Az emberek mindenféle dolgot mondhatnak és ígérhetnek, amíg helyzet nem alakul ki, ahol szavaikra és ígéreteikre már nem emlékeznek. Ez történt Simon Péter életében is, az ember, aki szerette Jézust, és megfizette szeretetének árát. Mert Jézust szeretni és Jézust követni mindenbe fog kerülni!
Simon Péter hívása
Jézus Krisztus után, az élő Isten Fia, megkeresztelkedett vízben, megkapta a Szentlelket, és a Lélek vezette a pusztába, hogy az ördög negyven napig kísértsen és legyőzze az ördögöt, Jézus elment, hogy prédikálja Isten országát, és bűnbánatra hívja az embereket. Útközben, Jézus tizenkét férfival találkozott, akit Jézus elhívott, hogy kövesse Őt. Ez a tizenkét férfi válaszolt a hívására, és úgy döntöttek, hogy követik Őt, és tizenkét tanítványává válnak.
Simon Péter a tizenkét tanítvány egyike volt, aki válaszolt Jézus hívására és otthagyta az állását, és mindent hátrahagyott, hogy kövesse Jézust.
Péter követte Jézust, bárhová is ment Jézus, és tanúja volt Jézus Krisztusnak és Isten királyságának, amelyet Jézus prédikált.
Simon, Péter és a többi tanítvány nemcsak Jézus tanúi voltak’ Az élet és a szavak, amelyet Jézus felhatalmazással hirdetett, de tanúi voltak annak a sok jelnek és csodának is, melyek Jézust követték.
Jézus volt a Tanítójuk, és olyan közel éltek Jézushoz, és oly sokat láttak, hogy egy bizonyos időpontban, Jézus elküldte tanítványait, és hatalmat adott nekik (hatóság) az ellenség egész serege felett, és megparancsolta nekik, hogy ugyanazt az üzenetet hirdessék és ugyanazokat a cselekedeteket tegyék;.
Így mentek Jézus tanítványai, ahogy Jézus is ment, és prédikálta és elhozta Isten királyságát azoknak, akik, aki Izráel házához tartozott, jelekkel és csodákkal, akárcsak Jézus.
Péter vallomása
Amikor Jézus Cezárea-Filippi partjaira érkezett, Azt kérdezte a tanítványaitól:, mondás, Kinek mondják az emberek, hogy én, az Emberfia vagyok? És azt mondták, Némelyek azt mondják, hogy te vagy Keresztelő János: néhány, Elias; és mások, Jeremiás, vagy az egyik próféta. Monda nékik, Ti pedig kinek mondotok engem? Simon Péter felele és monda:, Te vagy a Krisztus, az élő Isten Fia. És felele Jézus, és monda néki, Áldott vagy te, Simon Barjona: mert nem test és vér nyilatkoztatta ki azt néked, hanem Atyám, aki a mennyekben van. És azt is mondom néked, Hogy te Péter vagy, és erre a kősziklára fogom építeni egyházamat; és a pokol kapui nem győzedelmeskednek felette. És neked adom a menny királyságának kulcsait: és amit megkötsz a földön, meg lesz kötve a mennyben: és amit elengedsz a földön, az feloldódik a mennyben. Ezután megbízta tanítványait, hogy senkinek se mondják el, hogy Ő Jézus, a Krisztus (Matthew 16:13-20)
Egy idő után, Jézus megkérdezte a tanítványait, "Kinek mondják az emberek, hogy én, az embernek Fia vagyok? Tanítványai így feleltek:, hogy némelyek azt mondták, hogy Jézus Keresztelő János volt, és néhány Éliás és más Jeremiás vagy valamelyik próféta. Ezután Jézus megkérdezte tőlük - De te kinek mondasz engem??Péter válaszolt Jézusnak és így szólt:, "Te vagy a Krisztus, az élő Isten Fia!”
Jézus azt mondta Péternek, hogy áldott volt, mivel test és vér nem nyilatkoztatta ki neki, hogy Ő a Krisztus, hanem az Atyja, aki a mennyben van.
Jézus ezt megígérte Péternek és bizonyságtételének, Jézus fel fogja építeni az Egyházát, és hogy a pokol kapui nem fognak diadalmaskodni rajta. Jézus odaadta a mennyek országának kulcsait, és amit megköt, azt a mennyben megkötözi, és amit felold a földön, elszabadulna a mennyben (Olvassa el is: ‘A pokol kapui nem fognak diadalmaskodni Egyházam felett', ‘Mit értett Jézus a mennyek országának kulcsai alatt??' és 'Mit ért Jézus megkötésen és feloldáson?')
