In this article the mind is discussed and how important it is to take authority over your thoughts. Because if you don’t take authority over your thoughts, your thoughts take authority over you and rule your life. Let’s have a look at what the Bible says about the mind and how to take authority over your thoughts.
Your mind determines your course in life
Todas las palabras, obras, and actions of people derive from the mind. As it is written in Proverbs 23:7: As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
The way you think about yourself makes you the person you are. From the mind and the way you think, you act. Therefore all behavior, actions, and speech derive from the mind.
The mind acts also as a filter. When your mind is ‘clouded’ or ‘corrupted’, or to put it in other words, when you have a ‘wrong’ mindset and a wrong way of thinking, then everything you perceive with your senses (lo que ves, escuchar, sentir), become affected by this wrong mindset.
Your mind is very important and determines the course of your life.
The mind and thoughts of the old creation
Before you became born again in Christ and became a new creation, you were the old creation (pecador) and lived from your fallen state as a sinner. Your spirit was dead and you were led by your flesh and your carnal mind with your carnal thoughts. The will, deseos, and desires of your flesh and your mind ruled over you. They determined what they wanted you to do and you obeyed them. You acted upon your thoughts. You were a slave of your flesh and your thoughts.
Y a ti te ha dado vida, que estaban muertos en delitos y pecados; donde en el pasado anduvisteis según el curso de este mundo, según el príncipe de la potestad del aire, el espíritu que ahora obra en los hijos de desobediencia: Entre los cuales también todos nosotros hemos conversado en otro tiempo en los deseos de nuestra carne., Cumplir los deseos de la carne y de la mente.; y éramos por naturaleza hijos de ira, incluso como otros (Efesios 2:1-3)
Your carnal mind was against the Word of God, and therefore enmity against God (romanos 8:7)
Your mind was carnal and was controlled by the darkness; by the prince of the power of the air. You lived in darkness and the darkness was your source.
Your mind and your thoughts agreed with the thoughts of the world, because the ruler of this world (el diablo) was your father. You belonged to him, he reigned in your life, and you obeyed him.
Since the devil is the adversary of God, every thought he puts into your mind opposes the Word of God.
The mind and thoughts of the new creation
Then came the moment, that you believed and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Your sinful nature was exposed by the Holy Spirit and you repented of your life as a sinner. You became born again and became a new creation, who is reconciled with God and lives from the restored state in Christ after the Spirit.
The new creation is in the beginning still a baby. Al principio, the new creation is oftentimes still subjected to the flesh (cuerpo y alma). Because from the day you were born, the flesh has been fed for all those years by the darkness and reigned as king in your life (Cuando eras la antigua creación).
All those years your mind was fed and led by the world system. For years your mind received input from the natural world, through nurture (the way you were raised), educación, entretenimiento, (social)medios de comunicación, etc..
Your whole mind has been polluted with the knowledge, sabiduría, and things of this world. Your mind is in line with the mind of the ruler of this world; the devil and all those, who belong to him.
Cuando te conviertes en una nueva creación, your mind is still conformed to this world (sistema). La única diferencia es, that you believe in Jesus and your spirit is raised from the dead. But your mind and the way you think have not changed yet. Your thoughts are still conformed to the world instead of the Word (la Biblia).
Por lo tanto, es tiempo de renueva tu mente and feed your spirit. So that your spirit matures. It is time to stop walking after the flesh and let your thoughts dictate what to do. Start walking after the Spirit and let the words of God dictate you what to do. So that you walk in obedience to the Father as a son of God (esto se aplica tanto a hombres como a mujeres) on earth and manifest the Kingdom of God.
How do you renew your mind and feed your spirit?
How do you renew and feed your spirit and ensure that your mind will line up with the mind of Jesus and the spirit and the Holy Spirit reign in your life? La respuesta es, por la Palabra de Dios (Biblia), a través de oración, and by praying in the Holy Ghost.
The newborn Christians have become a new creation; a son of God in the spirit realm and the mission of every Christian is to reveal this spiritual transformation in the natural realm. This means to walk as a son of God after the Spirit just like Jesus.
