Is the cross a place to die or a place to sin?

The cross is the place of atonement and the place of redemption and grace. Isus was the perfect Lamb of God, without blemish and spot, Who made atonement for you.Isus Krist, Who was without sin, took all the iniquities and sins of the world upon Him. The cross is a place to die and wher your new life begins. Jesus became your Substitute. He hang on the cross, which should have been your place. You should have hung there, due to your iniquities and sins. But because of God’s great love, God gave His only Son Jesus Christ to become your Substitute. Jesus took your punishment upon Him, tako da, you don’t have to carry that anymore. Jesus faced death, so you won’t have to face death and the eternal punishment in hell anymore.

What does the word ‘cross’ značiti?

The word cross comes from the Greek word: stauros (stow-ros), it comes from the base of no. G2476(strong concordance) i znači ;

  • a stake or post (as set upright),
  • To je, (specifically) a pole or cross (as an instrument of capital punishment)
  • figuratively exposure to death, To je, selfdenial;
  • by implication the atonement of Christ: – križ.

What did Jesus say about the cross?

I tko ne uzme svoj križ, i slijedi za mnom, nije dostojan mene (Matej 10:38)

Ako će koji čovjek doći za mnom, neka sam sebe zaniječe, i uzeti svoj križ, i slijedite me. Jer tko hoće život svoj spasiti, izgubit će ga: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it (Matej 16:24,25)

Whosoever will come after Me, neka sam sebe zaniječe, i uzeti svoj križ, i slijedi Mene (Ocjena 8:34).

Take up your cross, i slijedi Mene (Ocjena 10:21)

Ako će koji čovjek doći za mnom, neka sam sebe zaniječe, i svakodnevno uzimaju njegov križ, i slijedi Mene (Luke 9:23)

Whosoever doth not bear his cross, i dođi za Mnom, cannot be My disciple (Luke 14:27)

In these verses, Jesus is very clear, and says, that if we really want to follow Jesus Christ, we should take up our cross and follow Him (Pročitajte također: ‘Slijeđenje Isusa koštat će vas svega‘ i ‘Bolan proces poznat kao umiranje’).

What does it mean to take up your cross?

Dobro, to answer this question, we must look at what took place at the cross; Jesus was crucified. He denied Himself, by becoming fully obedient to the will of God.

Jesus could have done His own will and disobey God. Jesus could have enjoyed His life on earth, maybe Jesus had become a very old man. But Jesus did not do that.

Bitka u Getsemanskom vrtu, Oče ako hoćeš ukloni ovu čašu od Mene

He crucified His will by becoming fully obedient to the will of His Father.

Jesus had only one thing in mind and that was to do the will of His Father, to lay down His life, and fulfil the plan that God had for His life.

That plan was to die for mankind and take the sins of the world upon Him, and become an atonement for mankind and take back the authority that was taken by the devil and reconcile man back to God.

Jesus tells you to do the same. You should take up your cross daily, which means that you should crucify your will and do His will. It means to be completely obedient to Jesus Christ and do the will of the Father and fulfil His purpose for your life.

It means to deny yourself, Umri sebi, die to the lusts and desires of the flesh. Dying is a painful process. It’s not easy, but it is necessary in order to follow Jesus.

You have a choice

If you don’t want to lay down your old life and its habits, because you say it is too hard, or you can’t do it, because you don’t have the power to do it, then honestly you don’t hate your old life as a sinner yet.Da, you still love doing the things you do and you don’t want to say goodbye to these things. You don’t see any harm by doing them.

sluga grijeha

Most people want to hang on to their old life and add so called ‘Christian behaviour’; by becoming a member of the church, Odlazak u crkvu, being friendly, doing charity works, reading the Bible 5 ili 10 minutes before they go to sleep, say a quick prayer and that’s it.

Let me tell you, the more you hate sin and hate your old life and its habits, the easier it is to take up your cross and follow Jesus.

Da, it will cost you everything; it will cost you your life. But your life will become so much better!

It is a process to die to self. But if you really want to, then it is possible. It is all up to you. The Holy Spirit is there to help you, to teach you, to guide you, to strengthen you and to warn you.

