掌控你的想法, 在你的思想掌控你之前

In this article the mind is discussed and how important it is to take authority over your thoughts. 因为如果你不掌控自己的想法, your thoughts take authority over you and rule your life. Let’s have a look at what the Bible says about the mind and how to take authority over your thoughts.


All the words, 作品, and actions of people derive from the mind. 正如箴言中所写 23:7: 就像一个人心里想的那样, 他也是.

The way you think about yourself makes you the person you are. From the mind and the way you think, you act. Therefore all behavior, 行动, and speech derive from the mind.

头脑也起着过滤器的作用. 当你的思想“阴暗”或“腐败”时, or to put it in other words, when you have a ‘wrong’ mindset and a wrong way of thinking, 然后你用感官感知到的一切 (你看到什么了, hear, 感觉), become affected by this wrong mindset.

Your mind is very important and determines the course of your life.

The mind and thoughts of the old creation

Before you became born again in Christ and became a new creation, you were the old creation (罪人) and lived from your fallen state as a sinner. Your spirit was dead and you were led by your flesh and your carnal mind with your carnal thoughts. The will, 欲望, and desires of your flesh and your mind ruled over you. They determined what they wanted you to do and you obeyed them. 你按照自己的想法行动. 你是肉体和思想的奴隶.

从黑暗的权势中被释放, 被他的血所救赎

他已使你苏醒, 那些死在过犯罪恶之中的人; 在过去的时光里,你们按照这个世界的轨迹行走, 根据空中力量王子的说法, 现在在悖逆之子心中运作的精神: 我们从前也都在他们中间谈论肉体的私欲, 满足肉体和心灵的欲望; 生来就是可怒之子, 即使和其他人一样 (以弗所书 2:1-3)

你属肉体的思想违背了神的话语, 因此与神为敌 (罗马书 8:7)

你的心思是属肉体的,被黑暗所控制; 空中力量王子. You lived in darkness and the darkness was your source.

Your mind and your thoughts agreed with the thoughts of the world, 因为这个世界的统治者 (恶魔) 是你的父亲. 你属于他, 他统治了你的生活, 你服从了他.

Since the devil is the adversary of God, every thought he puts into your mind opposes the Word of God.

The mind and thoughts of the new creation

然后那一刻到来了, that you believed and accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Your sinful nature was exposed by the Holy Spirit and you repented of your life as a sinner. You became born again and became a new creation, who is reconciled with God and lives from the restored state in Christ after the Spirit.

新的创造刚开始时还是个婴儿. 在一开始的时候, the new creation is oftentimes still subjected to the flesh (身体和灵魂). Because from the day you were born, the flesh has been fed for all those years by the darkness and reigned as king in your life (when you were the old creation).


All those years your mind was fed and led by the world system. For years your mind received input from the natural world, 通过培养 (你的成长方式), 教育, 娱乐, (社会的)媒体, ETC.

Your whole mind has been polluted with the knowledge, 智慧, and things of this world. Your mind is in line with the mind of the ruler of this world; the devil and all those, who belong to him.

当你成为新的创造物时, your mind is still conformed to this world (系统). 唯一的区别是, that you believe in Jesus and your spirit is raised from the dead. 但你的想法和思维方式还没有改变. Your thoughts are still conformed to the world instead of the Word (圣经).

所以, it’s time to 更新你的想法 and feed your spirit. So that your spirit matures. It is time to stop walking after the flesh and let your thoughts dictate what to do. Start walking after the Spirit and let the words of God dictate you what to do. So that you walk in obedience to the Father as a son of God (这适用于男性和女性) on earth and manifest the Kingdom of God.

How do you renew your mind and feed your spirit?

How do you renew and feed your spirit and ensure that your mind will line up with the mind of Jesus and the spirit and the Holy Spirit reign in your life? 答案是, 借着神的话语 (圣经), through 祷告, 并在圣灵里祷告.

The newborn Christians have become a new creation; a son of God in the spirit realm and the mission of every Christian is to reveal this spiritual transformation in the natural realm. This means to walk as a son of God after the Spirit just like Jesus.

因为思想被罪性所支配就是死亡, 但心灵受圣灵支配就是生命与平安 (罗马书 8:6 (千瓦)

Why you must renew your mind with the Word?

