Qual è il pericolo della televisione per i bambini?

Does television have a positive influence on the development of children or does television have a negative influence on the development of children? What effect has watching television on the minds and behavior of children? Let’s look at the danger of television for children that is hidden for many people, compresi i cristiani

The spirit of this world infiltrates the mind through television

Purtroppo, many Christians are not born again and don’t walk after the Spirit but after the flesh. Perciò, many Christians don’t discern the spiritual realm and the spirits. They don’t see the spiritual dangers and open the door of their lives for evil spirits to enter and take possession of them.

This also happens by watching television. Through the channels of television, the spirit of the world infiltrates the minds of people and makes them believe his lies, and causes them to think and live like the world and become one with the world.

Many Christians don’t know that by watching television, they are being prepared for the coming of the antichrist.

By watching television, Christians have become lukewarm towards the faith and indifferent towards sins. They have tolerated and accepted sin instead of considering sin as evil and disobbedienza a Dio. There’s hardly any difference between believers and unbelievers.

Ora, with all this in mind, what is the spiritual danger of television for children?

It’s a dangerous time for children to grow up

Children are being exposed to many dangers. They grow up in a society that is disconnected from God and His Word. Nel corso degli anni, people have developed substitutes for God. Affinché, they could be independent and wouldn’t need God anymore. Almeno, that’s what they think.

Because our society lives without God, the children grow up in a world, where almost all the moral values of the Word of God are gone.

In many Christian families, children are not raised in the Word of God, but in the world’s knowledge, saggezza, and findings. Children are not corrected by their parents through the Word of God, but they are allowed to do, whatever they want to do.

Many parents have compromised and bowed to the will of the child. Because when children don’t get their way, they become angry and whine, cry, and yell and that’s not what parents want.

NO, many parents are busy with other things or tired when they come home from work and don’t want to correct a disobedient child. They want to have some peace and quietness.

And so they use the television to entertain their children and to keep them busy and quiet Many times parents don’t even know what their children are watching and what happens in those ‘innocentchildren’s programs. But they don’t care, as long as their children are quiet.

Is raising children in a free-range style good for children?

The parents let their children have their way and let them decide what they want to do to keep them satisfied. This is the easiest way to raise a child. That way the child can never point a finger at the parents and blame the parents for the way they were raised.

Il bambino perduto

Many parents choose to raise their children in a free-range style because they believe in the lie of the world.

Credono, that this free-range style is the best way to raise a child. Because science (pedagogues, psicologi) says so.

They think it’s good for children to make their own decisions. But children at the age of 4, 8, 10, O 12, are not able to make their own decisions.

Instead of seeing positive results and good fruits of this fee-range style, we see the opposite.

We see a decrease in moral values and an increase in rebellion (towards parents, educators, famiglia, insegnanti, ambiente, and authorities), brutality, disubbidienza, disrespect, orgoglio, and selfishness. But we also see an increase in anxiety, depressione, and suicide.

Television has a big influence on children’s development, mente, state of mind, and behavior. And because many parents don’t see the spiritual danger of television, many children become victims of this evil tool.

What do children learn from the TV?

Let’s have a look at the spiritual danger of television for children and some well-known educative programs for children.

What do children learn from Dora?

Dora is considered an educative program, because children learn to count, leggere, have environmental awareness, eccetera. But what else do children learn from Dora?

Children learn to walk away from home, engage in conversations with ‘strangers’, and walk with them. The children are educated in the nuova era, astrologia, and witchcraft.

What do children learn from Spongebob Squarepants?

Spongebob Squarepants looks innocent, but what many don’t know, is that there seem to be hidden sexual messages. And look at the characters, who look like demonic creatures (and some even say, reverse genitals).

What do children learn from Calliou?

Calliou is a 4-year-old bold boy, who constantly whines and cries, no matter what his parents do. By whining and crying all the time, Calliou always gets his way.

Calliou is the most important person in the family and that clearly shows throughout the series. He is jealous of his little sister and often fights with her. There is a big chance that toddlers and pre-schoolers take over Calliou’s behavior.

Are minions adorable?

And let’s not forget the minions, who are taking over the world. Everywhere you go, you see these yellow demonic creatures, that most people find adorable.

They are very popular among children, teenagers, and young adults. They enjoy watching movies like ‘Despicable Me’, ‘Despicable Me II’ (this movie is just a reflection of the devil and his demons (minions)), and ‘The Minions’. These movies contain violence, sexual content, stregoneria (hypnotizing), eccetera..

Qual è il pericolo della televisione per i bambini?

Television for children is not that innocent. The spiritual danger of television for children is that children are exposed to demonic forces. By watching these programs, evil spirits of lust, impurità sessuale, stregoneria, stregoneria, divinazione, violenza, ribellione, morte, eccetera. enter the lives of children.

Since children identify themselves in the early stages of life with other characters, they will adopt the behavior of the main characters and act the way they act. They assume that this behavior is normal.

A spirit of witchcraft and sorcery

How many times does a toddler or pre-schooler say: “hocus pocus, you will become a frog?” Parents find this cute and adorable. They don’t mind their child saying that. Maybe they even laugh a little bit. But when a child says something like this, it comes from a spirit of witchcraft that has entered the child through a television program that includes witchcraft.

Maybe the child watched a program or movie that contained a witch, like the fairy tales Tangled, The Emperor’s New Groove, The Sword in the Stone, Snow-white and the seven dwarfs, Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty (Maleficent), eccetera.

