In the Bible in Matthew 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (the new man) or as the old creation (the old man). The story about Jesus and His disciples, who were caught up in a storm on the sea of Galilee, represents the behavior and actions of the old creation versus the new creation. Jesus and His disciples went through the same storm, but their behavior and actions were completely different. Through their actions, they distinguished themselves and showed, who they really were: the new creation or the old creation.
The behavior of the old creation during a storm
And when He was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. And, mirar, there arose a great storm in the sea, de tal manera que el vaixell estava cobert de les onades: però Ell estava adormit. I els seus deixebles es van acostar a Ell, i el va despertar, dient, Senyor, Salvans: morim. I ell els digué, Per què tens por, Oh vosaltres de poca fe? Llavors es va aixecar, i va increpar els vents i el mar; i hi havia una gran calma. Però els homes es van meravellar, dient, Quina mena d'home és aquest, que fins i tot els vents i el mar li obeeixen! (Mateu 8:23-27)
Fem una ullada a la manera com l'antiga creació passa per una tempesta. Els deixebles eren encara l'antiga creació. No ho eren tornat a néixer en l'esperit. Quan va sorgir una tempesta, van veure la gran tempesta al mar i van veure el vent i les grans onades cobrint el seu vaixell. Eren guiats pels seus sentits; pel que van veure, i immediatament es va preocupar, temorós, i en pànic. Els pensaments de por els van entrar al cap, and instead of taking these thoughts captive, they meditated on these thoughts. These thoughts produced the worst scenario, someone could think of, namely that they would perish.
The disciples of Jesus didn’t follow Jesus’ example and weren’t peaceful, like their Master.
The disciples didn’t have the peace of God that passes all understanding. They were certainlynot walking in faith.
They didn’t do what they had seen Jesus do all the time, namely taking authority over the situation, by commanding the winds and the sea to be quiet.
No! En canvi, they became fearful and panicked.
The disciples of Jesus were led by the situation, by their carnal senses and their thoughts, and because of that, the situation took control of them. They became victims of the situation and therefore they became worried, temorós, i en pànic.
They woke Jesus up and said that they would perish. But Jesus didn’t panic, He only asked them why they were so fearful. He called His disciples ‘you of little faith’, which means to have a lack of confidence (en Crist). Jesus arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there came a great calm.
The men marveled. They were surprised that the winds and the sea obeyed Him.
The origin of the visible realm
Every visible thing has its origin in the spiritual realm. Ara, it’s up to you, as the new creation, if you are going to walk after the Spirit as Jesus did, or you stay carnal and keep walking after the flesh, and be led by your carnal senses, Pensaments, emocions, etc. just like the disciples did.
El primogènit de la nova creació
Jesús va ser el primogènit de molts noves creacions, que naixeria aigua i Esperit.
Per a qui va conèixer d'abans, També va predestinar-se a conformar-se a la imatge del seu Fill, perquè fos el primogènit entre molts germans (romans 8:29)
El comportament de la nova creació durant una tempesta
Jesús era una nova creació, i ens va mostrar, com caminar com la nova creació en aquesta terra. Va caminar després de l'Esperit, en la fe, autoritat, i poder, fentla voluntat de Déu. Ell sabía, Qui era Ell, i va entrar the peace of God que supera tota comprensió.
Jesús va governar cada situació i en va prendre el control. No estava dirigit per les circumstàncies ni governat per cap situació.
Quan Llàtzer ja estava mort per 4 dies, Jesús va prendre el control de la situació i va ordenar la mort, tornar a Llàtzer. And the death obeyed and gave Lazarus back to life (John 11).
And let’s not forget the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus conquered the devil and legally took back the keys of death and Hades.
During the storm on the lake of Galilee, Jesus took authority over the situation; the storm and rebuked the winds and sea. He spoke, and the words He spoke came to pass. The winds and the sea obeyed Him, and the sea became calm.
The new creation has, en Jesucrist,
all authority in the heavens and on the earth
The new creation, who is born of water and Spirit, has the same peace as Jesus. The new creation has been given His Spirit and therefore has been given authority and power to rule over every situation, instead of situations ruling over the new creation (Llegiu també: How to walk in the dominion that God has given to the new man?).
The new creation doesn’t worry and fear and is not controlled by evil, negative, and destructive thoughts, that try to enter the mind. But the new creation guards the mind and takes authority over thoughts and commands them to get out and stay out (Llegiu també: Take authority over your thoughts before they take authority over you!).
There will be storms in life
Every person goes through storms in life, that’s a fact. There is no one excluded. It doesn’t matter, what kind of storm you’re facing, it’s all about how you will go through the storm.
Will you go through the storm as the old creation, and do you murmur, complain, i have a pity party? Will you talk negatively about the situation and share it with others? Do you let everyone know, how hard and difficult your life is? Are you led by your negative thoughts and will you become worried, temorós, anxious, depressed, and will you panic?
Or will you go through the storm as the new creation, and not talk about the storm (situation) to others, and not complain and murmur to them, but stay in perfect peace and talk to the storm; to the situation instead?
How do you go through a storm; how do you go through situations? Are you led by your flesh or by the Spirit?
No matter what situation might come your way, when you keep walking after the Spirit, in the will of God, and stay in the Word of God, you shall keep your peace. You shall stay in the peace of God and will not be moved by the situation. No situation will take this peace away from you.
Keep standing on the Word and don’t give up!
Maybe at first, you won’t see any result in the visible realm and think that nothing happens. But no word of God will return void! When you speak the words of God to the situation, in the spiritual realm things are already happening. Remember that! All you have to do is believe and keep standing in the faith upon the Word, and not give up.
Jesus Christ has tot authority over the elements of the spiritual (invisible) realm and the elements of the physical realm. All authority is given to the new creations, who are His Body; His Church.
When you have become a new creation, you are seated in Him. When you walk after the Spirit and obey His Word, and do His will, you shall walk in His authority, on this earth, and reign together with Him, sobre tots els elements del regne visible i invisible.
‘Sigues la sal de la terra’