Af hverju þú ættir ekki að berjast við mann að ástæðulausu

Strive not with a man without cause, if he has done thee no harm (Orðskviðir 3:30)

Don’t strive with someone without cause. Don’t look for a fight and don’t dare someone, when that person hasn’t done anything wrong. But keep walking in peace. Be a peacemaker, instead of a trouble maker.

When you have become ný sköpun, hið old you doesn’t exist anymore. Old things are passed away, and all things have become new. Your old life, with your feelings, emotions, Skoðanir, experiences, thoughts, o.s.frv. is crucified with Jesus Christ, and buried through the water baptism. It’s not about you anymore, but it’s all about Jesus; what the Word says. You will not be led by your emotions and feelings, but you will be led by the Spirit and the Word.

The sons of God will not strive

Þegar þér walk as the new creation, you shall not argue, nor strive with someone without cause.

I would like to go one step further, by saying, that if there is a cause, that you still shouldn’t strive, argue, fight etc. When someone hurts you, or do you wrong, then you will still forgive, and stay friendly towards that person.

The old creation vs the new creation

This behavior distinguishes you from the world. The old creation; the sinner is carnal and walks after the flesh. The old creation cannot forgive, forget, and walk in peace. The old creation wants to get even, and argue, fight etc. Maybe (s)he forgives, but forget? No way! The old creations are led by their flesh; their feelings, and that is the reason why they cannot forgive and forget.

But the new creation walks after the Spirit and not after his/her feelings; flesh. Þess vegna (s)he is able to forgive, and to forget, and never looks for evil, but walks in forgiveness

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