Jézus megparancsolta tanítványainak, hogy ne mondják el senkinek, hogy (és az) a Krisztus (Matthew 16:20, Mark 8:30)
The disciples obeyed the words of Jesus and kept their mouths shut until the time came, that they were allowed to open their mouths and preach Jesus the Christ, first to the house of Israel and then to the Gentiles.
“Get thee behind Me, satan; thou art an offence unto Me!”
From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto His disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took Him, and began to rebuke Him, mondás, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto Thee. But He turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind Me, Satan: thou art an offence unto Me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men (Matthew 16:21-23)
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, hogy megrostáljon benneteket, mint a búzát: De imádkoztam érted, hogy hited el ne fogyatkozzon: és amikor megtérsz, erősítsd meg fivéreidet. És így szólt hozzá:, Lord, Kész vagyok veled menni, mindkettőt börtönbe, és halálra. És monda, Mondom neked, Péter, a kakas ezen a napon nem kukorékolhat, előtte háromszor tagadod, hogy ismersz engem (Luke 22:31-34)
Bár Péter volt az egyetlen, aki bizonyságot tett arról, hogy Jézus a Krisztus, és akinek Jézus megígérte, hogy Péterre és az Ő bizonyságára építi egyházát, Különböző pillanatok voltak, amikor Pétert az érzelmei és érzései vezették, és végül megtagadta Jézustól, a Krisztust.
The devil also heard that Jesus would build His Church on Peter and his testimony and therefore the devil’s eyes were focused on Peter and sought a moment to have Peter and to prevent Jesus from building His Church on Peter and his testimony.
The first moment came directly after Peter’s testimony when Jesus spoke about His sufferings, halál, and resurrection and Peter wanted to prevent Jesus from going the way of the cross.
According to the flesh, Peter’s words looked pious, compassionate, and loving, but since Jesus was not carnal but spiritual, Jesus saw the works of the enemy and rebuked him by saying, “Get thee behind me, satan: thou art an offence unto Me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men”.
The denial of Peter
Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of Me this night: for it is written, I will smite the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad. But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. Peter answered and said unto Him, Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended. Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny Me thrice. Peter said unto Him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny Thee. Likewise also said all the disciples (Matthew 26:31-35)
Then came the moment, that Peter denied Jesus thrice, while Peter had said before that he would never deny Jesus Christ. However what is written in God’s Word shall come to pass, no matter what people say.
Jesus had spoken the prophetic words of God, as is written in the Word, but Peter refused to believe and accept the words of God, which were spoken by Jesus, and rejected the words of Jesus by saying that he would never be offended of Him.
But Jesus knew the generation of the old man, who is carnal, and knew exactly what would happen and so Jesus prophesied that Peter would not deny Him once, but thrice.
But again Peter didn’t believe the words of Jesus, but went against it, by saying that although he would be taken captive and put into prison and had to die with Him, Peter would never deny Jesus. And also the other disciples spoke the same words as Peter.
azonban, God speaks the truth and God’s Word is the highest authority despite the will of man.
The disciples, who were still the old creation, didn’t want Jesus to go the way of the cross and die. Because the carnal mind and the nature of the old man are enmity against God and can’t submit to the words and the will of God.
Amellett, hogy, the disciples confessed that they would never deny Jesus, no matter what, azonban, the flesh is weak.
Because just as Jesus had spoken, all His disciples were offended of Him and ran away, when Jesus was taken captive.
And just as Jesus had prophesied, Peter denied Jesus thrice by saying that he didn’t know Jesus. And by his words and his confession, Peter became separated from Jesus and was (temporarily) no longer His disciple.
Because after Jesus was raised from the dead and Jesus commanded Mary to tell His disciples, Jesus didn’t say to Mary ‘His disciples’, but Jesus said, ‘His disciples and Peter’ (Mark 16:7).
Jesus’ prayer for Peter
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, hogy megrostáljon benneteket, mint a búzát: De imádkoztam érted, hogy hited el ne fogyatkozzon: és amikor megtérsz, erősítsd meg fivéreidet (Luke 22:31-32)
Fortunately, Peter was only separated from Jesus for a short period of time. This was due to Jesus’ prayer for Peter. Jesus saw the works of the devil and saw that the devil desired to have Peter, but Jesus had prayed that Peter’s faith would not fail and that when Peter would be converted he would strengthen his brethren.
