Through which gateway does the enemy enter God’s house?

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, whose heart was towards God. God saw Nehemiah’s state of heart and devotion and planted in his heart the compassion and drive to restore the wall and gates of Jerusalem and its inhabitants. After finishing God’s work, Nehemiah assumed that the children of Israel could dwell safely in Jerusalem and live according to the words and commandments of God, but that wasn’t the case. The enemy, who tried to prevent and stop God’s work before, but didn’t succeed when Nehemiah was present, did succeed during Nehemiah’s absence. The enemy not only entered Jerusalem but also entered the house of God. Instead of learning from past events, people repeat the same foolishness. Because the enemy still knows how to enter God’s house and defile the church. Through which gateway did the enemy enter God’s house and through which gateway does the enemy still enter God’s house?

Nehemiah’s compassion for Jerusalem and the children of Israel and his prayer to God

When Nehemiah heard of one of his brethren Hanani and certain men of Judah, about the terrible condition of Jerusalem (the wall of Jerusalem was broken down and the gates were burned with fire) and how the remnant of the Jews that were left of the captivity there in the province were in great affliction and reproach, he wept and mourned certain days, and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.

When Thou saidts seek ye my face my heart said unto Thee Thy face Lord will I seek Psalms 27-8

Nehemiah turned to the Lord God. Because Nehemiah knew that only God could make a change concerning the state of Jerusalem and the welfare of its inhabitants. 

And so, Nehemiah humbled himself before the Lord and showed repentance. He confessed the sins of the children of Israel against God.

They had dealt corruptly against God and had not kept His commandments, nor the statutes, nor the judgment that the Lord commanded.

The people had broken their covenant with God and committed adultery.

Nehemiah reminded God of the words He spoke to Moses. That if the people would transgress, God would scatter them abroad among the nations. But if the people would return unto the Lord, and keep and do His commandments, He would gather them from the uttermost part of the heaven, and bring them unto the place that the Lord had chosen to set His Name there.

God moved the heart of King Artaxerxes

God heard the prayers of Nehemiah and answered his prayers. He moved the heart of the king of Babylon, who had the power and the resources to help Nehemiah rebuild the wall and the gates of Jerusalem.

The king heard Nehemia’s request to rebuild the city of Jerusalem and granted his request. He gave him the time, resources, and authority (through means of letters) to travel to Judah and rebuild the wall and the gates of Jerusalem.

Nehemiah came on the radar of the enemy

Nehemiah went together with the captains of the army and horsemen to Jerusalem. When they came to the governors beyond the river, Nehemiah gave them the king’s letters.

When Sanballat, the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there came someone, who sought the welfare of the children of Israel.

Nehemiah came on their radar, which had consequences for the progression of the reconstruction of the wall and the gates of Jerusalem.

When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem he told no one about the reason for his coming. He had not shared with anyone, what God had put in his heart. Nehemiah had not shared it with the Jews, nor with the priests, nor with the nobles, nor the rulers, nor to the rest that did the work.

Nehemiah called God’s people to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem

In the night, Nehemiah arose and went with a few men to research the condition of the walls that were broken down and the gates, which were consumed with fire.

After his research, Nehemiah confronted the Jews, the priests, the nobles, the rulers, and the rest that did the work, with the distress they were in. Jerusalem laid waste and the gates were burned with fire.

Nehemiah called them to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, so that they would no longer be a reproach. The people answered his call by promising him that they would rise and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.

The mocking words of the enemy didn’t prevent Nehemiah from rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem

But when Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem (the Arabian) heard it, they laughed them to scorn and despised them, by asking them what it was they did and if they would rebel against the king. Nehemiah answered them by saying:

The God of heaven, He will prosper us, therefore we His servants will arise and build: but you have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem

Nehemiah 2:20

Nehemiah knew his God and feared the Lord. Because Nehemiah was aware of His greatness, power, and wondrous works.

Therefore these mocking words, which contained a threat and were meant to intimidate Nehemiah and the people, didn’t stop Nehemiah.

