The chastening of the Lord

Mój syn, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the Lord loves he corrects; tak jak ojciec, Syn, w którym ma upodobanie (Przysłowia 3:11-12)

If you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, i stać się narodzić się na nowo przez Ducha Świętego, you will become a son of God. You will be loved by your Father, and therefore your Father will also correct and chastise you. The Holy Spirit is your Teacher; He shall teach you into all truth, and correct you.

Kiedy ty odnowić swój umysł ze Słowem Bożym, i stosuj Jego słowa w swoim życiu, then you shall be confronted with things, like your way of thinking, behaviour, emocje, uczucia, działania, deeds etc., that you and the world consider normal, but are not normal according to God and His Word. Therefore they don’t belong in the life of a born again believer.

When you are confronted, there are two things you can do. You can accept His correction, bądźcie Mu posłuszni, repent and remove it out of your life. Or you can ignore His correction, pretend that you didn’t hear Him and continue with your life. If you chose the latter one, then it won’t be long before your spirit will cease, and that your flesh shall dominate your life.

The chastening of the Lord

The Lord corrects and chastises you, ponieważ On cię kocha. He knows what’s right for you, and therefore He shall teach and guide you. If the Lord wouldn’t care about you, He wouldn’t correct you. Dlatego, don’t harden your heart, but have a willing heart. Allow the correction and chastening of the Lord, so that you will grow up and mature. You shall not only be a Nowa kreacja, but you shall also walk as the new creation, that God intended you to be.

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