The difference between the sons of God and the sons of the devil, is that the sons of God walk in the truth of God’s Word and the sons of the devil walk in the truth of the world. Since the kingdom of darkness; the kingdom of the world, diametrically opposes the Kingdom of God, the words of the kingdom of the world diametrically oppose the words of the Kingdom of God. Therefore the world shall speak against every word of God and shall cast down and destroy everything that derives from the Kingdom of God. People may come with all kinds of (wissenschaftlich) proofs, Theorien, and doctrines, but if these go against God’s Word and ensure that people leave the words of God and therefore leave the way of God, then man should reject these words, because they are lies. If you don’t reject these lies, but believe these lies above the truth of God, then God shall reject you, because you have rejected Him (Lesen Sie auch: a reprobate mind delights in sin and takes pleasure in those, who practice sin Und ‘Gott wird von vielen Kirchen abgelehnt’).
The old man vs the new man
Erblicken, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not (1 John 3:1)
Everything, we see around us has its existence in God and is created through the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. The whole creation derives from the spiritual realm instead of the natural realm (Lesen Sie auch: ‘Hat Gott den Himmel und die Erde in sechs Tagen erschaffen? oder…„).
Man walked with God, but because of the fall of man, the spirit of man died and man became separated from God. Man became carnal and sense ruled.
Therefore the difference between the old man and the new man is that the old man is carnal and the new man is spiritual.
The old man is born of the seed of man and is carnal and sense ruled.
The old man has a carnal mind and lives according to the principle, that every natural effect has a natural cause. Deswegen, the old man lives from the flesh according to the natural (wissenschaftlich) theories and laws and makes use of natural means, Methoden, Grundsätze, usw.
The new man is born in Jesus Christ of the Seed of God. The spirit is raised from the death and therefore the new man is spiritual.
The new man has the mind of Christ and lives according to the principle that every natural effect has a spiritual cause. Therefore the new man lives and acts from his position (anointing) as son of God from the Word after the Spirit and calls those things which are not as though they were (Lesen Sie auch: ‘The two ways to go through a storm„).
The spiritual realm revealed in the Old Covenant
God has revealed the spiritual realm and His Kingdom to mankind through His Word. In the Old Covenant God has revealed the spiritual realm to His people by giving them the law and by His words, which He spoke through the mouths of the prophets and by the Kommen Jesu Christi; das lebendige Wort.
The spiritual realm revealed in the New Covenant
But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, Weinen, Abba, Father. (Galater 4:4-6)
Through the coming, dying and resurrection of Jesus Christ; das Wort, Die Neuer Pakt came into existence, which is sealed with His blood (Hebr 12:24).
Through regeneration in Jesus Christ the new man is created. The new man is no longer the old man. Therefore the new man is no longer a sinner, but the new man has become righteous and holy in Jesus Christ (Oh. Rom 3:25; 5:9, 19; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; 1 Jo 3:7 (Lesen Sie auch: ‘Bleibst du immer ein Sünder??„).
The Holy Spirit abides in the new man and therefore the will of God is in the mind of the new man and written upon the heart of the new man, so that the new man walks in the Word after the Spirit after God’s wil.
Die Söhne Gottes wandeln in der Wahrheit des Wortes Gottes
daher, Brüder, Wir sind Schuldner, nicht an das Fleisch, nach dem Fleisch leben. Denn wenn ihr nach dem Fleisch lebt, Ja, ich werde sterben: aber wenn ihr durch den Geist die Taten des Körpers demütigt, Ihr werdet leben. Denn alle, die vom Geist Gottes geleitet werden, sie sind die Söhne Gottes (Rom 8:12-14)
God’s Word is the truth and God’s Word shall stand forever. Nothing and nobody can do anything about it. No one can change the truth of God’s Word.
daher, every theory, every doctrine and opinion, that goes against the Word of God should be rejected, so that man stays obedient to God and walk on His way; the way of life, which leads to eternal life.
When you are wiedergeboren and you believe in God, you will believe in His Word and you shall do what the Word says (Lesen Sie auch: ‘The hearers vs the doers„).
If you obey the Word, you will obey God and through your obedience, you shall show Him that you Liebe ihn.
Through your faith in Him and His Word and by being a doer of the Word, you shall stay in Him and walk after the Spirit in the truth of God’s Word and therefore you shall walk as the Word in the Liebe zu Gott auf dieser Erde .
„Sei das Salz der Erde.“’