For to have the mind dominated by the sinful nature is death, but to have the mind dominated by the Spirit is life and peace (romanos 8:6 (K.W)
Why you must renew your mind with the Word?
Your mission and purpose as a new creation is to become like the Word; Jesús. Your ‘former’ and ‘current’ forma de pensar, doesn’t define who you are. The Word defines who you really are. El Word is the mirror for the new creation.
You were controlled by the darkness (el mundo) your whole life. You were fed with lies that blinded you to the Truth.
Ahora, the time has come, to destroy these lies in your life and to build upon the Truth, which means to renew your mind with the Word of God.
The Word of God will expose all the lies of the world and of the devil.
The spirit in you must reign over your flesh. This means your thoughts, sentimientos, y emociones (that go against the Word of God).
When your spirit doesn’t take authority and doesn’t start to reign over your flesh, your spirit shall be subjected to the flesh and you will still be controlled by the flesh; la oscuridad.
The devil works in the mind
One of the biggest territories of the devil is the mind. The devil knows how important the mind is. The devil knows that the mind controls the behavior, actions, and speech of people. That’s why the devil wants to reign in everyone’s mind and control the mind. De modo que, man remains the devil’s slave and does exactly what he wants. (Leer también: ‘La voluntad de Dios versus la voluntad del diablo.').
The devil doesn’t want you to find out the Truth. Because when you find out who you really are in Jesus Christ and what dominion (autoridad) has been given to you, you will become a big threat to the devil and his kingdom. That’s why the devil wants you to stay ignorant of the Word and have a lack of knowledge.
The devil wants you to stay carnal and keep living after your flesh. He wants to control you through the lusts and desires of your flesh and your mind; Tus pensamientos.
Cuando te conviertes en una nueva creación, the devil and his army do not have any legal right anymore to occupy your mind. Pero… they still have the ability to occupy your mind.
The devil and his army take every opportunity to stay in control of your mind. He has one mission and that is to bring you into captivity of him and bring you back into darkness and destroy you.
The devil and his army are fallen angels. They can’t read your mind; Tus pensamientos, but they can fill your mind with their lies.
The devil sends his angels with a mission to attack your mind with lies, and to control your mind with thoughts of destruction, preocuparse, ansiedad, miedo, suspiciousness, celos, orgullo, envidiar, negatividad, rebelión, self-rejection etc.
The instruments of the devil to infiltrate and control your mind
Besides these attacks on the mind, the devil also uses instruments from the visible world: like education, (social) medios de comunicación, entretenimiento; televisión, computer games, libros, etc.. to invade your mind. These instruments will ensure that you will stay in his power and will stay controlled by evil spirits. How can you see if people are controlled by evil spirits? By their actions and their addictions.
As soon as you can’t live without these instruments, you are addicted (smartphone addiction, television addiction, gaming addiction, book addiction, internet addiction, social media addiction, etc..). When you are addicted, you are controlled by the forces of darkness.
It is very important, that when you become a new creation, to be careful with what you look at, mirar, y escuchar, and with what ‘things’ you feed your mind with.
If you don’t guard your mind and keep feeding your mind with the things of the world, you become like the world. By feeding your flesh, you will ensure that your flesh stays strong, and keeps reigning in your life.
Sí, your flesh will stay in control of your life. But when you feed yourself, with the things of the Kingdom of God; la palabra de Dios, oración, ayuno, speaking in new tongues, etc.. then your spirit will become strong and shall reign in your life. Cuando tu espíritu reina, andarás según el Espíritu.
Why is it necessary to take authority over your thoughts?
En Efesios 2:3 Paul wrote to the saints at Ephesus, not only about their position in Christ, but also about their former lives and how they were led by the lusts of their flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the mind. This is also a truth for today. Because before you turned to Christ, and became a saint, you were a slave of the will of your flesh and mind (Tus pensamientos). Your flesh and mind instructed you what to do, and you automatically obeyed.
But… now that you’ve become a member of the Body of Jesus Christ, you no longer walk according to the will of your flesh and mind. Because you have laid down and buried your flesh through the bautismo en agua. The flesh is death, so the flesh can’t be in control anymore.
