The love and the grace of God are so great! God loves people so much, He only wants the best for people and to have a relationship with them. God wanted this so much, that He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to this earth, to become a sacrifice for humanity. Jesus took all the sins, Nieprawości, diseases, and sicknesses of humanity upon Him. Jesus died for everyone, including you. So that you’ll be delivered from sin and the power of darkness and be reconciled with the Father.
Czym jest łaska Boża?
Tak bowiem Bóg umiłował świat, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, ale mają życie wieczne (Jan 3:16)
Jesus took the sins of the world and carried our punishment; death and eternal torture in hell. Jesus took it all on Himself, so that we would be freed from sin, Nieprawości, i śmierć. Przez Jego krew, we’re reconciled with the Father and can have a relationship with Him and live in freedom on this earth.
What a love is that!! What a grace of God!
And salvation is not all, that He has done. NIE! He gave us His Holy Spirit. So that we could live on earth as synowie Boży (zarówno mężczyźni, jak i samice).
To znaczy, that we can live a life that Jesus lived because what Jesus had, we have.
The life as a son or daughter of God is for now and not after we die and go to heaven.
The grace of God is that we’re not justified by our works, but by the work of Jesus Christ and His blood. We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ.
Being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life (Rzymianie 5:9-10)
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Efezjan 2:8-9)
We could never earn our salvation by works! Only by the grace of God, w Chrystusie, we’re restored (uzdrowiony), reconciled with God, and become partakers of the inheritance that God has given us through His Son Jesus Christ.
What is the inheritance of the sons of God?
The inheritance is the gift of the Holy Spirit; zamieszkiwanie w sobie Ducha Świętego. We may walk in these spiritual gifts and distribute life to others.
The grace of God is, that we may have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is, to be and walk in His presence. There is nothing we can do to earn this, no works will get us there. The only thing we have to do is believe in Jesus Christ.
We have received it freely. How great is God’s love!
Does the grace of God allow us to walk in sin?
But now comes the essential point, Are we allowed to walk in sin after we become born again? Can we walk like we used to walk before we accepted Jesus as our Saviour and Lord and repented?
Odpowiedź brzmi, Oczywiście, NIE! Because if you keep sinning, Za co odpokutowałeś? If you don’t turn your back to sin, but keep walking in sin.
When you have an encounter with Jesus Christ, His presence and holiness will confront you with your sins, grzeszna natura, and your filthy state.
When you are confronted with your sins and sinful nature, you have two options: you mourn, żałować, and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, or you walk away, reject Jesus and His redemptive work, i żyć w grzechu.
If you choose the first option, you repent from your sins and accept Him, as your Saviour and Lord, then by His blood, which was shed on the cross on Calvary, you will be cleansed of all your sins and iniquities. Od tego momentu, twój old life is gone and washed away by the blood of Jesus. You’ll be baptized in water and baptized with the Holy Spirit and become a new creation; syn Boży (dotyczy to zarówno mężczyzn, jak i kobiet).
What is the power of the blood of Jesus Christ?
Jeśli więc ktoś będzie w Chrystusie, jest nowym stworzeniem: stare rzeczy przeminęły; ujrzeć, wszystko stało się nowe (2 Koryntian 5:17)
Isn’t that wonderful, all the old things are passed away and all things become new. That is the power of the cross and the blood of Jesus Christ.
But when you return to your old sinful life, you will deny the power of His blood and therefore deny Jesus Christ.
When you are taught in the Word of God and study the Word of God and keep walking in sin, still doing the things that you did before your repentance, and use ‘the grace’ as a license to sin (because you love your old life and don’t want to give it up), you deceive yourself.
The devil is a liar and twisted the meaning of grace.
If you keep walking in sin and say it’s alright to sin and use the grace of God to keep on sinning, this only means one thing: you don’t want to umrzeć dla siebie and are not really born again.
You may think you are, but your actions prove that you are not born again. You still listen to your old father the devil, by walking in sins.
You’re holy and righteous, therefore act holy and righteous
Kiedy narodzisz się na nowo, staniesz się synem Bożym; nowe dzieło. Jako syn Boży, you have His nature dwelling on the inside of you. You have become holy and righteous.
You are seated in Jesus Christ. Your life is hidden in Him, you have become one with Him. Teraz wszystko zależy od Ciebie, if you want to stay in Him.
If you stay in Him; słowo Boże, you obey His words and walk in His commandments. You will do His will instead of your will. When you obey Him and walk in His will, you walk holy and righteousness.
“Be holy, for I am holy”
How can you become one with Him and become a partaker of His nature, when you keep obeying and serving the devil, by walking in sins? To niemożliwe!
You can either do the will of the Father and walk in His commandments or do the will of the devil and keep walking in sins and iniquities, fulfilling the will, pożądliwości, i pożądliwości ciała.
Do you know that every time you sin, you serve and exalt the devil?
