십자가는 죽는 곳인가 죄를 짓는 곳인가?

십자가는 속죄의 자리요 구원과 은혜의 자리이다. 예수 완전한 하나님의 어린양이셨다, 흠과 점이 없는, 당신을 위해 속죄한 사람은 누구입니까?예수 그리스도, 죄 없으신 분이 누구였는가, 세상의 모든 불의와 죄를 담당하셨으니. 십자가는 죽어야 할 곳이자 새로운 삶이 시작되는 곳이다. Jesus became your Substitute. He hang on the cross, which should have been your place. You should have hung there, due to your iniquities and sins. But because of God’s great love, God gave His only Son Jesus Christ to become your Substitute. Jesus took your punishment upon Him, so that, you don’t have to carry that anymore. Jesus faced death, so you won’t have to face death and the eternal punishment in hell anymore.

What does the word ‘crossmean?

The word cross comes from the Greek word: stauros (stow-ros), it comes from the base of no. G2476(strong concordance) and means ;

  • a stake or post (as set upright),
  • that is, (specifically) a pole or cross (as an instrument of capital punishment)
  • figuratively exposure to death, that is, selfdenial;
  • by implication the atonement of Christ: – cross.

What did Jesus say about the cross?

그리고 자기 십자가를 지지 않는 사람은, 그리고 나를 따르느니라, 나에게 합당하지 않다 (매튜 10:38)

누구든지 나를 따라오려거든, 그가 자기를 부인하게 하라, 그리고 자기 십자가를 지고, 그리고 나를 따라와. 누구든지 자기 목숨을 구원하고자 하면 잃을 것이요: 누구든지 나를 위하여 자기 목숨을 잃으면 찾으리라 (매튜 16:24,25)

누구든지 나를 따라오라, 그가 자기를 부인하게 하라, 그리고 자기 십자가를 지고, and follow Me (표시 8:34).

십자가를 지라, and follow Me (표시 10:21)

누구든지 나를 따라오려거든, 그가 자기를 부인하게 하라, 날마다 자기 십자가를 지고, and follow Me (루크 9:23)

누구든지 자기 십자가를 지지 아니하면, and come after Me, 내 제자가 될 수 없어 (루크 14:27)

이 구절들에서, 예수님은 아주 분명하십니다., 그리고 말한다, 우리가 정말로 예수 그리스도를 따르고 싶다면, 우리는 자기 십자가를 지고 그분을 따라야 합니다 (또한 읽어보세요: ‘예수님을 따르면 모든 것이 희생될 것입니다‘ 그리고 ‘죽음으로 알려진 고통스러운 과정’).

자기 십자가를 진다는 것이 무슨 뜻입니까??

잘, 이 질문에 답하기 위해, 우리는 십자가에서 일어난 일을 보아야 합니다; Jesus was crucified. He denied Himself, by becoming fully obedient to the will of God.

Jesus could have done His own will and disobey God. Jesus could have enjoyed His life on earth, maybe Jesus had become a very old man. But Jesus did not do that.

The battle in the garden of Getsemane, Father if Thou be willing remove this cup from Me

He crucified His will by becoming fully obedient to the will of His Father.

Jesus had only one thing in mind and that was to do the will of His Father, to lay down His life, and fulfil the plan that God had for His life.

That plan was to die for mankind and take the sins of the world upon Him, and become an atonement for mankind and take back the authority that was taken by the devil and reconcile man back to God.

Jesus tells you to do the same. You should take up your cross daily, which means that you should crucify your will and do His will. It means to be completely obedient to Jesus Christ and do the will of the Father and fulfil His purpose for your life.

It means to deny yourself, die to self, die to the lusts and desires of the flesh. Dying is a painful process. It’s not easy, but it is necessary in order to follow Jesus.

You have a choice

If you don’t want to lay down your old life and its habits, because you say it is too hard, or you can’t do it, because you don’t have the power to do it, then honestly you don’t hate your old life as a sinner yet.예, you still love doing the things you do and you don’t want to say goodbye to these things. You don’t see any harm by doing them.

servant of sin

Most people want to hang on to their old life and add so called ‘Christian behaviour’; by becoming a member of the church, going to church, being friendly, doing charity works, reading the Bible 5 or 10 minutes before they go to sleep, say a quick prayer and that’s it.

Let me tell you, the more you hate sin and hate your old life and its habits, the easier it is to take up your cross and follow Jesus.

예, it will cost you everything; it will cost you your life. But your life will become so much better!

It is a process to die to self. But if you really want to, then it is possible. It is all up to you. The Holy Spirit is there to help you, to teach you, to guide you, to strengthen you and to warn you.

