Why many Christians are sleeping during harvest?

We live in a time, where many Christians are spiritually asleep and are busy with things that have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God and have no eternal value. Many Christians are sleeping during harvest when they should be busy saving souls, who otherwise will be lost. In Proverbs 10:5, we read about a wise son, who gathers in summer and a son that causes shame, because he sleeps in the harvest.

Gathering in the summer

He that gathers in summer is a wise son: but he that sleeps in harvest is a son that causes shame (Tục ngữ 10:5)

Two kinds of sons are described in this verse: the wise son, who walks after the Spirit, and the foolish son, who walks after the flesh.

The son, who walks after the Spirit lives according to God’s will and is busy, doing the things of the Kingdom of God. He walks in the light and therefore he watches and is awake and is not sleeping. He does what his Father has commanded him to do upon this earth. Vì thế, he brings the cross and the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the people, through which many souls are saved. He works and gathers for his Father, so that He will be exalted.

Sleeping during harvest

But the son, who walks after the flesh, walks in darkness; in sins and iniquities. He is asleep, and therefore he is not aware of the necessity to do the work of his Father; to bring the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the people, preach the cross and Jesus Christ and save souls. He is too busy with his own life and to fulfill his own lusts and desires. He doesn’t care about his Father’s will and about the many lost souls, but he lives after his own will and satisfies himself.

The devil tries to keep believers asleep

The devil tries to keep every believer asleep. He and his whole army will do anything to ensure that believers are focused on themselves and keep walking after the flesh. He knows, that as long as believers keep walking after the flesh, and be led by their senses, những cảm xúc, thinking, vân vân., and keep living in sins and iniquities, they are not a danger to him and his kingdom.

Let me entertain you says the devil to Christians

That’s why he uses all kinds of resources to keep them busy and entertain them so that they will keep away from the Word of God.

The devil seduces Christians and lets them focus on themselves and upon earthly things and side issues, which will eventually lead them to spiritual passivity and poverty. The devil tries to make everyone passive so that he can go his way, without being disturbed.

The devil’s tactics and his works have not changed. Nhưng thật không may, many Christians are sleeping and don’t see what is actually going on. They don’t discern his evil works.

Vì thế, stay awake and watch. follow holiness, and build yourself up in your most holy faith, pray, và bước đi theo Thánh Linh. Seek those things, which are above and not those things which are upon this earth. Be busy with the things of the Kingdom of God. Do your Father’s will, so that you will be a wise son of His and He will be exalted through Jesus Christ.

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