Խլել են գիտելիքի բանալին

“Woe unto you, փաստաբաններ! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in you hindered”, said Jesus to the lawyers of Israel. Although these words were meant for the lawyers of the people of Israel, Jesus could speak the same words to many church leaders today. Because many people, who call themselves apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers have taken away the key of knowledge. What is the key of knowledge that Jesus referred to in Luke 11:52 and how has the key of knowledge been taken away in the church?

How the lawyers had taken away the key of knowledge?

Woe unto you, փաստաբաններ! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered (Ղուկաս 11:52)

Jesus spoke these words to the lawyers; the interpreters and teachers of the Mosaic law. Հիսուսն ասաց, that the lawyers had taken away the key of knowledge. Because although they belonged to God’s people and had carnal knowledge of the Law of Moses, they didn’t possess the knowledge of God.

Ջոն 15:9-10 if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love

although they were teachers of the Law of Moses and were familiar with all the laws and regulations of God and knew all these laws by head, they didn’t know God.

They didn’t know God and were not acquainted with His will. Since they lived in disobedience to Him.

The lawyers didn’t love God with all their heart, հոգի, միտք, և ուժ. They didn’t know His thoughts and didn’t walk in Նրա ճանապարհը. Because otherwise, Jesus wouldn’t have spoken these words, which He received from the Father.

But Jesus, who they saw as an unskilled son of a carpenter and didn’t hold a high position in society, spoke these words to them.

These lawyers, who were supposed to represent God and His Kingdom to His people, represented themselves.

They held high positions in society and the people respected them. These lawyers considered themselves superior to the people and had set themselves as gods in the temple.

They thought they possessed the key of knowledge and to be the key of knowledge to the people. But Jesus brought the truth into the light. Jesus exposed the lies of these lawyers, whose minds were darkened and who walked in darkness.

A key provides access

A key has value and provides access to a house, building, means of transportation (car, (motor) bike, boat, և այլն:), a safe, (computer) programs, և այլն. The keeper of the key has the power to open and shut*. Without a key, a person can’t get access and is hindered from entering and/or making use of something. This also applies to the Kingdom of God.

Jesus spoke about the key of knowledge, since the lawyers were supposed to possess the key to eternal life. They were supposed to possess the knowledge of God and His will and His Kingdom. If they had possessed the key of knowledge they would not have been the only ones, who walked in submission to God and His words on His way and live in the will of God, but also the people, whom they taught in the temple.

Many church leaders have exalted themselves above God and have taken away the key of knowledge

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteths in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

Just like in the days of Jesus, the lawyers had taken away the key of knowledge and prevented the people from the way to eternal life, many church leaders have exalted themselves above God and His Word and have taken away the key of knowledge and hinder those, who are seeking to enter. (Կարդացեք նաև: What is the difference between Jesus and the religious leaders?)

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge Proverbs 1:7

Instead of representing Jesus Christ and His Kingdom and preaching the truth and will of God, they represent themselves and preach lies. How do they preach lies? By speaking their own words, opinions, and experiences and by making their own rules and regulations.

Many church leaders are not born again. They are not baptized in Christ (water baptism) and haven’t laid down their flesh.

Their spirit is not raised from the dead and they’ve not received the Holy Spirit. But they are still carnal and led by their flesh and the ruler and spirits of this world.

They might have great knowledge of the Bible. But as long as they are not born again in Christ and don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father through the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God is not the highest authority in their lives, and they don’t do the word of God, then all their knowledge of the Bible doesn’t mean a thing.

How can someone, who has not entered the Kingdom of God lead others into the Kingdom?

All that knowledge of the Bible has no value, but it only makes them prideful and puffed up. Because how can someone who is not born again in Christ and has not received the Holy Spirit, preach about regeneration in Christ and the Holy Spirit?

How can someone, who has not entered the Kingdom of God and doesn’t live in the Kingdom of God, represent, preach, and bring the Kingdom of God to the people? How can preachers lead others into the Kingdom if they have not entered themselves?

And how can someone, who lives in sin, call others to repentance and the removal of sin? Exactly, that’s impossible!

That’s why the message has changed in many churches. The people don’t preach the words of God and His truth anymore. They have adjusted the truth of God. They’ve mixed the words of God with their own opinions and carnal knowledge, which derive from their carnal mind that has been fed by the world. And so they preach their own carnal truths.

A manmade gospel, which is not a gospel

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed (Գաղատացիներ 1:6-9)

Many preachers have become motivational speakers and many prophets have risen, who don’t speak, prophecy, and act from the Spirit according to the Word. But they speak and prophecy from their flesh and preach another gospel, which is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.

way to eternal life, I am the way the truth and the life

Instead of preaching the gospel of Christ, they have perverted the gospel of Christ. They have made the gospel of no effect and put Jesus to shame.

Since the gospel, which they preach and practice doesn’t represent the will of God. Their gospel doesn’t lead to (spiritual) freedom but to (spiritual) bondage and submission to the flesh and the spirits of this world.

Instead of setting the captives free, they lead the people into captivity.

This manmade gospel doesn’t call the people to repentance and remove sin and lay down the flesh. But this gospel feeds the flesh and keeps the flesh alive. This gospel calls the people to rebellion and sin against God and to not love God but the world.

People are not led to Jesus and the cross, but the world

Because they want to please the flesh and don’t preach the truth of God anymore but preach a manmade gospel, they have taken away the key of knowledge.

Instead of leading the people to the true Jesus Christ and the cross and getting them born again and teaching them in the knowledge of His will, they lead them to the world. Because of that many people wander and are lost. They seek but they’re hindered from entering the Kingdom of God and inheriting eternal life.

How many Christians have taken away the key of knowledge?

But not only many church leaders have taken away the key of knowledge, but also many people who call themselves Christians. They say they believe and call Jesus their Lord and maybe possess a lot of Bible knowledge, but they don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, բառը, and refuse to submit to the Word, obey the Word, and live according to the will of God.

They could be the access to the Kingdom of God and eternal life for many people, by preaching Jesus Christ; the Truth, the Way, and the Life and calling the people to repentance and by living as the new creation, son of God (both males and females), in obedience to God after His will.

But because they don’t know Jesus Christ personally and are not truly born again and don’t have the Holy Spirit abiding in them and have not entered the Kingdom of God themselves, but belong to the world and are world-like and carnally minded and live the same lives like the world, acting according to the will of the flesh, they also have taken away the key of knowledge.

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Աղբյուր: Thayer’s dictionary

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