Péter, az ember, aki szerette Jézust
So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more than these? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord; Thou knowest that I love Thee. He saith unto him, Feed My lambs. He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord; Thou knowest that I love Thee. He saith unto him, Feed My sheep. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? Peter was grieved because He said unto him the third time, Lovest thou Me? And he said unto Him, Lord, Thou knowest all things; Thou knowest that I love Thee. Jézus így szól néki:, Feed My sheep. Valóban, valóban, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. This spake He, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He saith unto him, Follow Me (János 21:15-19)
When Jesus asked Simon Peter if he loved Him more than the others, Peter answered, “yes Lord, Thou knows that I love Thee.”
Jesus didn’t ask Peter once if he loved Him, but thrice, since Simon Peter had denied Jesus thrice.
And so Peter repented by confessing his love for Jesus thrice. When the confession of Peter was made, Peter was restored and became Jesus’ disciple again.
Besides the promise that Jesus would build His Church on Peter and his testimony, Jesus commanded Peter to feed His lambs and to feed His sheep and Jesus made known with what death Peter would glorify God.
That was the price, Peter would pay for following Jesus and showing the world that he loved Jesus.
The old Peter and the new Peter
When Peter was the old man, Peter was led by his flesh (Ó. his senses, érzéseket, and emotions) and was influenced by the devil several times, and eventually denied Jesus thrice. But when Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and had become a new creation and was led by the Holy Spirit, all the doubt, szorongás, and fear for people were gone.
Peter was no longer led by a spirit of fear, but of power, szerelem, and of a sound mind. Ennek eredményeként, Peter stood up boldly in front of the house of Israel and testified of Jesus the Christ and confronted those, aki Izráel házához tartozott, with their sins and what they had done to Jesus the Christ, az élő Isten Fia, and called them to repentance.
Because of the boldness of Peter and his testimony, that Jesus is the Christ, az élő Isten Fia, 3000 souls of the house of Israel repented and were baptized in water and received the Holy Spirit.
Peter proved by his words and actions that he loved Jesus
Péter, who was filled with the Holy Spirit didn’t keep his mouth shut and didn’t stay silent, but he spoke boldly to the rulers of the people and to the elders of Israel. Peter had laid down his flesh and died to ‘self’ and wasn’t ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, even if his words led to captivity and persecution.
Even when Peter and the other apostles were taken captive and appeared for the council where they were commanded by the high priest to not teach in the Name of Jesus and to spread their doctrine, Peter and the other apostles wouldn’t stay silent and were not intimidated.
They didn’t give in and didn’t say, “ok, we shall keep our mouths shut and adjust our doctrine”, as so many leaders of the church do today, and adjust the Bible and the doctrine to society and become conformed to the world and preach a powerless gospel
But Peter and the apostles were no longer carnal but spiritual and stayed faithful to the words and the commandments of Jesus and answered the high priest that they ought to obey God rather than men (csel 3-5)
This all derived from Peter’s love for His Lord. Peter showed his love for his Lord through his obedience to the words of Jesus and His commandment and to do what Jesus had commanded to do and to follow Jesus.
Peter showed that he loved Jesus by his words, works, and eventually his death, wherewith Peter glorified God, just as Jesus had prophesied.
azonban, there was a short period of time, when Peter was led by fear of man and showed hypocritical behavior, but Paul confronted and rebuked Peter in front of the others (Galata levél 2:11-16).
Do you love Jesus with all your heart?
The love for Jesus, which Peter and also the other disciples showed by their words and works, should also be visible in the lives of Christians, who have repented by faith in Jesus Christ and are born again in Him and have become a new creation and belong to Him.
If you have become a new creation and belong to Jesus, you shall listen to His voice and follow Him.
You shall listen to His words and obey His words and His commandments and therefore you shall do what He has commanded you to do. Even if His will and commandments go against your will, since you no longer live, but Christ lives in you. That’s the choice you have made, when you decided to make Jesus not only the Savior of your life, but also the Lord of your life (Olvassa el is: ‘What if God’s will is not your will?')
Instead of keeping your mouth shut and staying silent and let everything run its course and you join with the world and speak the words of the world and the carnal people around you and compromise and deny Jesus; the Word directly or indirectly, you shall boldly stand up and open your mouth and confess the words of the Father, which are spoken by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to you, and testify of Jesus the Christ the living Word of God and call the people to repentance and the removal of sin, just like Jesus and just Peter, who both spoke hard words and offended many people. But you can better offend people than offend Jesus Christ and deny Him.
You do all this, out of love for Jesus Christ. If you do it for any other reason than the love for Jesus and the love for the Father, then it won’t benefit you anything and you shall not be able to stand by faith on the Word and endure rejections and persecution, but you shall doubt the words of God and bow for the darkness and compromise and give up and deny Jesus the Word.
You are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, but you shall stay saved by your love for Jesus, which you show through obedience to the commandments of Jesus Christ and by doing the will of the Father.
’Légy a föld sója’