Fairy tales are presented in the natural realm as harmless but are not harmless in the spiritual realm. Children who say spells are already practicing witchcraft.

What is the danger of television for teenagers?

There is not only a danger of television for children, but there is also a danger of television for teenagers. Through means of television, teenagers are indoctrinated with the spirit of this world; the spirit of the antichrist and darkness. They shall have the mind of the world and therefore live like the world in darkness.

Teenagers feed their minds with Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, 90210, Vampires Diary, The Haunted Hathaways, Harry Potter movies, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Every Witch Way, and other popular witchcraft and vampire series.

And let’s not forget series like Glee. Glee seems like a nice high school series full of musical songs etc. But Glee is also full of sexual content; sexual intercourse, experimenting, cheating, abortion, omosessualità, violenza, drugs, bad language, e così via.

How does television affect the mind and behavior of children?

The devil has one goal and that’s to destroy humanity. He wants to control and destroy the minds of people, bambini compresi. He knows that if you control the mind, you control the life. The devil catches children in his evil web of darkness because children are the future.

One of his ways is using the television for children. Through the television, the devil can influence, defile, and control the minds of children.

il diavolo come un leone ruggente, cercando chi divorare

Through a lack of knowledge of the parents about the danger of television, the devil defiles the minds of children through television.

Children are educated in evil, buio, stregoneria, stregoneria, nuova era, Crimini, violenza, impurità sessuale, eccetera. They will adopt the character of the devil and his will.

And just like the devil, the children will hate God, Gesù, e lo Spirito Santo. Children become rebellious and will hate everything that involves Christianity. They don’t want to read the Bible and don’t want to go to church.

And then parents still wonder, why their child has become so selfish, and rebellious and doesn’t want to obey and submit to their authority.

The devil didn’t want to submit to God’s authority and obey Him. We see the same thing happening with the children of this generation.

There are exceptions. Tuttavia, the majority of children are very lively, forte, ribelle, disobbediente, disrespectful towards others, egoista, violento, outrageous, Bugiardi, eccetera.

Is a child too young to understand the Bible and the things of the Kingdom of God?

Many times people say that a child is too young to understand the Bible, the redemptive work of Jesus, the things of the Kingdom of God, and spiritual warfare. As soon as you talk about the devil and demonic powers people try to stop and silence you. Because if you talk about the devil and darkness you may scare children and cause fear and nightmares.

Isn’t that something? A child È allowed A watch thrillers and horrors and get involved with evil demonic powers, stregoneria, stregoneria, magia, ghosts, morte, vampires, zombies, (physical and sexual) violenza, warfare, impurità sessuale, eccetera., but a child is too young for Jesus Christ; the Word of God and too young to understand the Kingdom of God and spiritual warfare?

Do you see how ridiculous that is? Do you see this wrong mindset many Christians have created?

Children should be raised with the Word of God

If children were raised with the Word of God and taught in the Word and the spiritual war, and if there would be strict supervision of parents about what programs children are watching, then the minds and behavior of children would be so different from what we see today.

Then children would become obedient to God, genitori, and authorities, respectful, have integrity, loving, willing, utile, humble, eccetera.

Permettete ai figli di venire a Me, non proibitelo

Gesù disse, Suffer little children, e non glielo proibiscano, per venire a me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven (Matteo 19:14, Segno 10:14, Luca 18:16).

But many parents forbid their children to come to Jesus.

How do they forbid their children to come to Jesus? By not raising them in the Word of God and by not correcting them.

Raising a child in the Word doesn’t mean quickly reading a few verses of the Bible after dinner or before a child goes to bed. These things are also good, but raising a child in the Word means teaching the Word.

Teach a child how to pray and live and walk as a born-again Christian and teach them the difference between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil. Affinché, a child shall live and act according to what the Word says, and not according to what the world says.

Children are never too young to understand the Word

Children are never too young to understand the Word of God. Tuttavia, parents should be spiritual and consistent and ‘breakthe will of the child as soon as a child is born. Affinché, the child shall not exalt itself, become prideful, and self-centered. Ma invece, become humble and submit to parents, a Dio, and the Word; Gesù.

When a child is not taught to submit to the parents, how can a child submit to God? È impossibile! What will happen is, that they will create an imaginary God, and an Gesù immaginario, nella loro mente, and grow up with this imaginary Jesus. That’s what we see happening around us: adults, who have created their own God, and their own Jesus in their minds.

Therefore don’t forbid children to come to Jesus and the Kingdom. If you don’t claim your child for the Kingdom of God, the devil will claim your child for his kingdom and destroy your child.

Raise your child with the Word of God; Gesù. So that your child gets to know Him, yields to Him, and becomes His soldier; His spiritual warrior in the Kingdom of God.

Don’t lose the next generation to the darkness

Don’t lose the next generation to the darkness, but let’s claim the children for the Kingdom of God. Affinché, they will preach the gospel; the good news of Jesus Christ and His redemptive work and distribute life to people, E save souls for the Kingdom of God.

Don’t let a new generation get lost, because of comfort, and selfishness (because you are too busy with yourself, your work, your social life, Reti sociali, eccetera.), but invest in your children. Nurture your children and spend time with them. Discipine and correct them, and raise them in the Word and the Spirit, in the truth and the fear of the Lord.

If you don’t claim your child(Ren) for the Kingdom of God, the devil will claim your child for his kingdom.

“Siate il sale della terra”

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