseos de las personas carnales. He seems so humanistic and loving. Mientras tanto, the devil deceives and destroys people and leads people to hell.

And since the devil’s tactic still works and people still believe in his words, que son mentiras, and still be deceived and tempted to sin, why should the devil change his tactic? Why change something if it still works?

The lie that the serpent used in the Garden of Eden still works

The Bible is clear about loving the world, walking after the flesh, and the fruit of the flesh aka the works of the flesh (pecado). The words in the Bible still apply today. The Word still warns the people and calls them to repentance and the removal of sin. Not to make people afraid (as the devil makes Christians believe), but out of love for people. For their benefit and protection and to give them a hopeful future and eternal life.

But the majority of people are not born again in Christ.

1 John 2:15 no ames al mundo ni las cosas que están en el mundo

They are not sons of God (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres). But they are still sons of the devil (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres), who have a sinful nature and keep listening to their father, el diablo (the father of fallen man), and believe his words, which causes them to walk in pride after the flesh in rebellion to God, as enemies of God and His Word 

For both prophet and priest are profane; sí, in my house have I found their wickedness, dice el señor. Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein: for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, dice el señor (Jeremías 23:11-12)

And the born-again Christians, who walk after the Word and the Spirit, the devil tries to make them lukewarm, disobedient and apostates of God in a very subtle way.

¿Cómo lo hace el diablo?? Through the lies of false prophets and false teachers and the wolves in sheep’s clothing, who go to church and/or are appointed as preachers (pastores) or elders in the church. (Leer también: The wolves in sheep’s clothing, who wreak havoc in the church).

The devil still changes the truth of God into a lie

Because just like the devil used the most subtle animal among all the animals that God created, to fulfill his mission, the devil still looks for subtle (cunning) Personas carnales, who are prideful, puffed up by their carnal knowledge and full of themselves, and rely upon their (natural) wisdom and ability and speak their own words and think highly of themselves and consider themselves better than everyone else, to reach his goal and fulfill his mission. 

As he questioned the words of God in the Garden of Eden by his question and by changing the truth of God into a lie, he still lies and causes man to doubt and disobey the words of God.

Muchos cristianos, who are spiritually blind and walk after the flesh, still believe his words and still fall for his pious lies, which lead to destruction and the eternal death of man.

What does the Bible say about sinning?

Por lo tanto, no reine el pecado en tu cuerpo mortal, para que la obedezcáis en sus concupiscencias. Ni entreguéis vuestros miembros al pecado como instrumentos de injusticia: sino que sométanse a Dios, como los que están vivos de entre los muertos, y vuestros miembros como instrumentos de justicia para con Dios. Porque el pecado no se enseñoreará de vosotros: porque no estáis bajo la ley, pero bajo la gracia (romanos 6:12-14)

John 12:48 El que me rechaza y no recibe mis palabras, tiene quien le juzgue la palabra que he hablado.

Porque el ocuparse de la carne es muerte; pero tener una mentalidad espiritual es vida y paz.. Porque la mente carnal es enemistad contra Dios.: porque no está sujeto a la ley de Dios, tampoco puede serlo. Entonces los que están en la carne no pueden agradar a Dios. (romanos 8:6-8)

La noche está muy pasada, El día está a la mano: Desechemos, pues, las obras de las tinieblas, y vistámonos con la armadura de la luz. Caminemos honestamente, como en el dia; no en disturbios y borracheras, no en recámara y desenfreno, no en contiendas ni en envidia. Mas vestíos del Señor Jesucristo, y no proveyes para la carne, to fulfil the lusts thereof (romanos 13:12-14)

But ye have not so learned Christ; If so be that ye have heard Him, and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: Que pospusisteis la conversación anterior, el anciano, que se corrompe según las concupiscencias engañosas; Y renuevate en el espíritu de tu mente.; Y que os vestís del nuevo hombre, el cual según Dios es creado en justicia y verdadera santidad (Efesios 4:20-24)

God commanded to Put off the old man

Mortificad, pues, vuestros miembros que están sobre la tierra.; fornicación, impureza, afecto desmesurado, concupiscencia malvada, y la codicia, que es idolatría: Para que cosas’ Por eso la ira de Dios viene sobre los hijos de desobediencia.: En el cual también caminasteis algún tiempo, cuando vivisteis en ellos. Pero ahora también vosotros desechad todas estas; enojo, ira, malicia, blasfemia, comunicación sucia fuera de tu boca. No mientan el uno al otro, viendo que habéis despojado al viejo con sus obras; Y me he puesto el hombre nuevo, que se renueva en conocimiento a imagen de aquel que lo creó; Donde no hay griego ni judío, circuncisión ni incircuncisión, Bárbaro, escita, vínculo ni libre: pero cristo es todo, y en todos (colosenses 3:5-10)

La Palabra dice, that you must put off the old man. Esto no es una elección, this is a commandment of God. It’s a command of God to those, who are born again in Christ and are sons of God. Since the works of the old man, pecado, leads to death and hell instead of eternal life and heaven

The Word of God holds every person accountable and puts the blame (if the person refuses to obey the words of God and refuses to put off the works of the old man and keep sinning) on the person.