His faith in God and conviction in His words and determination were greater than the words of these people, who withstood him and tried to prevent him from rebuilding the city of Jerusalem.

Nehemiah and the people prepared themselves for the rebuilding of the walls and the gates of Jerusalem

Nehemiah and the people prepared themself to rebuild the walls and the gates of Jerusalem. Everyone was appointed for a specific part of the walls and gates.

For instance, the high priest Eljashib rose with his brethren the priests, and rebuilt the sheep gate. They sanctified it unto the tower of Meah and the tower of Hananeel and set up the doors of it.

And so everyone built his assigned part of the wall (Nehemiah 3). 

The first attempt of the enemy to stop the construction of the wall

When Sanballat heard that they built the wall, he was wroth and took great indignation. Sanballat mocked the Jews by saying to his brethren and the army of Samaria, What do these feeble Jews? Will they fortify themselves? Will they sacrifice? And will they make an end in a day? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned?

Tobiah, the Ammonite, was with Sanballat and said, Even that which they build, if a fox goes up, he shall even break down their stone wall.

But again, Nehemiah was not intimidated by their words and didn’t stop to accomplish God’s work.

Nehemiah didn’t react. Instead, he prayed to God that their reproach would turn on their own head and He would give them for a prey in the land of captivity. After his prayer, he continued his work (Nehemiah 4:1-6)

A second attempt by the enemy to stop the building of the wall

When Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabians, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up and that the breaches began to be stopped, they were very wroth. They conspired together to come to fight against Jerusalem and to hinder it. 

But Nehemiah and the others prayed unto their Lord God and set a watch against their enemy day and night, because of them.

God had brought the wicked counsel of the enemy to enter unnoticed, slay the people, and cease the work, to nought

And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall. And our adversaries said, They shall not know, neither see, till we come in the midst among them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease And it came to pass, that when the Jews which dwelt by them came, they said unto us ten times, From all places whence ye shall return unto us they will be upon you. Therefore set I in the lower places behind the wall, and on the higher places, I even set the people after their families with their swords, their spears, and their bows. And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses (Nehemiah 4:10-14)

God prevented the wicked plan of their adversary, who wanted to enter unnoticeably and in the midst among them slay them and cause the work to cease. 

Psalm 31-24 Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart all you that hope in the Lord

When the adversary heard that they knew about their wicked plan and that God had brought their counsel to nought, they returned to the wall and continued their work with a minor adjustment.

The half of the servants did the work. The other half held both the spears, the shields, the bows, and the habergeons. And the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

They which built on the wall and they that bare burdens with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work and with the other hand held a weapon. For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so built.

Since the work was great and large and they were separated upon the wall, far from each other, someone was appointed to blow the trumpet to gather the people when needed. The one, who blew the trumpet was with Nehemiah (Nehemiah 4:18-20) 

Nehemiah told the people to lodge within Jerusalem, so that in the night they could guard the people and labor on the day, and they would be save.

The third attempt of the enemy to stop the people from building the wall and the gates of Jerusalem

You would think that Sanballat, Tobiah, Gesem, and the rest of the enemies would leave the people of God alone, after their attempts to intimidate, discourage, and stop God’s people. But they didn’t. They continued to find a way to stop the people from building the wall and the gates of Jerusalem.

Since they considered Nehemiah as the instigator, they tried to tempt Nehemiah to gunoh.

They sent letters and invited Nehemiah to meet them in the villages in the plain of Ono. But Nehemiah was not foolish but wise and foresaw their wicked plan to do him mischief.

Nehemiah sent messengers unto them to let them know that he could not come because he was doing a great work. He wasn’t tempted and was not distracted by side issues. But Nehemiah stayed focused on the great work that had to be done.

They didn’t invite Nehemiah once, but four times. But Nehemiah answered their invitations with the same wise words.

When their attempts didn’t work, Sanballat sent for the fifth time his servant with an open letter with lies to make Nehemiah afraid, so that he would come to them. But Nehemiah wasn’t intimidated and frightened by his words, which were lies. Instead, Nehemiah wrote a letter, saying that his words were not true, but that his words were feigned from his own heart. 

