¿Por qué Dios permitió que esto sucediera?? ¿Por qué Dios no hizo algo?? And why doesn’t God heal this person? ¿Por qué Dios permitió que esta persona muriera?? Why does God allow natural disasters and wars? Si Dios realmente existe, why doesn’t God…? People tend to forget God when everything goes well. But as soon as people experience setbacks, tragedy, or something goes wrong or terrible happens in their lives or the world that’s not according to their will, they hold God responsible and blame God for it. The world not only blames God, but also God’s children blame God. Many Christians blame God for their problems, miseries, and what’s going on in the world and hold God responsible. But if Christians would stop blaming God, orar, leer y estudiar la biblia, they would get to know (the heart of) their Father and find out they are completely wrong.
Many Christians force God to submit to their will
Many times Christians speak disrespectfully about God. They speak as if God is some kind of everyday friend, Who must submit to their will and serve and obey them.
El temor del señor, que es el principio de toda sabiduría, is often lacking in the lives of Christians.
El temor del Señor no tiene nada que ver con tener miedo de Dios. But the fear of the Lord means that you have awe and respect for the Almighty God, OMS creó el cielo y la tierra y todo lo que hay dentro.
If the spirit of Christians would mature and if they would get to know their Father, a través de Jesucristo (la palabra), then their attitude and behavior towards God would be different.
Instead of complaining to God and blaming God and constantly asking why, Tendrían conocimientos y perspicacias espirituales.. They would be mature and act mature and know the cause.
If Christians were mature, they would stop whining and complaining and blaming God and asking why.
The toddler’s ‘why stage’
hay muchos cristianos, who behave like toddlers in the ‘why stage’. Tan pronto como suceda algo o si los padres, u otras personas, say something or tell them to do something, the toddlers immediately ask ‘why’.
Incluso cuando los niños pequeños reciben la respuesta, preguntan por qué. Afortunadamente, esta etapa no durará para siempre, pero solo será temporal. Por lo tanto, Se podría pensar que este también es el caso de los cristianos.. Pero no, many Christians never leave this ‘why stage’.
Y eso no es todo! They not only keep asking why but they keep also blaming God for all the misery that is going on both in their lives and the world.
Why are people blaming God?
Es el mismo comportamiento del pueblo carnal de Israel.. The people of Israel kept whining, complaining, blaming God, y preguntando por qué a Dios cuando no recibieron lo que querían.
The people were blaming God for all their misery and what they lacked in life. They were not thankful to God for all the things that God had done for them. No estaban agradecidos por su salvación., His guidance, proteccion, and provision(s) in the wilderness.
La gente no vio, that due to their own words and behavior, ellos se trajeron la travesura sobre ellos mismos (es decir. éxodo 14:12; 32:31, Números 14:1-4; 17:10-13; 21:5). No, they blamed God for their mischief. They blamed God for all those things they lacked, según ellos.
Este comportamiento del viejo carnal no ha cambiado. Many Christians keep living as the old carnal man and still blame God.
How many Christians are blinded by the lies of the devil?
The majority of Christians spend too much time focusing on the cause and asking why, en lugar de la solución. God has given the new creations everything they need. God has given all power to either solve the problem or to go through certain circumstances in life. El new creation has everything, que el mundo necesita.
Si te has convertido en una nueva creación, entonces se te ha dado toda autoridad y poder en Jesucristo para encargarte del problema y llamar a aquellas cosas que no son como si fueran.
Sin embargo, if you are still the old carnal man and are unspiritual, y no lo sé quien eres in Jesus Christ and what you have received and possess in Him and Who dwells inside of you, entonces no puedes caminar en él.
Es por eso, the devil tries to keep you as far away from the Bible as possible. So that you stay ignorant and won’t become a threat to his kingdom and he can go his way.
¿Por qué hay tanta miseria?? Because the sons of God (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres) don’t live according to the words and the voluntad de Dios.
They don’t do what Jesús ordenó them to do and don’t walk in righteousness.
Many Christians are tempted and blinded by the lies of the devil. They stay carnal and focused on themselves and their lives, prosperidad, and wealth instead of the Kingdom of God.
Christians close their eyes to the spiritual war
Many Christians don’t realize and acknowledge that there is a spiritual war going on between the Kingdom of God (la luz) and the kingdom of the devil (oscuridad) .
They close their eyes and don’t want to acknowledge that they have to deal with the enemy of God, which is the devil and his kingdom.
The devil is the adversary of God and of those, who are born again in Christ and belong to God and are His sons. The sons of God are no longer sons of the devil but they have become the enemies of the devil. The sons of God no longer live after the voluntad del diablo but after the will of God.
Pero mientras no reconozcas que tienes un enemigo, o si piensas que el diablo está vencido por culpa de la trabajar en la cruz y por lo tanto no tiene ningún poder ni habilidad y por lo tanto ya no está activo, entonces estas equivocado!
Christians should arise and fight in the spiritual war
Jesús ciertamente ha despojado a todos los principados y potestades. He made a mostrarlos abiertamente y triunfar sobre ellos. al cruce. Through His resurrection from the dead Jesus defeated the devil and took las llaves de la muerte y el Hades (colosenses 2:13-15, Revelación 1:18).
Sin embargo, the devil is still present and active. Todavía tiene la capacidad de continuar con su trabajo destructivo.. Since the devil is not cast into the eternal lake of fire yet (Revelación 20:10).
