Why is an unequal yoke the way to destruction?

Can a Christian date and marry an unbeliever according to the Bible? It happens often that Christians meet someone they like, develop feelings, fall in love, and become romantically involved, while that person is not a Christian. Instead of following the Word of God that warns about a relationship with an unbeliever and becoming an unequal yoke, they follow their feelings. In the beginning, when the Christian and the unbeliever are dating and are in love, they may not encounter problems. But once the Christian and non-Christian are married, problems arise and many times the marriage ends in a divorce. That’s because an unequal yoke is the way to destruction. What does the Bible say about a relationship with an unbeliever and becoming an unequal yoke?

Does God approve of marriage to a non-believer?

How often do Christians meet non-Christians and fall in love and say, “But the Lord gave me the approval to marry this person. The Lord told me, that this person will eventually repent and accept Jesus”.

Dear saints, let me remind you, that the devil is a liar! Bībele saka:, that the devil comes as an angel of light. This means that it is difficult to discern the devil from Jesus. Only if you know the true Jesus Christ, Who is the living Word and you have the Holy Spirit abiding in you, you discern the truth from the lie.

image boats and bible verse romans 1-25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creation above the Creator

In this case, if you receive a revelation, telling you that God approves your relationship with an unbeliever, it is a lie from the devil!!!

Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 korintieši 11:2)

Maybe there are some marriages of Christians and non-Christians, in which the unbelieving spouse repented and accepted Jesus Christ after some time. But those cases are rare.

And let’s not forget the most important factor. This revelation and so-called approval of marrying an unbeliever and becoming an unequal yoke oppose the Bible; the Word of God.

There was only one exception in the life of Hosea. God instructed Hosea to take a strange woman. But that was for a specific reason and meant to confront Israel with their behavior towards God. You can’t use the example of Hosea to approve a relationship with an unbeliever.

What is the danger of an unequal yoke according to the Bible?

Let me remind you of the story of Solomon. If you haven’t read this blog post, you can click on the following linkHow do you enter the way to destruction

Solomon took a lot of strange women, because he loved them. Despite God’s warnings to Solomon to not take strange women, Solomon followed his feelings and emotions instead of God’s words. By taking strange women, Solomon put the strange women above the words of God. Solomon showed through his life that his love for strange women was greater and stronger than his love for God.

Solomon became an unequal yoke with these strange women and you see what happened to Solomon at the end of his life. Now Solomon isn’t the only example. Look at the book of Ezra (Ezra 9:2-12) and Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:13. 13:25).

Paul wrote in the letter to the church at Corinth the following::

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? (2 korintieši 6:14)

Paul saw the danger and reminded the carnal Christians of the words of God. He warned them of the trap of the devil.

The devil knows the weakness of the flesh

The devil knows exactly how to seduce and tempt people to sin and draw them to his side. He wants to captivate people, so that he can make their lives miserable and destroy their lives. Because the devil’s nature is to lie, steal, kill, un iznīcināt. To get what he wants, the devil uses the weakness of the flesh. (Izlasi arī: Velna spēku darbina grēks).

As long as Christians stay carnal and walk after the flesh, it will be easy for the devil and his minions, to tempt and seduce them. When he succeeds in his temptation, he causes destruction and causes the believer to fall.  

The devil uses charming handsome men and pretty women, to tempt and seduce Christians in the flesh. He uses everyone, even (false) Pravieši, who walk after the flesh. The devil can come as an angel of light and give you a vision or a dream, telling you that is all right to marry an unbeliever.

Why should the Bible be the final authority in your life?

But saints, let the final authority in your life always be the Bible; the Word of God. If a prophecy, vision, dream, voice, Uc., contradicts the Word of God, please reject it, instead of believing and acting upon that vision, dream, voice, Uc. The only thing trustworthy in your life is the Word of God. Bībele; the Word doesn’t lie, doesn’t contradict, but the Word is the Truth. (Izlasi arī: The visible Bible that connects people with the invisible God).

I know many women, who were devoted Christians until they met handsome men, who weren’t born-again Christians.

image compass with blog title the bible is our compass

They thought it was from God, because of the way they met, which was very extraordinary and special and looked like a miracle.

In the beginning of their relationships, the men seemed to be interested in Jesus and attended church (this is just one of the many tactics to win Christian women).

But after they got married, after a while, they stopped attending church and stayed home instead.

Their character changed and Pasaulīgos things entered their marriages.

Eventually, their marriages became a struggle. They experienced a lot of problems, pain, sorrow, (emotional) abuse, Uc. After only a few years, these marriages ended in divorce. (Izlasi arī: What does the Bible say about divorce?)

I can tell you a lot of similar stories about marital problems in an unequal yoke marriage and about unequal yoke marriages that ended up in a divorce.

Don’t be led by feelings and become an unequal yoke, but be led by the Word of God and become one

Although Solomon lived in the Old Covenant and was the old creation, we can still learn from the story of Solomon and not make the same mistake by being carnal and ruled by feelings. We should rule over feelings and emotions, love Jesus and keep His commandments, which are also the commandments of God.

When the Bible says to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, you must obey the Word of God and follow His counsel. This means that you shall not become romantically involved and have a relationship with an unbeliever and be unequally yoked. (Izlasi arī: ‘The commandments of God and the commandments of Jesus‘).

Despite the warnings of God in the Bible, many Christians are prideful and put themselves above the words of God. They think they know it better than God and they will convert their husband or wife eventually and draw the unbeliever to their side.

But God knows the weakness of the flesh. God knows that the believer will not draw the unbeliever. Vietā, the unbeliever will draw the believing Christian to his or her side.

An unequal yoke will lead the Christian to destruction and that is exactly the will of the devil. It is certainly not the will of God! But it is up to the people whether to believe the words of God and obey His words or to not believe the words of God but trust their feelings and insights.

Therefore stay obedient to the Word and let the Bible; the Word of God be the final authority in your life. Don’t put the creature above the Creator but stay faithful to the Creator.

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