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How do you deal with the feeling of rejection? Есть много людей, who suffer from the feeling of rejection. The feeling of rejection rules their lives, whereby they always feel rejected and never accepted by others. Some are insecure and always feel inferior to others. They always feel that they’re not good enough. Как результат, they become passive and isolated, feeling like a failure, and rejecting themselves. Others have the exact opposite and become perfectionists, and always need to prove themselves to feel accepted by others. In both cases, the lives are controlled by the feeling of rejection and can lead to dangerous situations in the lives of the person, the family, and/or even society.

How dangerous can the feeling of rejection be?

The feeling of rejection is not an innocent but a dangerous feeling that can have disastrous consequences. If the feeling of rejection controls someone’s life it can lead to death: suicide and murder.

Take for example the school shootings. Много раз, the reason for these shootings was that the shooter felt rejected and angry. The shooter became a victim of the feeling of rejection and developed such anger that it turned into hate towards others, школа, schoolmates, и общество

The shooters blamed others for feeling rejected. They lived in silence with such hate towards them that it resulted in killing innocent people.

The feeling of rejection was created in the mind of the person through situations, обстоятельства, events, and/or the words of people. As this feeling was fed it became so intense that it resulted in destruction.

The perpetrator, who felt rejected, wasn’t the only victim of this feeling of rejection anymore. But innocent children and adults also became victims of this feeling of rejection that controlled the person’s life.

This example shows, how a feeling of rejection can harm society.

Many people feel rejected and harm themselves

The feeling of rejection can be a dangerous feeling for you. Since the feeling of rejection can lead to self-pity, self-hatred, самонеприятие, and heavy depression that could lead to drug addiction, Алкоголизма, anorexia, bulimia, and sometimes even suicide.

Instead of killing someone else, they kill themselves. But we know, that killing others or yourself is not the will of God. God said that you shall not kill.

The feeling of rejection opens the door to other destructive feelings

Many times a feeling of rejection is accompanied by other feelings. For example a feeling of inferiority, жалость к себе, self-hatred, злость, ревность, sadness, депрессия, и т. д..

If you don’t find your peace in Jesus Christ and don’t walk after the Spirit and take authority over your feelings but walk after the flesh and allow the circumstances and your emotions and feelings to rule your life, you’ll become a victim of all these feelings. They will control you and destroy your life.

Maybe you are in a place right now, where the feeling of rejection and all these other feelings control you. You feel lost, not loved by anybody, and don’t see a way out anymore.

Может быть, вы думаете, that the only way to escape these feelings, is by stepping out of life. Но DON’T DO THAT! Выход есть.

How to get rid of the feeling of rejection?

God shows a way when you don’t see a way out anymore. Because God always has a way out. His way is His Son; Иисус Христос.

The only One, Who can save you and redeem you from the feeling of rejection and all the other feelings, есть Иисус Христос! Jesus is the only Saviour, другого нет. Нет врач, психиатр, психолог, regression therapist, или … can help you. Only Jesus Christ can help you!

What does the Bible say about rejection?

Let’s have a look at what the Bible says about rejection. There are many stories about rejection, but let’s go back to the beginning of the Holy Scriptures. Let’s go to the place where it all started. The place where rejection took place for the first time. That is in the Сад Эдема.

God walked with Adam, He had a relationship with him. They were spiritually connected; Адам был сыном Божьим. God loved Adam and gave him a free will to make choices.

Из-за того, что, that God loved him so much, He gave him instructions (заповеди). One of the commandments He gave, was that Adam could eat of every tree in the garden, except for one tree; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God knew, what would happen if Adam ate from that tree. Therefore He gave an instruction to protect His son.

Когда ты любишь кого-то, you don’t want that person to become hurt or that something bad will happen to that person. God did the same thing. He didn’t want anything bad to happen to His son. God wanted Adam to trust in his Father and to love his Father completely. God never forced Adam to love or to trust Him. Нет, Adam had a free will.

Adam rejected his Father

Everything went well, until… Adam became disobedient to his Father and sinned. He didn’t keep God’s commandment. He doubted the love of his Father and believed his wife and a stranger (змей) вместо.

две великие заповеди, Если ты любишь Меня, соблюдай Мои заповедиGod forbade him to eat from that tree because He knew what would happen if he would eat from it.

But Adam doubted the love of God, he doubted His words (заповеди). By his action, Adam showed God that he didn’t trust Him completely.

Что вы думаете, how God felt at that moment?

How would a father feel, when his child will not listen to him, and becomes rebellious and turns against him? How would he feel, when his child says: “ I won’t listen to you anymore! I will only listen to what Joe’s father says because he tells the truth!” How would a father feel when his child, his own flesh and blood denies him as a father and considers him a liar and turns to a stranger? How would a father feel, when a child denies him or we can rather say rejects him?

I think the father would be sad and would feel rejected by his own child.

God was rejected by His own creation

The first person, who rejected God was Adam (и Ева). He listened to his wife (создание) and the advice of a stranger, instead of listening to his own Father. Because of his deed, this stranger became his new father. Adam rejected God by disobeying Him, and therefore he sinned against God.

