In the modern gospel, many Scriptures are taken out of context and adjusted to the will and the lusts and desires of the flesh, so that the carnal man doesn’t have to change, but can stay the way (s)he is and live the way (s)il veut, and persevere in sin without feeling guilty and without any consequences. La volonté de Dieu, which has been made known through the Scriptures, especially the moral part of the law, is rejected and everything that God has disapproved and condemned in the Bible is considered outdated, légaliste, and no longer applies today. People say that sin has been made of no effect and that sin has no consequences, since we no longer live under the law but under grace. But did sin come by the law and does sin no longer exist and have no consequences, because Christ has freed us from the law? Or did sin already exist before the law and does sin still exist and still have consequences, despite the redemption in Christ from the law?
The Creator of heaven and earth
L’herbe se flétrit, la fleur se fane: mais la parole de notre Dieu subsistera éternellement (Isaïe 40:8)
God is the Créateur du ciel et de la terre et tout ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur. God is the Almighty, the Eternal, and His will and His words stand forever and shall always apply in the heavens and on earth. No matter what people say and do, people are not able to change the will of God and His Word (Oh. Psaumes 33:11, 1 Pierre 1:25).
The devil can blind the carnal people and tempt them with his lies, which looks like the words of God, but slightly deviate, and make the people believe that God is a modern God, Who moves with the times and because of that adjust His will to the times, but the born again believers, who walk after the Spirit and know the Word and the Father shall not be blinded and be misled but shall know that the will of God shall never change but shall stand forever.
They know the Word and they know that eventually, His Word shall judge everyone according to his or her works. No one is excluded from the judgment of God (Révélation 20:12 (Lire aussi: ‘The Word has the final word on the Day of Judgment').
God made His will known to mankind
From the creation, God made His will known to mankind. Man was perfectly created in the image de Dieu and didn’t have a sin nature, but man had a free will. This free will of mankind chose to rebel against the words of God and to leave the only commandment of God.
Man believed and obeyed the creation instead of the Creator and bowed before the creation and put the creation above the Creator, causing mankind to come under the authority of the creation; le diable.
À partir de ce moment-là, because of Adam’s sin, sin entered the whole human race and death reigned in man.
But although the spirit of man died, and sin and death reigned in the flesh of man, man had a conscience of good and evil and a free will to chose between good and evil (Genèse 3:22).
Sin already existed before the law
Car jusqu'à la loi, le péché était dans le monde: mais le péché n'est pas imputé quand il n'y a pas de loi (Romains 5:13)
Man could choose to walk in righteousness and do good or to walk in iniquity and sin and do evil (Lire aussi: ‘Qu’est-ce que le péché?').
Sin did not come through the law of sin and death, because sin already existed before the law of sin and death, since the law of God already existed before the foundation of the heaven and the earth.
Before the law existed, Cain brought a curse over his life, through his disobedience to the words of God and his evil act.
The flood and the destruction of Sodom, and Gomorrah and the cities around, happened before the law of sin and death existed, because of the evil and disobedience of the people to God.
Sin, which is rebellion of man against God and disobedience to God, already existed before the law and the punishment of sin, ce qui est la mort, also existed before the law. Par la désobéissance à Dieu, the people brought mischief upon their lives (Lire aussi: ‘Les méfaits que les gens s'infligent').
God made sin known by the law
Que dirons-nous alors? La loi est-elle un péché ?? Dieu pardonne. Non, Je n’avais pas connu le péché, mais par la loi: car je n’avais pas connu la luxure, sauf que la loi avait dit, Tu ne convoiteras pas (Romains 7:7)
Sin didn’t come by the law, but sin already existed before the law. And death also reigned before the law. God’s will was already known before the law, since man had a conscience; a knowledge of good and evil. Therefore before the law came into existence, man had the ability to choose to do good or to do evil.
The only thing that God has done, is that by giving the law of sin and death to His carnal people, qui sont nés de la postérité de Jacob (Israël), Dieu a fait connaître sa volonté à son peuple charnel.
The law has been added and by giving the law, God showed His nature and His righteousness and revealed sin (Romains 3:20).
À cause de ça, God’s people knew the will of God and knew exactly what God liked and what God disliked and they were aware of the consequences.
God didn’t give the law as a punishment, but God gave the law out of love for His people and as a schoolteacher, to guide His people until the coming of Jesus Christ, so that His people would walk in His will and Ses voies.
Et ceux, who belonged to God’s carnal people could show God their love through their obedience to the words of the law of sin and death (Lire aussi: 'The secret of the law’).
Does the law still apply today?
Ô misérable homme que je suis! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Je rends grâce à Dieu par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; mais avec la chair, la loi du péché (Romains 7:24-25)
There is often a lack of clarity about the law of sin and death and whether this law still applies. The law of sin and death was meant for God’s carnal people, in whom sin and death reigned in the flesh. Comme écrit auparavant, the law was a schoolteacher for the flesh until the venue de Jésus-Christ, who redeemed fallen man from the power of sin and death by the redemption of the flesh and restored the state of fallen man by the resurrection of the spirit from the dead.
The only way to be redeemed from the law of sin and death is through faith in Jesus Christ and the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead (Lire aussi: ‘Que signifie la circoncision en Christ ??).
