La via della giustizia

Conduco sulla via della giustizia, in mezzo ai sentieri del giudizio: Affinché io possa far ereditare la sostanza a coloro che mi amano; e riempirò i loro tesori (Proverbi 8:20-21)

Jesus leads us in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the path of judgment. During His life on earth, Jesus walked on the way of righteousness. He didn’t turn to the left, nor to the right.

path of righteousnessJesus walked on the way of righteousness, by keeping the commandments of His Father. He loved His Father above all, and therefore He only listened and obeyed Him.

Through His work of redemption and by His blood, Tu sei stato reso santo e giusto. Quando rinascerai, you are seated in Him in the heavenly places. You’ll walk after the Spirit and walk, just like Jesus walked on the way of righteousness, and not turn aside.

You shall only listen to Him, and do what He has commanded you to do. You shall not listen to what the world says, but you shall listen to the Word.

Quando ami Gesù, dovresti osservare i suoi comandamenti, and walk in holiness and righteousness, and turn away from evil. You shall walk in the inheritance, che Egli ti ha dato. He shall fill your treasures, so that they will never get empty. Isn’t that wonderful?

‘Sii il sale della terra’

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