Your mission and purpose as a new creation is to become like the Word; 耶稣. 你的“前任”和“现任”’ 思维方式, 并不能定义你是谁. The Word defines who you really are. 这 Word is the mirror for the new creation.

不要效法这个世界,而要心意更新而变化罗马书 12:2

You were controlled by the darkness (世界) your whole life. You were fed with lies that blinded you to the Truth.

现在, 时机已到, to destroy these lies in your life and to build upon the Truth, which means to renew your mind with the Word of God.


你内在的精神必须统治你的肉体. This means your thoughts, 情怀, 和情绪 (that go against the Word of God).

当你的灵不再掌权并且不再开始统治你的肉体时, 你的灵将臣服于肉体,而你仍将受肉体的控制; 那黑暗.


魔鬼最大的领地之一就是心灵. 魔鬼知道心灵有多重要. The devil knows that the mind controls the behavior, 行动, 以及人们的言论. That’s why the devil wants to reign in everyone’s mind and control the mind. 以便, man remains the devil’s slave and does exactly what he wants. (另请阅读: ‘上帝的意志 vs 魔鬼的意志').

魔鬼不想让你发现真相. Because when you find out who you really are in Jesus Christ and what dominion (权威) 已经给你了, 你将成为魔鬼和他的王国的巨大威胁. 这就是为什么魔鬼希望你对神的道一无所知并拥有 缺乏知识.

魔鬼如咆哮的狮子, 寻找可吞吃的人

魔鬼希望你保持肉体并继续随从肉体而活. 他想通过你肉体和思想的情欲和欲望来控制你; 您的想法.

当你成为新的创造物时, 魔鬼和他的军队不再有任何合法权利来占领你的思想. 但… they still have the ability to occupy your mind.

The devil and his army take every opportunity to stay in control of your mind. He has one mission and that is to bring you into captivity of him and bring you back into darkness and destroy you.

魔鬼和他的军队都是堕落天使. They can’t read your mind; 您的想法, 但他们可以用谎言填满你的思想.

魔鬼派遣他的天使执行任务,用谎言攻击你的思想, 并用毁灭的念头来控制你的思想, 担心, 焦虑, 害怕, 多疑, 妒忌, 自豪, 嫉妒, 消极性, 叛乱, 自我否定等.

The instruments of the devil to infiltrate and control your mind

除了这些对心灵的攻击, 魔鬼也使用可见世界的工具: 喜欢教育, (社会的) 媒体, 娱乐; 电视, 电脑游戏, 图书, ETC. to invade your mind. These instruments will ensure that you will stay in his power and will stay controlled by evil spirits. How can you see if people are controlled by evil spirits? 通过他们的行为和成瘾.

一旦您的生活离不开这些仪器, 你上瘾了 (智能手机成瘾, television addiction, 游戏成瘾, 书瘾, 网络成瘾, social media addiction, ETC.). 当你上瘾的时候, 你被黑暗势力控制了.

It is very important, that when you become a new creation, 小心你所看到的, 手表, 并听到, 以及你用什么“东西”来喂养你的大脑.

If you don’t guard your mind and keep feeding your mind with the things of the world, you become like the world. 通过喂养你的肉, 你会确保你的肉体保持强壮, 并继续统治你的生活.

是的, 你的肉体将继续控制你的生活. 但当你自己吃饭的时候, 与神国度的事; 神的话语, 祷告, 禁食, speaking in new tongues, ETC. 那么你的精神就会变得强大并统治你的生活. 当你的精神掌权时, you shall walk after the Spirit.

Why is it necessary to take authority over your thoughts?

在以弗所书中 2:3 保罗写信给以弗所的圣徒, 不仅关乎他们在基督里的地位, 也关于他们的前世以及他们如何被肉体的情欲所引导, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the mind. 这也是今天的真理. 因为在你转向基督之前, 并成为圣人, 你是肉体和思想意志的奴隶 (您的想法). 你的肉体和思想指导你做什么, 你自然而然地服从了.


但是……既然你已经成为耶稣基督身体的一员, 你不再按照肉体和思想的意愿行事. 因为你已经放下并埋葬了你的肉体 洗礼 在水里. 肉体就是死亡, 所以肉体再也无法控制.