They all tried to make them afraid by saying that their hands would be weakened from the work, that it be not done. But Nehemiah said, (to God) to strengthen his hands. 

The fourth attempt of the enemy to stop the building of the wall and the gates of Jerusalem

When Nehemiah came unto the house of Shemaiah, who was shut up, he told Nehemiah to meet together in the house of God within the temple, because they would come to slay Nehemiah.

But Nehemiah didn’t believe his words and refused to do according to his words.

Hikmatlar 29-25 Fear of man brings a snare but whoso trust in the Lord shall be save

The words of Shemaiah didn’t frighten Nehemiah and didn’t cause him to act out of fear, so that he would sin and they might have matter for an evil report, that they might reproach him. 

Nehemiah perceived that God had not sent Shemaiah, but that he pronounced this prophecy against Nehemiah because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired Shemaiah to make Nehemiah afraid.

Shemaiah was not the only false prophet, who tried to make him afraid and stop him.

The prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets also tried to put fear in Nehemiah, but they didn’t succeed.

Nor did Tobiah succeed in making Nehemiah afraid through his letters to the nobles of Judah, who had sworn unto him and sent many letters unto Tobiah (Nehemiah 6:17-19)

Nehemiah became not afraid, because he trusted his God

Nehemiah stayed faithful to God and the work that God had given Nehemiah to do. He didn’t become afraid and wasn’t intimidated and influenced by the lies of the enemy. Nehemiah also didn’t take revenge. But Nehemiah gave everything to God, the righteous Judge, who had seen all the evil of the enemy during the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

And so Nehemiah and the people continued the rebuilding of the wall. After 52 days Nehemiah and the people finished the work.

The enemies, who previously triumphed, and mocked the people and tried to intimidate Nehemiah and the people and to frighten and kill them, were cast down in their own eyes. For they perceived that this work was wrought by their God.

God’s House and the service of the Lord were restored

After the rebuilding of the wall and the gates of Jerusalem, all things were done according to the will of God. The Law of Moses appeared again. They sought the laws of Moses, reinstated the laws of God, and did everything in obedience to the words and commandments of God.

Everything was restored, not only Jerusalem but also the relationship between God and His people and His House. 

image boat in water and mountains with text Proverbs 1-23 Turn ye at my reproof I will poor out my spirit unto you

The people of the congregation had repented of their stubbornness and sins.

The congregation promised to serve God and to keep His commandments and precepts and renewed their vow to the covenant with God.

The people repented and returned to God, and because of that, God returned to His people. He looked out for them, protected them, and took care of them.

God’s House was no longer forsaken but restored.

The Levites were assembled and dedicated to their position as written in the Law of Moses. The words, laws, and regulations of the Law were reinstated.

As soon as they read something in the Law that was contrary to their way of living, they changed their way of living to the Word of God. Instead of changing the Word of God to their way of living.

The israelites changed their lives to the Law

For example, they read that the Ammonites and Moabites were forbidden to come into the congregation of God forever. Why? Because they had not met the children of Israel with bread and water but hired Balaam against them to curse them.

As soon as they heard this law, they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude. This showed their reverence for their Almighty God.

But although the people acted that way, not all the leaders acted that way. Take for example the high priest Eliashib, who had oversight of the chambers of the House of God 

When Nehemiah was present in Judah, everything went according to the will of God. The enemy didn’t succeed in entering and stopping God’s work.

But during Nehemiah’s absence, the enemy entered via the high priest Eliashib.

How could the enemy enter Jerusalem and God’s house and defile God’s house?

Nehemiah had withstood the enemies of God and prevented the destructive evil from entering Jerusalem. However, the high priest Eiashib didn’t have the same attitude as Nehemiah. Instead of preventing the enemy and the destructive evil from entering, the high priest opened the door for the destructive evil to enter.