God gave everything to man to fulfill his commandment

God gave everything to man to fulfill His commandment. Therefore people have no excuse to not do what God commanded man to do.

God has given everything; Sus palabras, His Son; la palabra viva, y su espíritu santo, to humanity, to be released from the power of darkness and be transferred into the Kingdom of His Son.

He gave everything, to become a new creation in Christ, and be reconciled with God, and have dominion over sin, and walk holy and righteous as His son after the Spirit in obedience to His Word on earth.

The true sons of God believe the words of the Father. They submit to His words. They do what Jesus says, y guarda sus mandamientos. The Word builds them up, and reforms, instructs, Corrige, y chastises ellos.

The devil convinces people that sin doesn’t lead to death

Sin embargo, the devil convinces people that sin doesn’t lead to death. He makes people believe that they can’t help it if they keep sinning, and never holds the person accountable and never puts the blame on the person, but blames others. Por eso, a person has an excuse to stay the old man and keep walking after the flesh and keep sinning.

It’s never the fault of the person. It is always someone else’s fault; God or someone else.

The people believe the devil’s words and act and live according to his words. Por eso, the devil keeps the person in bondage; in a victim role, and the person has an excuse to not change and keep sinning (keep doing the works of the flesh) and keep living in disobedience to God and His Word and walk in darkness.

And the humanistic churchgoers and preachers and elders, who believe the lies of the devil, la creación, instead of the truth of God, el creador, always sides with the victim (El pecador, the rebel and violator of the Word, who keeps sinning) and applaud sin, whereby they approve of evil and proclaim evil as good and good as evil. (Leer también: ¿Qué es una mente réproba??)

Is it allowed to keep sinning under grace?

Además, la ley entró, que la ofensa abunde. Pero donde abundó el pecado, la gracia abundó mucho más: que como el pecado reinó hasta la muerte, Así también la gracia reine por la justicia para vida eterna por Jesucristo nuestro Señor.. ¿Qué diremos entonces? ¿Continuaremos en el pecado?, para que abunde la gracia? Dios no lo quiera. ¿Cómo vamos a, que están muertos al pecado, vivir más tiempo en ella? (romanos 5:20-6:2)

¿Qué, entonces?? ¿Pecaremos?, porque no estamos bajo la ley, pero bajo la gracia? Dios no lo quiera. ¿No sabéis, a quien os entreguéis siervos para obedecer, Vosotros sois siervos a quienes obedecéis; ya sea del pecado para muerte, o de obediencia a justicia? Pero gracias a Dios, que fuisteis siervos del pecado, pero vosotros habéis obedecido de corazón aquella forma de doctrina que os fue entregada. Siendo, pues, liberados del pecado, ye became the servants of righteousness.? (romanos 6:15-18).

Can’t you help if you keep sinning?

The devil comes with the same question as in the Garden of Eden; Has God said, …?

Then he comes with the same lie as in the Garden of Eden; You shall not die if you sin (sigue pecando), porque …

  • You’re no longer under the law, pero under grace.
  • You believe in Jesus and are saved by Him. Por lo tanto you’re always saved.
  • You can’t help it if you keep sinning, we’re all born sinners and will always remain pecadores.
  • You can’t help doing that, you live in a broken world.
  • You can’t help the way you are. God created you like that, you’re born this way.
  • You can’t help doing the same thing(s) as your (grand)padres, you just live under a generational curse.
  • You can’t help lying, it’s just part of your culture.
  • You can’t help committing adulterio, adultery runs in the family
  • You can’t help committing adultery, it’s your spouse’s fault. Your spouse didn’t give you what you needed and didn’t fulfill your (sexual) necesidades
  • You can’t help having feelings for someone of the same gender. You’re just born this way. God made you that way and wanted you. (Leer también: ¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre la homosexualidad??)
  • You can’t help wanting a divorce. Because your partner doesn’t believe and doesn’t do what you want, and doesn’t fulfill your needs (physically, mentally, and spiritually. (Leer también: ¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre el divorcio??))
  • You can’t help masturbándose, because you’re human and have (sexual) necesidades. If you’re single or your spouse doesn’t fulfill your sexual needs, then there is nothing wrong with masturbation.
  • You can’t help stealing, you don’t earn that much and they won’t miss it anyway
  • You can’t help committing fraud, your employer should have paid you more. They have enough money anyway
  • You can’t help committing tax evasion, the government should not impose so many and such high taxes
  • You can’t help behaving or acting that way, it’s your parent’s fault. They are responsible for your behavior, they should have

The devil convinces people that it’s never their fault if they keep sinning

According to the devil, it’s never people’s fault if they keep sinning. The devil shall always respond to the will, sentimientos, deseos, and desires of the flesh of the (viejo) man and show empathy for the flesh. Therefore he speaks words, that the old man wants to hear and gives man a permit to do what man wants and fulfill the feelings, lujuria, y deseos de la carne, so that the old man stays alive and keeps sinning and death keeps reigning in man’s life.

