Take fast hold of instruction

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life (Proverbji 4:13)

There are not many people, who enjoy instruction and being disciplined. Most people want to be pleased and complimented by others. They don’t listen to messages that confront them with their lifestyle, but they want to hear uplifted messages that comfort their ego. But if you have decided to follow Jesus, then you will be instructed and disciplined, whether you want to or not. Because how else can your spirit mature?

Instruction is necessary, because otherwise you shall never grow up to maturity and walk as the new creation. You have lived your whole life according to the measures of the world. You’ve have gained worldly wisdom and knowledge. Your character and the person, who you are, is formed by the world; the devil.

will of God vs will of the devilBut when you become born again and become a new creation; a son of God, you have a new Father; your true Father God.

By the blood of Jesus and by His perfect sacrifice, He has redeemed you from the kingdom of darkness, and has transferred you into the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore it’s time for a new law, new rules and regulations, U …….instructions.

You have become a new creation, you have received a new ‘nationality’, and now you ought to walk as the new creation.

The Father shall instruct you by His Word, through the Holy Spirit. When you open the Word, and receive, keep, and apply the words into your life, then your mind will be renewed. A complete renewal and transformation will take place in your life.

You will not be pampered, but you will receive instructions. When you hold fast to the instruction, and when you keep her in your heart, then you shall receive eternal life, for she is your life.

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