Not only did the high priest open the gates of Jerusalem for the enemy and the destructive evil, but he also opened the doors of God’s house (the Temple) for the enemy and the evil. 

The high priest Eiashib made it even worse, by giving the enemy a place to live in the House of God. This enemy, whom he gave a chamber in God’s house, was the Ammonite Tobiah. 

It was the same Tobiah, who was one of the enemies of God and the Jews and tried to prevent and stop the rebuilding of the wall and gates of Jerusalem.

It was the same Tobiah, who tried to intimidate and frighten Nehemiah and tried to tempt him to sin. He even tried to kill Nehemiah and the Jews.

But under the leadership of Nehemiah, Tobiah didn’t have a chance to enter and execute his wicked plans, not even through his relatives and relationships (Nehemiah 6:17-19).

Not until Nehemiah left, did the enemy Tobiah see an opportunity to not only enter the city of Jerusalem but to enter God’s house and reside there, whereby evil entered and defiled God’s house.

How did the enemy Tobiah succeed in entering God’s house? Through his family.

The enemy could enter God’s house through family ties

Tobiah was family of the high priest Eliashib. Besides that, he was also the servant and partner in crime of Sanballath, the son-in-law of the high priest Eliashib.

This high priest Eliashib didn’t have the same attitude and fear of the Lord as Nehemiah did. He didn’t act according to the words and commandments of God, as he should and promised to do as a high priest. The high priest Eliashib had a greater fear for his relative Tobiah, the Ammonite.

Blessed is every one that fears the Lord walks in His ways Psalms 128:1

Because his fear of his family was greater than his fear of God, he placed his family above God.

By allowing his family, who was an enemy of God and lived in enmity with God, in God’s house, he left God and the Law of Moses, which he ought to represent, obey, and execute.

The high priest Eliashib was aware of God’s will regarding the Ammonites and the chambers in God’s house.

But Eliashib rejected the words of God, whereby he rejected God, and did according to his own insight and didn’t consider it an evil thing to empty a great chamber that was sanctified and devoted to God, and prepare it and give it to the enemy of God: the Ammonite Tobiah.

And so the highpriest emptied the great chamber, where afore-time they laid the meal-offerings, the frankincense, and the vessels and the tithes of the grain, the new wine, and the oil, which were given by the commandments of the Levites and the singers and the porters, and the heave-offerings for the priests, and gave it to Tobiah.

Nehemiah cast the enemy and the destructive evil from God’s house and cleansed God’s house

But when Nehemiah asked leave of the king and returned to Jerusalem and understood the evil that Eliashib had done for Tobiah, in preparing him a chamber in the courts of the house of God, it grieved him sore. Nehemiah cast forth all the household stuff of Tobiah out of the chamber.

Then Nehemiah commanded to cleanse the chambers and he brought back the vessels of the house of God, with the meal offerings and the frankincense.

But that was not the only sin. During Nehemiah’s absence, more sins had entered the lives of the people of Israel and God’s house.

Why had they forsaken the house of God?

Nehemiah perceived that the portions of the Levites had not been given to them. Because of that, every one of them returned to his field.

Nehemiah didn’t remain silent and watch how God’s house was forsaken. But Nehemiah immediately took action. He contended with the rulers and asked them why the house of God was forsaken.

While Nehemiah had restored God’s house, the servants, and the service and appointed reliable priests, at least that’s what he thought, and gave them the care for the chambers of the House of God, they had defiled and forsaken the house of God. (Read also: Has the church become a den of thieves?).

They profaned the Sabbath

Nehemiah also saw that despite the commandment of God, the people worked and traded on the sabbath, wherefore they had profaned the sabbath day. He brought their fathers in remembrance, who had done the same evil and because of that brought evil upon them.

Nehemiah immediately commanded to shut the doors, when the gates of Jerusalem began to dark, and would not be opened till after the sabbath. He set some of the servants over the gates, so that no burden was brought in on the sabbath day.

He also warned the merchants and sellers of all kinds of wares, who lodged about the wall outside of Jerusalem, if they would do it again he would lay hands on them. From that moment, they didn’t come on the sabbath day.

