The sin killed Jesus

Jesus came to the earth to deal with sin and the authority of the devil in the sinful nature of the flesh of fallen man. Although many of the Jewish people rejected Jesus as the Christ, Mesia, and led Him to the cross, they are not responsible for Jesus His death, but sin is responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. The disobedience to God; sin killed Jesus Christ. Jesus yielded Himself to the Father and allowed the Father to lay the sin of the world upon Him. Jesus carried the sin of the world in His flesh and died and entered Hades.

The wages of sin is death

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (ROM 6:23)

Sin and death reigned in man until Jesus came and died and rose from the dead. Jesus showed the final destination of everyone, who lives in disobedience to God; in sin. Since the wages of sin is death and Jesus took the sin of the world upon Him and was made sin, Jesus entered Hades legally (Bala hape: The true meaning of the cross).

Jesus stood face to face with death, who reigned for a short period of time over Him. For a short period of time, Jesus was put beneath the angels and death reigned over Him.

But His faith in God the Father didn’t confound Jesus. Jesus trusted His Father and therefore He arose from the dead as a Victor by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sin separated man from God

Sin was the enemy of Jesus and was responsible for the separation between Jesus and His Father. Sin didn’t enlarge the love and mercy of God towards Jesus, but sin separated Jesus from His Father.

Jesu, Who walked in obedience to the commandments of God and therefore walked in the will of His Father, was separated from the Father through sin. Sin separated Jesus from the Father, just like sin separated Adam from the Father.

Because although God had perfectly created the heavens and earth and all there is within and everything was according to His will, the disobedience of man; Adam brought separation between God and man.

Through disobedience to the commandment of God, man sinned. Through sin, death entered and reigned in man and the spirit in man died.

From that moment death reigned in the flesh of the old man and produced the fruit of sin (Bala hape: Morara wa Sodoma)

Sin still separates man from God

For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life (ROM 6:20-22)

Despite the coming of Jesus Christ, His redemptive work and the New Covenant that is sealed with His holy blood, sebe, which is the fruit of death and lead to death, is still an enemy of God and man.

Let no one deceive you with vain wordsJesus didn’t bear the sins in His body and didn’t enter Hades, so that people can persevere in sin and keep living in disobedience to God and His Word, without consequences.

Che, Jesus has shown us the effect of sin in the life of a human being and what the final destination is of those, who serve the devil and the death through sin.

The devil can say all kinds of things and make people believe that it is ok to sin and that it doesn’t matter how you live.

But God has exposed this big lie from the devil through Jesus Christ and His redemptive work. He showed us, that the devil is a liar and that it does matter how you live.

Your disobedience to God and your sin killed Jesus. Jesus became your Partaker and was crucified and took your punishment for serving the devil through sin, hodima Hae, so that you would not have to bear the punishment for sin and see death and enter Hades.

Jesus conquered the death and arose from the death as a Victor and ascended on high to take place on the setulo sa mohau at the right hand of the Father in the heavenly places.

Every enemy, matla, might, principality, dominion and every name that is named is put under His feet. This means that Jesus has the highest authority in the heavens and on earth. Everything that has a name must bow for the Name of Jesus Christ!

The identification with Jesus Christ

Jesus came in the flesh and has identified Himself with humanity. He suffered, was crucified and entered death, so that in Him the monnamoholo, who would identify himself with Jesus Christ; with His death and His resurrection would not see death and would not enter Hades.

one heart and one spiritTseo, who identify themselves with Jesus Christ through nchafatso and symbolically lay down their flesh through water baptism and by the baptism with the Holy Spirit arise from the death in newness of life and as a result lay down the works of the flesh and do the works of the Spirit, would be truly free through the redemption of the sinful nature by the crucifixion of the flesh.

The law, which was meant for the flesh of the monnamoholo and the punishment for the disobedience of the law, no longer applies to the new man.

Because the new man is born of God and has the nature of God. By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the thato ya Modimo is written on the heart of the new man, from which every word and every act derive from.

The more the mind of the new man is renewed with the Word of God and the new man begins to walk by faith in obedience to the Word and the Holy Spirit, the more the new man becomes visible in the natural realm.

The new man doesn’t deliberately persevere in sin

For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter (ROM 7:5-6)

Every person is guided by the thoughts in the mind that derive from the heart and is led by his will and nature. Therefore you can see by the speech, behavior, and acts of a person if the person is still the old creation or has become the new creation.

Old man is crucified in ChristThe old creation is led by the flesh, in which the sinful nature dwells and reigns and bears the fruit of death, which is sin. Leha ho le joalo, the new creation is led by the spirit, in which the Godly nature dwells and reigns and shall produce the fruit of the Spirit, the fruit unto holiness.

Bohle, who claims to be a Christian and claims to be born again, but deliberately persevere in sin and therefore walks in rebellion and disobedience to God and produces the fruit for the death, which is sin, doesn’t belong to God, but belongs to the devil (Bala hape: What are sin unto death and sin not unto death?)

The speech, behavior, and acts of the person show that the person lives separated from God through his ho se mamele Molimo.

At the end of this life on earth, every person will go to the one, whom the person has listened to and whom the person has obeyed and served.

If someone has served sin and unrighteousness and has produced the fruit of death, which is sin, the person shall be brought home by the death and enter Hades, and eventually, the person shall have his/her part in the eternal lake of fire, which is the second death

Sin leads unto death and not unto eternal life

And when He had called the people unto Him with His disciples also, A re ho bona, Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it (Mar 8:34-35)

Jesu o rialo, that if you come after Him and deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Him, you shall save your life. But if you love yourself and the works of your flesh and don’t want to lay down your flesh and give up the works of the flesh for Jesus Christ, then you shall eventually lose your life and enter eternal death.

Lentswe le re, that sin leads to death and not to eternal life. Ka hona, bohle, who deliberately persevere in sin shall be led to death.

The sin killed Jesus

The sin killed Jesus. And the sin shall also kill those, who deliberately persevere in sin and are not willing to baka of their sins, yield to God and obey the words of God. They have not resisted the devil, but obeyed and served sin, therefore they shall enter eternal death (Moruti 21:8).

Mohau wa ModimoIt is God’s will that everyone will come to the acknowledging of the truth and repent and be saved from the power of darkness and the lies of the devil, which are preached from many pulpits and through many (sechabeng) media channels.

These lies, which contain partial truths, bolela, hara tse ding, that Jesus has dealt with sin and has taken away the sins of the world and if you believe in Him, you can no longer sin, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

Ka hona, it doesn’t matter how you live, even if you continue to live in disobedience to God and keep doing those things, which go against God’s nature and His will, which is also the will of Jesus, and are an abomination to Him.

By preaching these lithuto tsa bohata, many people think they are saved and live a good life, while in reality they are misled and live in a lie. When they arrive at their final destination, they will find out that they were deceived.

“E be letsoai la lefatše”

U ka boela ua rata

    phoso: Litaba tsena li sirelelitsoe