Aquellos, who belong to the devil shall justify sin, and the sinner

Quien permanece en él, no peca: todo aquel que peca no le ha visto, ni lo conocí. Niños pequeños, que ningún hombre os engañe: el que hace justicia es justo, así como Él es justo. El que comete pecado es del diablo.; porque el diablo peca desde el principio. Para esto fue manifestado el Hijo de Dios, para destruir las obras del diablo.

Todo aquel que nace de Dios no comete pecado.; porque su simiente permanece en él: y no puede pecar, porque es nacido de Dios. En esto se manifiestan los hijos de Dios, y los hijos del diablo: Todo aquel que no hace justicia no es de Dios., ni el que no ama a su hermano (1 John 3:6-10)

Aquellos, who listen and believe the words of the devil and say the same things as the devil to justify sin and the sinner, who keeps sinning, don’t belong to God. They’re not born of God and are not His sons (masculinos y femeninos). But they’re workers of iniquity, who speak the words of their father and do the works of their father, el diablo.

It doesn’t matter whether someone calls himself or herself a Christian, apóstol, un profeta, evangelista, pastor, bishop, etc.. Gente, who believe the lie of the devil, that you won’t die if you walk after the flesh and disobey the words of God and keep sinning and live as an enemy of God, but that you shall live, don’t belong to Christ.

They don’t speak His words and don’t keep His commandments. Because they belong to the devil and are his servants. They speak his words and do his works and ensure that people keep sinning. (Leer también: Destroying the works of God instead of the devil).

A son of God doesn’t believe the lies of the devil, expose and destroy them

Un hijo de Dios (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres) shall never believe the lies of the devil and approve of sin and applaud sin and the sinner, who keeps sinning. But a son of God exposes the lies of the devil with the whole truth of God, instead of a partial truth of God, and calls the sinner to repentance and the removal of sin, al igual que Jesús.

A son of God knows, que la paga del pecado es la muerte. And just like his father, he doesn’t want any person to perish, but to have eternal life. Therefore a son of God calls the people to repentance, out of love. (Leer también: What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?).

Shall you live if you keep sinning and go to heaven? Or shall you die if you keep sinning and go to hell?

Por lo tanto, hermanos de religion, somos deudores, no a la carne, para vivir conforme a la carne. Porque si vivís según la carne, si morirá: pero si por el Espíritu hacéis mortificad las obras de la carne, viviréis. Para todos los que son guiados por el Espíritu de Dios, ellos son los hijos de dios (romanos 8:12-14)

Pero ahora, siendo liberados del pecado, y se convierten en siervos de Dios, Tenéis vuestro fruto para santidad, y el fin de la vida eterna. Porque la paga del pecado es muerte; pero el don de Dios es vida eterna por medio de Jesucristo nuestro Señor (romanos 6:22-23)

Jesús les respondió, En verdad, en verdad, te digo, Todo aquel que comete pecado es siervo del pecado. (John 8:34)

Las palabras de Dios son espíritu y vida.. The words of the devil are carnal (carne) y la muerte

By faith in the words of the serpent, man became disobedient to the words and the commandment of God and ate the forbidden fruit, which carried death. Como resultado, death entered into man and the spirit of man died. Man became separated from God and death reigned in fallen man. Because of that fallen man (anciano) would bear the fruit of death, que es pecado, and man would die at the appointed time and leave the earth and enter infierno.

This proved, that God told the truth and the devil lied.

you decide to believe the words of God or the words of the devil

The devil still uses the same lie. He tries to convince you and make you believe, that if you disobey the words of God and don’t keep His commandments, but do what God has forbidden you to do and keep sinning, you shall not die, but live and go to heaven. While God says through His Word and Spirit, that if you keep sinning you shall die and go to hell.

Now it’s up to you, to believe the words of God, the words of Jesus, and do His words and obey His commandments in your life and repent and become born again and put off the works of the old man and put on the new man, or to believe the words of the devil, that you can live the way you want and may keep sinning and you shall not die, pero vive.

'Sé la sal de la tierra’

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