Your life will become one great adventure with the Holy Spirit.

What did Jesus not say about the cross ?

Jesus did not say that the cross is:

  • a permit to keep sinning,
  • used to keep doing what you want to do,
  • an excuse to keep living in sin, and to say that you just are too weak and that you therefore keep coming back to the cross over and over again.

The cross is not a place to rest, the cross is not a place to camp, but the cross is your starting point.

Let me be clear, I don’t say that you have to forget the cross. 아니요, you may never forget the cross!

The cross is the place where die and you lay down your life

The cross is the place where Jesus became your Substitue, it’s the place where you identified yourself with Christ and got born again. The cross is the place, where all of your iniquities and sins were taken away from you and where you were reconciled with the Father, 예수 그리스도 안에서.

But the cross must not became a camping place, a place where you stay and get stuck in between your old life and your new life and stay there, because you can’t say farewell to your old habits, your sins (또한 읽어보세요: The battle and weakness of the old man)

The cross a place to die or a place to sin

Many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:  Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things(Philippians 3:18)

If you keep on doing your will and if your mind is set on the things of the world, you are an enemy of the cross.

If the things of the world and your will, are more important than to do the will of God and to walk after the Spirit, then the Bible says that you are an enemy of the cross.

Again, you have a choice. But it is all or nothing, there is no way in between. You can’t serve two gods.

Either you will lose your life here on earth or you will lose your life in hell.

What did Paul say about the cross?

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature (갈라디아서 6:14,15)

Paul’s life was crucified with Jesus Christ. He took up his cross, which means, that Paul denied himself and obeyed Christ completely.

Paul was sent to preach the gospel. But not in words, 하지만 권력에. Paul didn’t preach human philosophies and the carnal wisdom of the world, but Paulpreached the cross, which is the power of God.

Crucified with Christ, the salt of the earth

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. 십자가의 도가 멸망하는 자들에게는 미련한 것이니라; 오직 구원을 받는 우리에게는 하나님의 능력이니라 (1 고린도전서 1:17-18)

You are reconciled with God through the cross, through the blood of Jesus Christ. 그러므로, you have peace because you are reconciled. 예수님의 피 때문에, 당신은 만들어졌습니다 의로운.

그리스도 예수 안에서 너희는 의인이 되었느니라, 거룩한, 비난할 수 없고 비난할 수 없습니다.

또 십자가로 이 둘을 한 몸으로 하나님과 화목하게 하려 하심이라, 그로 인해 적대감을 없애고 (에베소서 2:16)

And, 그의 십자가의 피로 화평을 이루사, 그로 말미암아 만물을 자기와 화목하게 하려 하심이니라; 그에 의해, 내가 말하다, 땅에 있는 것들이든, 아니면 하늘에 있는 것들.

당신은요, 전에는 악한 행실로 멀리 떠나 마음으로 원수가 되었던 자들을, 그러나 이제 그분이 나와 화해하셨으니n 그의 육체의 죽음으로 말미암아, 너희를 거룩하고 흠 없고 책망할 것이 없는 자로 그 앞에 세우고자 하였으니 (안부 1:20-1:22)

너의 모든 죄, 너의 모든 죄악, 용서받았어

당신은요, 너희의 죄와 육체의 무할례로 죽었던 것, 그와 함께 살리셨느냐, 너희 모든 죄를 용서하고; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a whew of them openly, triumphing over them in it (골로새서 2:13-15)

Imagine, papers written full of your sins; full of your trespasses, that would have condemn you unto the death penalty, but are blotted out by the work at the cross.

It is finished

It is like taking all of the papers with your trespasses that would have condemn you unto death, and throw them all into the fire.

Jesus did that for you. He took that blame fully upon Him, He took your death penalty upon Him, so that you could walk in righteousness in Him. Free of sin, free of guilt, free of condemnation.

예, all your trespasses were nailed to His cross. 깨끗한 시트로 시작합니다..

당신이 될 때다시 태어나다, 당신의 영혼은 아기와 같습니다. 영혼을 더 많이 먹일수록, 하나님의 말씀을 듣고 연구함으로써, 마음을 새롭게 하여 그리고 하나님의 말씀을 행하며, 당신의 영혼이 더 빨리 성숙해질수록. 왜냐하면 당신이 영혼에 먹이를 주지 않을 때, 굶어 죽을 것이다. Again, you have a choice.

당신의 인생에는 다양한 계절이 있을 것입니다.. 하지만, 당신이 머물면 하나님의 뜻 그분의 말씀을 계속 듣고 연구하며 그분의 말씀을 행하십시오., 네가 굳게 서서 하나님의 아들로 행하리라.

“세상의 소금이 되어라”

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