Nehemiah commanded the Levites to purify themselves and keep the gates to sanctify the sabbath day.

The mixed marriages of the Jews and the Gentiles

Nehemiah also saw the mixed marriages between the Jews and women of Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab. Their children spoke half in the speech of Ashdod and could not speak in the Jewish language,

Nehemiah contended with them about the evil and trespass against God by marrying foreign women.

image lake and bible verse james 2-9 if you have respect to persons you commit sin

He cursed them, smote certain of them, plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, that they would not give their daughters unto their sons nor take their daughters for their sons or themselves. 

He mentioned Solomon the king of Israel, who was beloved by God and made king. However, his love for foreign women caused him to sin. (Read also: The way of destruction).

One of the sons of Joiada, the son of the high priest Eliashib was son-in-law to Sanballat the Horonite (and enemy of God and His people). He married a foreign woman, against the commandment of God.

However, Nehemiah didn’t have respect of persons.

Nehemiah didn’t make an exception, because he was the son of the priest and grandson of the high priest. But Nehemiah did according to the word of God and chased him from him.

Nehemiah had remained faithful to God and asked the Lord to remember him for good

Nehemiah asked the Lord to remember them, because they had defiled the priesthood, and the covenant of the priesthood and of the Levites.

He had cleansed them from all foreigners and appointed charges for the priests and for the Levites, everyone in his work and for the wood-offering, at times appointed, and for the first fruits. Nehemiah asked the Lord to remember him for good (Nehemiah chapter 1-13)

The state and order in the church depend on a strong leader, who fears God and walks in His ways

Nehemiah was a strong leader, whose power was from God. He trusted God and was willing, humble, serving, and obedient to God. He was compassionate, driven, steadfast, and faithful to God and His work.

But above all, Nehemiah feared God, the Almighty One, the Creator of heaven and earth and all there is within, whereby he walked in obedience to the words and commandments of God and did not sin. 

The Lord is my Helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me Hebrews 13:6

Nehemiah restored the chaos in Jerusalem, by rebuilding the wall and the gates of Jerusalem.

He cleansed the people, restored God’s house, and reinstated the laws and precepts of God.

He didn’t allow the enemy to enter and didn’t allow evil. But Nehemiah dealt with evil in the congregation and with the enemy (and evil) that tried to enter.

And when he saw that the high priest had allowed the enemy to enter God’s house, he immediately cast the enemy out of God’s house.

Nehemiah wasn’t intimidated by the words and letters of the people, despite their (family) relationship or position in society. He wasn’t influenced, tempted, and frightened by his brothers and sisters, who prophecied falsely over his life, nor by the nobles (highly placed people).

Nehemiah didn’t get distracted from his purpose by getting involved with lies and side affairs.

Nehemiah was focused on God and did the work that God had entrusted him and finished His work.

Leaders like Nehemiah are hardly there anymore

Leaders with the same attitude and mentality as Nehemiah are hardly there anymore. Nehemiah was not a people pleaser but a God pleaser.

His fear for God was greater than his fear for people. Because of that, the enemy and the associated evil, who tried to enter couldn’t enter in the presence of Nehemiah.

Not until Nehemiah left Jerusalem, the enemy and evil managed to enter and settle in God’s house

Through which gateway does the enemy still enter God’s house?

And just like the enemy and evil knew how to enter God’s house back then, the enemy and evil still know how to enter God’s house (the church) now. How? Through family members (blood relatives).

Through the interference, influence, and sins of family members, especially of children, many church leaders have compromised and have become tolerant of sin and iniquity.

image thorn bush and bible verse isaiah 5-20 woe unto them that call evil good and good evil darkness for light and light for darkness

What used to be forbidden in the church, is now accepted in the church and considered normal.

If someone is remote and commits a sin, it’s easy to represent the point of view of God’s Word (the Bible) and follow the words of God and keep His commandments, which represent His will, and confront the person with his or her sin.