如果你的肉体仍能控制, you haven’t laid down your flesh yet. 你还没有 赶走老人 but the old man is still alive.

You’ve become a new creation and your spirit has become alive by the power of the Holy Spirit. 你将步行, 并随从圣灵而不再随从肉体而活.

You shall not be controlled by what your senses and thoughts are telling you to do. 但你做了, what the Word of God tells you to do. You will take authority over thoughts, that do not line up with the Word of God, and don’t let those thoughts take authority over you.


1. 认识神的话语

First of all, 你必须了解神的话语. 因为你还能怎样发现, that the thoughts you have, 不符合神的话语? 圣言教导你, 不效法这个世界, 但要从世界转变, by the renewing of your mind with the Word of God. Only by renewing your mind with the Word of God, 你会明白神的旨意和真理. 如果你知道真相, 你可以用事实来攻击谎言.

并且不要效仿这个世界: 但要通过心意的更新而改变, 这样你们就可以证明什么是好的, 并可以接受, 和完美的, 神的旨意 (罗马书 12:2)

2. 默想神的话语, 日夜

让你的心思充满神的话语, 不要让你的思想偏离神的道. 让神的话语常驻在你心里.

这律法书不可离开你的口; 但你要昼夜冥想, 以便您遵守其中所写的一切:因为那时你将使你的道路繁荣, 然后你就会取得成功 (约书亚 1:8)

不听从恶人计谋的人有福了, 也不阻挡罪人的道路, 也不坐​​亵慢人的座位. 但他喜爱耶和华的律法; 他昼夜默想他的律法 (诗篇 1:1-2)

3. 接受每一个想法, 违背神的话语, 被道俘虏.

你只能赢得与你的想法的战斗, 出于圣灵, 让你的思想被神的话语俘虏. 只有道才能打败对手. 当魔鬼在旷野试探耶稣时, 耶稣并不是靠唱歌来打败魔鬼, 但他用道打败了魔鬼.

当担忧的念头出现时, 或其他邪恶的想法, 把这些想法囚禁起来, 为了基督的顺服, 借着说出神的话语, 并说出这些想法: 上帝怀着平安的念头, 而不是对你有恶意, 给你一个预期的结局 (耶利米 29:11)

抛开想象, 以及一切高举自己、反对上帝知识的崇高事物, 并俘虏一切思想来顺服基督 (2 哥林多前书 10:5)

掌控你的想法, 在他们接管你之前

如果你不表明立场, 并且不要对你的想法施加权威, 使他们被掳去顺服基督; 这个单词. 但反而, 喂养这些想法, 通过思考和冥想, 这将导致相信这些想法, 那么这些想法就会控制你并俘虏你.

诗篇 29:11 The Lord will give strength unto His people

的想法, that go against the Word of God, 一开始可能看起来无害, 但事实是, that they aren’t. 他们具有破坏性的性格.

如果你喂养思想, 反对神话语的人, 它们会导致你产生消极的想法, 焦虑, 担心, 自我拒绝, 沮丧, 精神疾病, 甚至可能自杀.

夏娃并没有行走在神赋予人类的统治权之中; 统治天堂, 地球, 以及里面的一切. 她没有让蛇安静下来, 用神的话. 她没有命令蛇保持沉默并走开.

不, 她让一个怀疑的想法进入她的脑海,并根据这个想法采取行动. 因此她和亚当失去了对魔鬼的地位, 魔鬼成为了人类的主人.

If you don’t walk in the dominion that God gave you through Jesus Christ. 如果你不肯主宰自己的想法, 那么这些想法就会控制你. 他们将成为你的主人.


不要向上帝祈祷, 并请求他把这些想法从你身上带走. 因为神已经给了你统治权, 当局, 统治他们, 在耶稣基督里. 神已在耶稣基督里赐给你权柄, 这个单词, 统治你的肉体, including your thoughts.

因此,用神的话语更新你的心意, guard your mind, 留在话语中 (在耶稣里), 并跟随圣灵而行, in the dominion 上帝给你的, 通过耶稣基督. 掌控你的想法, 在他们接管你之前.



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