Il n'y a donc maintenant aucune condamnation pour ceux qui sont en Jésus-Christ., qui ne marche pas selon la chair, mais selon l'Esprit. Car la loi de l'Esprit de vie en Jésus-Christ m'a affranchi de la loi du péché et de la mort. (Romains 8:1-2)
Grâce à la régénération, la loi du péché et de la mort, which reigns in the flesh’, no longer applies, since the flesh is death.
Through the crucifixion of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the death and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the law of sin and death no longer reigns in the life of the new man, but the law of the Spirit reigns in the life of the new man, which is written in the new heart of the new man. Death no longer reigns through the flesh, but life reigns through the Spirit (Lire aussi: ‘Pourquoi Dieu a-t-il écrit sa loi sur des tables de pierre?‘ Et 'Ce qui s'est passé 50 days after Pascha?')
The new man loves God above all and everyone
L’homme nouveau, in whom the law of the Spirit reigns, walks by faith after the will of God and loves God above all and everyone and fears God and submits himself or herself to God. From that love, the new man loves his or her neighbor as him or herself.
This means, entre autres, que (s)he shall serve no other gods and shall not allow other gods in his or her life and shall not follow human philosophies, theories and fausses doctrines and strange religions and not get involved in the occult realm and connect himself or herself with death (Lire aussi: ‘Les deux façons d'entrer dans le domaine spirituel‘ et 'What does the Word say about tattoos?')
Ça veut dire, que (s)he shall honor his or her parents and shall not mensonge against his or her neighbor and shall not covet his or her possessions. (S)he shall not commit fornication, adultère, not be intimate with someone, who isn’t his or her spouse, not be intimate with someone of the same gender, pas divorce, tuer, voler, curse, use the Name of God in vain, et ainsi de suite.
Because these are all works of the flesh, où règnent le péché et la mort. The works of the flesh go against the will of God and don’t produce life, mais la mort.
As long as people persevere in sin and refuse to repent and put off the works of the flesh, death shall reign through sin.
If the law derived from God’s nature and represents God’s will and His nature, then the new man, who is born of God and has God’s nature shall do the will of God and establish the law, tout comme Jésus (Lire aussi: ‘How do you establish the law?’)
Sin still exists
Annulons-nous alors la loi par la foi? Dieu pardonne: ouais, nous établissons la loi (Romains 3:31)
Sin already existed before the law and sin still exists, despite the grace of God and freedom from the law through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Personnes, who live in the New Covenant still have the ability to obey God’s Word and walk in righteousness or to disobey God’s Word and walk in iniquity.
Ceux, who say that sin no longer exists, because you have been made free from the law and that it doesn’t matter how you life, are liars and don’t speak the truth. Because to God, it does matter how you live (Lire aussi: ‘Une fois enregistré, toujours enregistré?).
Ceux, who say these things don’t have the Spirit of God and don’t belong to Him. They don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father and don’t know the will of God.
They are not familiar with the things of the Kingdom of God, but they are unspiritual and blinded by the lies of the devil.
God has given everyone the ability to be redeemed from the power of sin and death, through Jesus Christ and His redemptive work.
He has given power to everyone, devenir fils de Dieu, par la foi en Jésus-Christ et régénération En lui, and to walk after the Spirit, and by the Spirit put off the works of the flesh (John 1:12-13).
The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin and redeems man from the power of sin and death
Que dirons-nous alors? Devons-nous continuer dans le péché, que la grâce puisse abonder? Dieu pardonne. Comment allons-nous, qui sont morts au péché, y vivre plus longtemps? Tu ne sais pas, que beaucoup d'entre nous qui ont été baptisés en Jésus-Christ ont été baptisés dans sa mort? C'est pourquoi nous sommes enterrés avec Lui par le baptême dans la mort: que comme Christ a été ressuscité des morts par la gloire du Père, même ainsi, nous devrions aussi marcher en nouveauté de vie (Romains 6:1-4)
Tous les jours, everyone makes a choice to live in l’obéissance à Dieu and His Word or not. The blood of Jesus Christ and His redemptive work doesn’t change that. The blood of Jesus is not a permit to persevere in sin and keep doing those things, which go against the will of God and are an abomination to God.
Et alors? pécherons-nous, Parce que nous ne sommes pas soumis à la loi, mais sous la grâce? Dieu pardonne. Tu ne sais pas, à qui vous vous livrez comme serviteurs pour obéir, Vous êtes ses serviteurs, à qui vous obéissez; que ce soit du péché jusqu’à la mort, ou de l’obéissance à la justice? Mais Dieu soit loué, que vous étiez les serviteurs du péché, Mais vous avez obéi du fond du cœur à la doctrine qui vous a été transmise. Être alors libéré du péché, Vous êtes devenus les serviteurs de la justice (Romains 6:15-18)
When someone perseveres in sin and is not willing to repent, it proves that the sin nature still reigns in that person’s life and the person still loves the works of the flesh (péché).
The person is not born again, but is still the old creation, who walks after the flesh and lives as a slave of sin and death and belongs to the devil and the world.
God’s will shall never change and shall never adapt to the times we live in, nor to the lusts and desires of the flesh of mankind (Lire aussi: ‘Shall God change His will to the lusts and desires of man?').
God is the same and remains the same from eternity to eternity and therefore His will remains the same. It’s up to the people, to submit to God and obey His words and live after His will or not.
‘Soyez le sel de la terre’