If your flesh is still in control, you haven’t laid down your flesh yet. You haven’t dejar de lado al viejo but the old man is still alive.
You’ve become a new creation and your spirit has become alive by the power of the Holy Spirit. You shall walk, and live after the Spirit and not after the flesh anymore.
You shall not be controlled by what your senses and thoughts are telling you to do. But you do, what the Word of God tells you to do. You will take authority over thoughts, that do not line up with the Word of God, and don’t let those thoughts take authority over you.
How do you take authority over your thoughts?
1. Get to know the Word of God
En primer lugar, debes conocer la Palabra de Dios. Because how else will you find out, that the thoughts you have, don’t line up with the Word of God? The Word instructs you, to not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed from the world, por la renovación de tu mente con la Palabra de Dios. Only by renewing your mind with the Word of God, you will get to know God’s will and the truth. If you know the truth, you can attack the lies with the truth.
Y no os conforméis a este mundo: pero transformaos por la renovación de vuestra mente, para que podáis probar qué es ese bien, y aceptable, y perfecto, voluntad de Dios (romanos 12:2)
2. Meditar en la Palabra, día y noche
Let your mind be filled with the Word, and don’t let your thoughts depart from the Word. Let the Word dwell and be in your heart constantly.
Este libro de la ley no se apartará de tu boca; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, para que guardes hacer conforme a todo lo que en ella está escrito:porque entonces harás prosperar tu camino, y entonces tendrás buen éxito (Josué 1:8)
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night (salmos 1:1-2)
3. Take every thought, que va en contra de la palabra de Dios, into captivity with the Word.
You can only win the battle against your thoughts, out of the Spirit, by bringing your thoughts into captivity with the Word of God. Only the Word can beat the adversary. When the devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus didn’t beat the devil by singing songs, but He beat the devil with the Word.
When thoughts of worry arises, or other evil thoughts, bring these thought into captivity, a la obediencia de Cristo, by speaking the Word, and tell these thoughts: that God thinks thoughts of peace, and not of evil towards you, para darte un final esperado (Jeremías 29:11)
Derribando imaginaciones, y toda altivez que se levanta contra el conocimiento de Dios, y llevando cautivo todo pensamiento a la obediencia a Cristo (2 corintios 10:5)
Toma autoridad sobre tus pensamientos, before they take authority over you
If you won’t take a stand, and don’t take authority over your thoughts, by bringing them into captivity to the obedience of Christ; la palabra. Pero en lugar, feed these thoughts, by thinking about them and meditating on them, which will result in believing these thoughts, then these thoughts will take authority over you and bring you into captivity.
The thoughts, that go against the Word of God, may seem harmless in the beginning, pero la verdad es, that they aren’t. They have a destructive character.
If you feed thoughts, that oppose the Word of God, they’ll lead you to negative thinking, ansiedad, preocuparse, Autorrechazo, depresión, mental illness, and maybe even suicide.
Eve didn’t walk in the dominion that God gave to man; para gobernar el cielo, the earth, y todo lo que hay dentro. She didn’t silence the serpent, con las palabras de Dios. She didn’t command the serpent to be silent and to go away.
No, she let a thought of doubt enter her mind and acted upon that thought instead. Therefore she and Adam lost their position to the devil, and the devil became the master over man.
If you don’t walk in the dominion that God gave you through Jesus Christ. And if you won’t take authority over your thoughts, then these thoughts will take authority over you. They will become your master.
God has given you all authority in Jesus Christ
Don’t pray to God, and ask Him to take these thoughts away from you. Because God has given you the dominion, the authority, to rule over them, en Jesucristo. God has given you the authority in Jesus Christ, la palabra, to rule over your flesh, including your thoughts.
Therefore renew your mind with the Word of God, guarda tu mente, stay in the Word (in Jesus), y caminar según el Espíritu, en the dominion that God has given you, a través de Jesucristo. Toma autoridad sobre tus pensamientos, before they take authority over you.
“Se la sal de la tierra”