Co to jest grzech?
Sin is rebellion and disobedience to God. Sin is everything, that oppose the words and the will of God and therefore trespasses His commandments.
Paul wrote in Roman 6:1-23 the following about sin;
Co w takim razie powiemy? Czy będziemy trwać w grzechu?, aby łaska obfitowała? Broń Boże. Jak mamy, którzy są martwi dla grzechu, Mieszkaj w nim dłużej? Wiedzcie, że nie, that so many of us as were baptised into Jesus Christ were baptised into his death? Dlatego jesteśmy pogrzebani razem z Nim przez chrzest w śmierć: tak jak Chrystus został wzbudzony z martwych przez chwałę Ojca, Tak samo i my powinniśmy kroczyć w nowości życia. Jeśli bowiem zostaliśmy wszczepieni razem na podobieństwo Jego śmierci, we shall be also in the likenessof his resurrection: Wiedząc o tym, że nasz stary człowiek jest z Nim ukrzyżowany, aby ciało grzechu mogło zostać zniszczone, abyśmy odtąd nie służyli grzechowi. Kto bowiem umarł, jest wolny od grzechu.
A jeśli jesteśmy umarli z Chrystusem, Wierzymy, że i my będziemy z Nim żyć: Wiedząc, że Chrystus, zmartwychwstał, już więcej nie umiera; Śmierć nie ma już nad nim władzy. Bo w tym umarł, Raz umarł dla grzechu: ale w tym żyje, on żyje dla Boga. Podobnie i wy uważacie się za umarłych dla grzechu, ale żywi dla Boga przez Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego,.
“Niech więc grzech nie panuje w twoim śmiertelnym ciele”
Niech więc grzech nie panuje w twoim śmiertelnym ciele, abyście byli mu posłuszni w jego pożądliwościach. Nie oddajcie też członków waszych jako narzędzi nieprawości ku grzechowi: ale poddajcie się Bogu, jako ci, którzy z martwych są ożywieni, a członkowie wasi jako narzędzia sprawiedliwości dla Boga. Bo grzech nie będzie nad wami panował: bo nie jesteście pod Prawem, ale pod łaską.
“Shall we sin, ponieważ nie podlegamy prawu, ale pod łaską? Broń Boże”
Co wtedy?? Shall we sin, ponieważ nie podlegamy prawu, ale pod łaską? Broń Boże. Wiedzcie, że nie, tym, którym oddajecie się w posłuszeństwo, Jego sługami jesteście, którym jesteście posłuszni; czy od grzechu aż do śmierci, lub posłuszeństwa ku sprawiedliwości? Ale Bogu niech będą dzięki, że byliście sługami grzechu, Lecz wy z serca byliście posłuszni tej formie doktryny, która została wam wyzwolona.
Uwolnienie się od grzechu, Staliście się sługami sprawiedliwości. Mówię po ludzku z powodu ułomności waszego ciała: albowiem wy wydaliście sługi wasze na pastwę nieczystości i nieprawości na nieprawość; Tak samo teraz oddaj sługi Twych członków prawości ku świętości. Bo kiedy byliście sługami grzechu, byliście wolni od sprawiedliwości.
“Zapłatą za grzech jest śmierć”
Jakiż owoc mieliście wtedy w tym, czego teraz się wstydzicie?? For the end of those things is death. Ale teraz zostajemy uwolnieni od grzechu, i stańcie się sługami Boga, macie swój owoc do świętości, i koniec życia wiecznego.
Zapłatą bowiem za grzech jest śmierć; lecz darem Bożym jest życie wieczne przez Jezusa Chrystusa, Pana naszego.
Why the grace of God is not a license to sin?
Łaska Boża nie jest przyzwoleniem na dalsze grzeszenie. When you get to know the Word, you will turn your back to sin, i czyń, co się Jemu podoba.
The grace of God is the unending love of the Father, that through His Son Jesus Christ, you may become a partaker of the inheritance for His people. His grace is the ability and the privilege to become sons and daughters of the most High God, by faith in Jesus Christ and by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Łaska Boża, is the sanctification period. It is the time God gives you, do odłóż starego, I Przyobleczcie się w nowego człowieka. So that you will walk as a son of God in the Light and the dominion, that Jesus walked in on earth.
You will walk as Jesus walked and reveal and destroy the works of the devil. You’ll preach the gospel, set the captives free, and heal those who are sick in the Name of Jesus.
You will no longer walk after the flesh in sin (in rebellion and disobedience to God and His Word), but after the Spirit in obedience to the Word in the wisdom and knowledge of God, doing the works of righteousness. Teraz, that is grace!
Therefore separate yourself and live like Jesus lived. Renew your mind with the words of God and be courageous. Don’t let anyone discourage you! Continue, even when people around you think you are a fool.
Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, the living Word of God. He is the One you need to follow!
„Bądź solą ziemi’