Adam rejected God by not keeping His commandment. Because of his disobedience, he felt rejected by God. He felt ashamed,

Cain and Able

Следующий человек, who rejected God was Cain. Cain rejected God’s commandments. He had sacrificed fruits of the ground. Sacrificing fruit was something Cain wanted to do, instead of what God wanted. Cain didn’t know God and didn’t know His will and didn’t live a righteous life. Поэтому God didn’t respect the offering of Cain. But God did respect the offering of Abel. Because Abel knew the Lord and showed Him, that he loved Him, by obeying Him.

Abel kept God’s commandments and lived righteously. Cain didn’t obey His commandments and did not live according to His will, because of that he rejected God and God rejected Cain.

When we look at Esau’s life, we also read that he rejected God, for the lust of the flesh; еда (евреи 12:17).

You have been given a free will to make decisions

Every person has been given a free will to make choices in life. You have a choice to love God and obey Him, или нет.

When you choose a life without God, and reject Him and His Word, by not listening to Him and by not keeping His word and commandments, you will automatically choose another father; дьявол. The devil shall reign in your flesh, and shall eventually destroy your life. You shall be led by negative thoughts, эмоции, и чувства, coming from your father and the darkness.

“Из-за того, что, that you have rejected God, you shall feel rejected

You cannot blame God for that feeling of rejection, because it’s a result of your choice. You’ve decided to obey the devil by living in sin and iniquity, instead of obeying God’s words and keeping His commandments.

Иисус привел грешников к покаяниюBut don’t worry, because God is always there, to give you a second chance.

He loves you so much, that He always allows you to turn back to Him. The only thing you have to do is to repent and turn to Jesus.

Когда ты покаяться, accept Jesus as your Saviour, и сделай Его Господом своей жизни, and when you keep His word and commandments, then your feelings of rejection shall disappear.

You will then walk in unity, with your original true Father, who loves you and who accepts you, just as you are.

By the power of Jesus Christ and His blood, all feelings of rejection, self-hatred, жалость к себе, депрессия, и т. д.. shall disappear.

You can talk to psychiatrists and psychologists all you want, and do all kinds of therapies. But they cannot take away these feelings and heal you. Because the root of the problem is not in the natural realm but in the spirit realm.

Only Jesus Christ, can take these feelings away and heal you.

Jesus was rejected

Jesus was rejected by His people. But did He feel sorry for Himself and did He mope in a corner? Did He lock Himself up, feeling depressed? Or did He attack the people around Him with a knife or sword? Нет! And why didn’t He do that? Because God had not rejected Him. Иисус сделал воля Его Отца and walked in His commandments.

Whatever persecution He went through, He never disobeyed His Father. Потому что He obeyed Его отец, and because He was in constant unity with Him, He didn’t feel rejected. Даже не, when He was rejected by the people, включая Его учеников, and had all the right to feel rejected.

Он завершенThere was only one moment, that Jesus felt rejected, and that was the moment when He carried our sins at the cross.

В тот момент, Jesus was separated from God because of sin and God had to reject His Son because God couldn’t (and still cannot) have communion with sin.

When that happened, feelings of rejection came upon Jesus, and He carried these feelings of rejection for us.

I think this must have been the worst moment in Jesuslife when Jesus was separated from His Father. But even during that time of rejection, Jesus trusted His Father.

Jesus submitted Himself completely to His Father. Therefore Jesus bowed for the feeling of rejection and rejection ruled over Jesus. Why did Jesus do that? Jesus could also have come off that cross because Jesus had the power to do so.

Иисус любил Своего Отца

But Jesus loved His Father so much, and He knew how much God loved people and still loves people. Jesus knew how precious they were to His Father. Из-за Его великой любви к Своему Отцу, Jesus persevered and showed His great love.

Jesus has done this all for you! So that you wouldn’t have to go through it anymore. Jesus bowed to every feeling from the devil (self-hatred, самонеприятие, self-denial… ты называешь это). Jesus has bowed for all feelings of the power of darkness and carried them so that you could be freed from these feelings.

How to deal with a feeling of rejection?

When you repent of your life as a sinner and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, become родился заново and submit yourself to Him, then these feelings of rejection shall disappear.

Вы не должны go back to your childhood, puberty, or any other moment, to find out what has caused this feeling of rejection and when the feeling of rejection entered your life. You don’t have to go under hypnosis to look for the cause. Because we know what the cause is: separation from God.

The only place you have to go is the cross. The cross is the place where reconciliation takes place, between you and God through the blood of Jesus. Jesus carried rejection so that you wouldn’t have to carry it anymore. He reconciled you with your real Father.

Are you a Christian and are you wrestling with these feelings of rejection, or any other negative feeling then I would like to encourage you to start reading God’s Word. Читая Слово Божье, you will get to know Him and you will find out what pleases God and what doesn’t please God. Вы узнаете, how He thinks and feels about you, and that you are accepted by Him.

When you live in the Word, then it doesn’t matter, what people think and say about you, or how they treat you. Потому что ты знаешь, how God feels about you, and that you are chosen by Him. When you know this truth, you will become untouchable.

Reconciliation with God destroys the feeling of rejection

When you are reconciled with God, через Иисуса Христа, then the feeling of rejection shall disappear. Because you are reunited with your real Father, Who loves you and wants you.

When you are reconciled with your Father, it is time to обнови свой разум with His Word and be transformed into the image of His Son Jesus, because He wants all of His children to walk and be like Him.

Пока вы остаетесь в Слове; пребывайте в Нем, and keep His commandments you shall stay united with Him, and you will be untouchable

Where does the feeling of rejection come from?

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