A strange woman can be deadly

Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell (ანდაზები 5:5)

The father warns his son for the strange woman, because she can be deadly. Why can she be ‘deadly’? Because she operates out of Hades, and therefore she brings forth death. Her feet go down to death, and out of the death, she operates. Her steps take hold on hell.

This applies for everyone, who doesn’t serve the Lord, and is a stranger to Him. When someone doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ, or doesn’t obey and keep His commandments, then (ს)he has the devil as father. When someone has the devil as father, then his/her feet stands in Hades.

Don’t be tempted to start a relationship with someone, who hasn’t accepted Jesus as his/her Savior and Lord. There are one or two occasions, in which the unbeliever, who entered into a relationship with a believer, became a believer in Jesus Christ. But this is rare. The Word is the ultimate authority in the life of the believer and not an experience of another believer. An experience doesn’t make a rule (a law).

The Father knows, what will happen when a believer marries an unbeliever. That’s why warns His children, through His Word. It is up to His children if they want to listen to Him or rather listen to their flesh; what they see and their feelings and emotions.

The Lord warns you, to not enter into a relationship with a strange woman or with a strange man. Because He knows that the strange woman or man, will draw you with her/him into darkness, because that’s where they walk in.

When a Christian stays carnal and walks after the flesh, and not after the Spirit, then (ს)he will be an easy target for the devil, and shall be drawn into darkness without any resistant. All the devil needs is a good looking strange woman or a strange man, to seduce Christians.

Therefore walk after the Spirit and obey the Father and the Word. მისი მცნებები are meant to keep you away from evil and to bring forth joy, peace and life.

„იყავი დედამიწის მარილი’

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