Your life will become one great adventure with the Holy Spirit.

What did Jesus ne say about the cross ?

Jesus did not say that the cross is:

  • a permit to keep sinning,
  • used to keep doing what you want to do,
  • an excuse to keep living in sin, and to say that you just are too weak and that you therefore keep coming back to the cross over and over again.

The cross is not a place to rest, the cross is not a place to camp, but the cross is your starting point.

Let me be clear, I don’t say that you have to forget the cross. Ne, you may never forget the cross!

The cross is the place where die and you lay down your life

The cross is the place where Jesus became your Substitue, it’s the place where you identified yourself with Christ and got born again. The cross is the place, where all of your iniquities and sins were taken away from you and where you were reconciled with the Father, u Isusu Kristu.

But the cross must not became a camping place, a place where you stay and get stuck in between your old life and your new life and stay there, because you can’t say farewell to your old habits, svoje grijehe (Pročitajte također: Bitka i slabost starca)

Križ mjesto za umiranje ili mjesto za grijeh

Many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:  Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things(Filipljanima 3:18)

If you keep on doing your will and if your mind is set on the things of the world, you are an enemy of the cross.

If the things of the world and your will, are more important than to do the will of God and to walk after the Spirit, then the Bible says that you are an enemy of the cross.

Opet, you have a choice. But it is all or nothing, there is no way in between. You can’t serve two gods.

Either you will lose your life here on earth or you will lose your life in hell.

What did Paul say about the cross?

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Jer u Kristu Isusu nijedno obrezanje ništa ne koristi, niti neobrezanje, ali novo stvorenje (Galaćanima 6:14,15)

Paul’s life was crucified with Jesus Christ. He took up his cross, što znači, that Paul denied himself and obeyed Christ completely.

Paul was sent to preach the gospel. But not in words, but in power. Paul didn’t preach human philosophies and the carnal wisdom of the world, but Paulpreached the cross, which is the power of God.

Razapet s Kristom, sol zemlje

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God (1 Korinćanima 1:17-18)

You are reconciled with God through the cross, through the blood of Jesus Christ. Stoga, you have peace because you are reconciled. Because of the blood of Jesus, you have been made pravedan.

In Christ Jesus you have become righteous, sveta, unblameable and unreproveable.

And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, smaknuvši time neprijateljstvo (Efežanima 2:16)

I, uspostavivši mir krvlju svog križa, po njemu da sve pomiri sa sobom; Od njega, Kažem, Bilo da su to stvari na zemlji, ili stvari na nebu.

I tebe, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight (puk 1:20-1:22)

All your sins, all of your trespasses, have been forgiven

I tebe, biti mrtav u svojim grijesima i neobrezanju svoga tijela, je li On zajedno s Njim poživio, oprostivši ti sve prijestupe; Brisanje rukopisa uredbi koje su bile protiv nas, što je bilo protivno nama, i maknuo ga s puta, pribijajući ga na Njegov križ; I pokvarivši kneževine i vlasti, He made a whew of them openly, trijumfirajući nad njima u njemu (Kološanima 2:13-15)

Imagine, papers written full of your sins; full of your trespasses, that would have condemn you unto the death penalty, but are blotted out by the work at the cross.

Gotovo je

It is like taking all of the papers with your trespasses that would have condemn you unto death, and throw them all into the fire.

Jesus did that for you. He took that blame fully upon Him, He took your death penalty upon Him, so that you could walk in righteousness in Him. Free of sin, free of guilt, free of condemnation.

Da, all your trespasses were nailed to His cross. You start with a clean sheet.

When you becomePonovno rođen, your spirit is like a baby. The more you feed your spirit, by hearing and studying the Word of God, renewing your mind and doing the word of God, the sooner your spirit will mature. Because when you don’t feed your spirit, it will starve and die. Opet, you have a choice.

There will be different seasons in your life. But, if you stay in volja Božja and keep hearing and studying His Word and doing His Word, you will stand firm and walk as a son of God.

“Budite sol zemlje”

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