Enlaçado com as palavras de sua boca

Meu filho, se fores fiador do teu amigo, se você feriu sua mão com um estranho, Tu estás enlaçado com as palavras da tua boca, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. Do this now, meu filho, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend. Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids. Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler (Provérbios 6:1-5)

If you are not attentive, and careful, it can happen, that by the words of your mouth and by your actions, you will be snared in the trap of the devil and be taken captive. How will you do that? By making a commitment (a covenant) with a stranger; by becoming surety for your friend, and by stricken your hand with a stranger. The stranger, with whom you shouldn’t have a relationship (comunhão) com.

The father warns the son, not to be involved with strangers. He knows, that the stranger walks in darkness, and that (é)he will draw you also into darkness (the kingdom of the devil). If your friend, stranger, has a hold on you, when you’ve come into the hand of your friend, then you should deliver yourself, by humble yourself, and by strengthen your friend. 
Save yourself by standing in the faith, and by battling against the darkness and resisting the devil

Don’t give sleep to your eyes

Be watchful and stay awake! Don’t give sleep to your eyes, nor give slumber to your eyelids. But be watchful, stay awake. Deliver yourself, like a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

The friend and the stranger, only want one thing and that’s to lead you to destruction. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and be led, and warned, by Him and the Word. Don’t commit yourself to everyone, but stay awake and watch.

It is your duty, to preach the gospel to your neighbor and to love your neighbor as yourself. But you should keep yourself from their lifestyle. And don’t allow them, to draw you into their ‘world’, their ‘lifestyle’, so that you will live like the world.

‘Be the salt of the salt

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