La Biblia dice, que todavía tenemos que luchar contra los principados, contra poderes, contra los gobernantes de las tinieblas de este mundo, y maldad espiritual en las regiones altas (Efesios 6:12)
El diablo todavía anda alrededor como león rugiente buscando a quién devorar.
The devil still kills, Roba, y destruye, while the majority of Christians have closed their ears and walk around blindfolded in darkness and let the devil continue his destructive works.
All because Christians are ignorant of his devices and don’t know the Word.
They are darkened in their minds. Although they have ears and eyes, they don’t hear and don’t see. That’s why they don’t stop the devil. (Leer también: ¿La iglesia ve o está ciega??).
Instead of stopping the devil, le permiten a él y a sus secuaces (demonios) para seguir su camino y continuar con sus obras destructivas. No sólo les permiten continuar con sus obras destructivas, pero incluso lo ayudan. Cómo? By allowing, justifying, and approving those things that oppose La voluntad de Dios.
Why Christians don’t acknowledge the cause of all the disasters?
Christians see an increase in sin, rebelión, decay, impureza sexual, (sexual, domestic) violencia, Crímenes, Guerras, desastres naturales, famine, y miseria, pero no reconocen la influencia, obras, y el poder del diablo.
They also don’t see that because of their words and works, they have brought misery upon themselves. Due to their laziness and by not obeying the words of God and doing what God has commanded them to do, sino vivir como el mundo y tolerar las obras del diablo, ellos traen travesura sobre ellos mismos.
Instead of blaming the devil and stopping him and/or considering themselves as the ones, who are responsible for the mess in their lives and the world and therefore arrepentirse of their carnal walk that opposes the will of God, Están culpando a Dios por toda la decadencia., problemas, and miseries, y responsabilizar a Dios.
El mundo no ha cambiado., pero la apostasía ha aumentado
En el libro del Apocalipsis, leemos sobre los últimos días del fin de los tiempos, in which we live. Leemos sobre las copas de la ira de Dios. (Revelación 16), que son horribles. Pero a pesar de todos los desastres y todo lo que vendrá, Las obras de Dios son justas (Revelación 16:7; 19:2).
Everything that takes place on earth and will take place on earth in the future, son el resultado del trabajo de las personas, que han escuchado las mentiras del diablo.
El mundo no ha cambiado., pero la apostasía de Dios ha aumentado. This has become visible in the chaos on earth. The good things have become evil. And the evil things have become good.
It’s time for Christians to wake up, stop blaming God, and take responsibility
That’s why it’s time to stop asking God why. Stop blaming God for the problems and misery. Take responsibility for all the problems and misery, eso ha sido causado por la tolerancia, indiferencia, and blindness of lukewarm Christians.
Es la hora, that Christians become truly born again, and grow up in Christ in the image of God. Christians should acknowledge they are dealing with an enemy, el diablo, que sigue ganando terreno cada día. As long as Christians are blinded and asleep because of their carnality, the devil can continue his destructive works.
Es la hora, that Christians search their lives, whether they are still in the faith and live according to the Word of God.
Y si no lo hacen, repent and return to Him, and take back their ground and fight against the evil powers of darkness.
It’s about time that you win your country back for the Kingdom of God. That you represent and establish God’s Kingdom on earth, en lugar de comprometerse con el pecado, injusticia, human knowledge and philosophies, y otras religiones.
Muchas veces, carnal Christians and humanists say, que todos sirvamos al mismo Dios. Pero eso es una mentira del diablo., who leads many Christians astray. Christians serve the God of Abraham, isaac, y Jacob (Israel).
Christians serve the Father of Jesus Christ, el dios todopoderoso, who out of His great love gave His own Son, OMS vino en la carne para convertirse en el sustituto for fallen man and make fallen man in Him into one new creation; hijos de dios.
Nadie puede venir al Padre sino por medio de Jesucristo.; His Son, by faith and regeneración en Cristo. Jesus is the only Way to the Father. Without this faith and being born again a person is lost and goes to hell.
Christians should pray like no one else is praying
Por lo tanto, instead of being tolerant and compromising with the world, it’s about time that the sons of God arise and not only believe in this truth but also walk in this truth. Christians should preach the truth of Jesus Christ and Su obra redentora en la cruz a la gente. Porque sin sus palabras, muchas almas se perderán. And Christians shall be held accountable for their blood before the Almighty God on the Day of Judgment.
Por lo tanto, don’t focus on yourself and the side issues in life. But seek those things which are above and focus on the things of the Kingdom of God. Be obedient to the words of Jesus and do what Jesus has commanded you to do. Spend time in His Word and prayer, so that you will get to know His will and pray and walk according to His will.
no supliques, but command in the authority of Jesus Christ and proclaim the will of God! Don’t look at your circumstances, problemas, and obstacles. Don’t be led by them, but be led by the Word and the Holy Spirit, and keep on going. Sigan firmes en la Palabra y llamen a aquellas cosas que no son, como si fueran, and never give up!
Ora como nadie más está orando., y el futuro depende de ti oración. Creer, que lo que hablas lo recibes. Speak His will and cast down the works of darkness, by your words and works. Speak over the lives of people and areas, qué debería pasar. De modo que, you establish the Kingdom of God on earth and souls won’t be lost, pero salvados y ganados para Jesucristo y el Reino de Dios.
'Sé la sal de la tierra’