Czy jesteś niewolnikiem przeszłości??

The old man always wants to go back to the past and is not able to let go of the past. Wielu ludzi, w tym chrześcijanie, live with a lot of pain, boleć, smutek, gniew, and hate, that is caused in the past. They have been mistreated, physically and/or mentally abused, falsely accused, they’ve experienced trauma, or …. Nazwij to. Every day of their lives, they live with sorrow and are controlled and tortured by these negative feelings, while holding others accountable. They want apologies, take revenge to get even, and ensure that they will be punished for the evil and injustice that has been done to them. Myślą, that when they get apologies, take revenge, and punish the person, their pain will go away and they can continue with their lives. Ale prawda jest taka, that none of these things, will take away the pain, and will redeem them from these feelings and the past. And so many Christians are a slave of the past. Co z tobą? Czy jesteś niewolnikiem przeszłości?? What does the Bible say about being a slave of the past and what you must do to be freed from the past so that you can live in freedom?

Old things are passed away, wszystko stało się nowe

Jeśli więc ktoś będzie w Chrystusie, jest nowym stworzeniem: stare rzeczy przeminęły; ujrzeć, wszystko stało się nowe (2 Koryntian 5:17)

When you believe in Jesus Christ and become born again in the spirit, your past will be gone. You lay down the old man, whereby the past is gone.

Przeszłość, Nowe Stworzenie, stare rzeczy przemijająThe old man with all his sins and iniquities is crucified with Christ and doesn’t exist anymore. The old man is buried in the woda.

But you not only died in Christ, but you have been raised in newness of life.

Your sinful flesh has died in Christ, and your spirit, który nie żył, has been raised from the dead.

Twój duch, which was dead, has become alive and shall reign in your life together with the Holy Spirit, Whom you have received through the baptism with the Holy Spirit..

You shall no longer be ruled by your flesh; rozsądek, emocje, myśli, Wyniki, itp.. But you shall be ruled by your spirit and the Holy Spirit, who are connected with Jesus Christ and the Father.

You shall walk after the Spirit according to the Word after His will, instead of walking after the flesh according to your will. You shall seek those things which are above, and not the things, które są na tej ziemi.

Jeśli więc zmartwychwstaniecie z Chrystusem, szukajcie tego, co w górze, gdzie Chrystus siedzi po prawicy Boga. Skieruj swoje uczucia na rzeczy powyżej, nie na rzeczach ziemskich. Bo jesteście martwi, a wasze życie jest ukryte z Chrystusem w Bogu. Kiedy Chrystus, Kto jest naszym życiem, pojawią się, then shall ye also appear with him in glory (Kolosan 3:1-3)

How can you be delivered from the past?

Kiedy stałeś się nowym stworzeniem, one of the first things the Holy Spirit will do through you is forgive others. You will forgive those, who have hurt or mistreated you (or your family). You shall no longer think about the past. And if you do think about the past, it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Wielu ludzi, w tym chrześcijanie, still walk around with a lot of pain, gniew, and hatred toward others because of what happened in the past. They hold others responsible, for what has been done to them or their family in the past.

But if believers, walk around with so much pain, gniew, and feelings of hatred towards others and still require retaliation, prove that they haven’t been delivered and set free in Jesus Christ.

They are still stuck in the past and haven’t become a new creation. Ale nadal są starym stworzeniem, who always looks back and are stuck in the past.

Because the new creation, who has become in Jesus Christ, syn Boży (zarówno mężczyźni, jak i samice), doesn’t need any apology or retribution and doesn’t want to take revenge to get even, but will only forgive. Mimo wszystko, they have been forgiven by God and cleansed from all their sins and iniquities. God no longer thinks about what they have done (against Him) in the past and no longer holds a grudge against them. Therefore why are they doing that?

The new creation forgives because the love of God entered his heart and reigns in his heart. Jednakże, the love of God is another kind of love, than what the world calls love.

The miłość Boża is a love that doesn’t repay evil for evil or retaliate. The love of God doesn’t look back at the past and doesn’t want to take revenge or retribution, but forgives. It is a self-sacrificial love, that doesn’t seek itself, that isn’t hateful towards others etc. This is the love, in which the new creation walks in.

The devil wants Christians to stay a slave of the past

The devil wants Christians to look back and go back to the past. This way he ensures, that people will get stuck in the past and become overwhelmed by all kinds of negative feelings. We see more and more, that people keep digging up past events and making them the topic of the day again. But they often are not aware of the pain, boleć, and anger they are causing in the lives of many people. I to jest dokładnie, what the devil wants.

image rear view mirror with Bible verse luke 9-62 no man having put his hand to plough looking back is fit for Kingdom of GodThe devil wants to keep people in bondage. He wants people to live in the past so that they will get stuck, and be tortured day in and day out.

As long as a person remains bound by the past, (S)he shall remain a slave of the past, and shall not walk in the newness of life in Jesus Christ.

The person shall live in bondage and not in freedom.

But God doesn’t want you to stay a slave of the past. God doesn’t want you to keep living in the past and be controlled by your past.

God doesn’t want you to remember and consider the old things from your past. On mówi:

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Ujrzeć, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? (Izajasz 43:18-19)

Freedom from the past through forgiveness

Jezus wiedział, że tylko way to deal with the past and to let go of the past, is through forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only way to let go of the past and forget the past.

When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and become a new creation, przez wodę i Ducha, your past will be gone. God doesn’t remember your past anymore, it is erased by the blood of Jesus. He has forgiven you! How great is God’s mercy! If God doesn’t remember your past, you shouldn’t remember your past.

A ty, będąc umarłymi w swoich grzechach i nieobrzezaniu ciała, czy ożywił się razem z Nim?, przebaczywszy wam wszystkie przewinienia; Wymazanie pisma rozporządzeń, które były przeciwko nam, co było z nami sprzeczne, i zdjąłem to z drogi, Przybijając go do krzyża; I mając zepsute księstwa i moce, he made a shew of them openly, w nim triumfując nad nimi (Kolosan 2:13-15)

If you can’t forgive others, the Father will not forgive you

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, wasz Ojciec niebieski również wam przebaczy: Jeśli jednak nie odpuścicie ludziom ich przewinień, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (Mateusz 6:14-15)

Jezus mówi, that if you can’t forgive others, then the Father will not forgive you either.

Dlatego, let go of the past, so that you may live! Forgive those, who have hurt you. When you forgive those, who have hurt you, Jesus shall take away all your pain, and all these negative feelings, that are connected to your pain. Jesus will remove them from your life, mocą Ducha Świętego.

When Jesus redeems you from these feelings, you shall be healed, and you shall no longer be a slave of the past. You shall be freed and shall live in the newness of life; in the freedom of Jesus Christ.

„Bądź solą ziemi’

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