But what do you do if your own child commits the same sin?

If your son or daughter commits the same sin, are you still so firm?

Do you still hold on to the words of God? Do you stay faithful to Jesus and keep walking after the Spirit representing righteousness and separate yourself from sin?

Or do you suddenly illuminate the sin from a different angle? From the situation of your son or daughter? And are you led by the flesh; your feelings and emotions, and open the door for the enemy and evil to enter and do you compromise with darkness and bow to sin, because you don’t want to lose your child?

Compromise with sin and bow to the devil and sin, to prevent losing your son or daughter (or father, mother, sister, brother, etc.)

How many preachers, elders, and deacons used to be against living together unmarried and were clear about their point of view that was in agreement with the Word, until their own son or daughter told them they wanted to live together unmarried, and they compromised and bowed to the devil and sin and allowed sin in the church.

How many preachers, elders, and deacons were against adultery and divorce and made their point of view that represented the Word, known in the congregation, until their son or daughter told them they’d decided to divorce and they changed their point of view and accepted divorce in the church and normalized divorce.

And how many preachers, elders, and deacons have compromised and have become world-like, because they were influenced by the opinions and lifestyles of their children?

The devil can enter lives and churches and gain territory, where the love of God and the fear of God are lacking in the hearts of leaders and believers and Jesus isn’t the most important Person in life, but the family member is. (Read also: The spirit of Eli).

He that loves father or mother, son or daughter more than Jesus is not worthy of Him

He that loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he that takes not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of me (Metyu 10:37-38)

Shuning uchun, Iso aytdi, that if you love your father, mother, son, or daughter above Him (the Word), you are not worthy of Him.

white image rose with bible verse john 14-15 if you love me keep my commandments

Loving Jesus means, that you believe His words, do what He says, and you keep His commandments, and follow Him, despite the opinion and decision of your father, mother, son, or daughter, to reject the words of God and live in disobedience to God in darkness, doing the works of the flesh that oppose the will of God.

Loving Jesus has a price.

If you really love Jesus, then it not only costs you your life (that you have laid down in Christ), but it can also cost you your family and friends. Unless, you bow to the will of the devil and compromise with sin and allow darkness to enter.

When you compromise and allow sin, by allowing the sinful lifestyle, you won’t lose them but Jesus.

By compromising you bow to the devil, who works in the children of disobedience, and accept his evil works (gunoh) and be a partaker of his evil works.

God’s house is left to his fate and the gates of the church are forsaken

Apostles, evangelists, prophets, pastors, teachers, and elders, who were given the responsibility to guard the gates of the Church and to raise the believers in the will of God unto spiritual maturity, have forsaken their responsibility and allowed the devil (the enemy) and sin (evil) in the church through the influence and/or the sins of their sons, daughters, parents, or other family members.

The gates of the church that were guarded and where truth and judgment (justice) was spoken according to God’s Word are forsaken.

The Holy Spirit and the Word, which represents the will of God, have been replaced by man and the wisdom, will, lusts, and desires of the flesh. All because God has been replaced by people, and instead of God, people are seated in the hearts of many Christians.

The enemy and adversaries of God still use the same gateway to enter and stop God’s work

The enemy and the adversaries of God were very clever in the time of Nehemiah, but the enemy (shayton) and the adversaries of God are still clever. They don’t give up so easily, as many Christians do. But they are persistent and keep trying until they find an opening to enter the church and defile the church

The enemy and adversaries of God use the same gateway to enter God’s house and use the same methods to intimidate and frighten Christians and cause them to sin, and to silence and stop them, so that God’s work will be stopped.

Nehemiah was born under the Law and belonged to the generation of fallen man (the old creation), who lived in the Old Covenant. But many Christians, who have become a new creation in Christ and live under grace in the New Covenant can take an example of Nehemiah’s faithfulness, behavior, and mentality, but above all his love and fear for his God.

‘Be the salt of the earth

Sizga ham yoqishi mumkin

    xato: Bu kontent himoyalangan