Mot de sagesse – Comprendre chaque bon chemin

Then shalt thou understand righteousness, et jugement, and equity; ouais, every good path (les proverbes 2:9)

Par le sang de Jésus, Vous avez été rendu juste. It is because of His work, that you have been made righteous and be saved, not by your own works. Mais…. If you don’t walk uprightly, et continue de marcher dans le péché, then you don’t walk in righteousness, but in unrighteousness.

When you have become une nouvelle création, you should also walk as a new creation. You should walk in the Word of God and be a doer of the Word. You have been redeemed, sanctified and made holy and righteous. Now it’s up to you, to stay holy and righteous and walk in righteousness.

When you walk uprightly, which means that you walk in the Word of God, et mets en pratique la Parole, you will walk according to His will, in righteousness and holiness. When you walk in Him, you will walk on the path of the righteous.

As long as you do what He tells you to do, et marche selon sa volonté, then you shall understand righteousness, jugement, equity. Oui, you will understand every good path.

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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