The visible Bible that connects people to the invisible God

Everything you see and what takes place in the world has its origin in the spiritual realm. The creation and all there is within is created by the Word and originated from the Spirit. Επομένως, the creation testifies of God’s greatness, divine nature, and eternal power, whereby no one has an excuse to not be judged by God. Not only does the creation testify of God, but also the Bible testifies of God. Besides the creation, the Bible is the only visible object in which the invisible God is revealed and that connects people to the invisible God. Επομένως, the Bible is attacked and forbidden in many heathen nations. They’re afraid of the Bible. Because the one, who lives in them, knows the power of the Bible. He knows that the visible Bible connects people to the only true invisible God, which is a threat to his kingdom.

The revelation of the invisible God in the visible Bible

God has revealed Himself through His Word and shall always be revealed through His Word. Therefore it’s important to open your Bible and read and study the Word of God and believe, obey, και do the words of God in your life.

Μέσω του Λόγου, you will get to know God. Because the visible Bible connects you through the words of God with the invisible God. 

If Christians say, that they don’t know God’s will and they don’t hear God speaking in their lives, it’s because they don’t spend time with Him and don’t read and study the Bible.

God is a Spirit

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (Γιάννης 4:24)

You don’t worship God by singing songs, which creates warm and pleasant feelings and takes you into higher spirits. There is nothing wrong with singing, but you worship God with your life. You worship and exalt Him, through your obedience to Him by walking in the truth of His Word. 

Γιάννης 17:14 I have given them Thy word and the wold has hated them

Because God’s Word is Spirit and His words are Spirit and life. Ολα αυτά, who are spiritual through αναγέννηση in Christ, and obey and do His words, walk after the Spirit in the Truth and the Life.

The Spirit is revealed through the Word that connects you with the invisible God.

Unfortunately, the unbelievers are more aware of the power of the Bible than believers.

The unbelievers consider the Bible as a threat to their lives.

They see the Bible as a danger to their religion, philosophy, culture, way of life, sinful behavior, and works.

Therefore they attack the Bible for its reliability, authenticity, and functionality. They try to remove the visible Bible; the Authentic Word of God from society and the lives of people. Their goal is to eliminate the words of God.

The visible Bible is no longer the highest Authority in the lives of people

Although the Word testifies about the infallible Word of God and that the words of God are still profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, so that God’s people may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works, the Bible has slowly moved to the background.

The Bible has no significance and is no longer the final authority in the lives of people. The people have become prideful. They rely on their own words, σοφία, and insights instead of God’s words, σοφία, και πληροφορίες.

The people no longer talk, preach, and act from the Word and the Holy Spirit, but from their human intellect. 

People should live within the framework of the Bible

God has set boundaries for people. These boundaries for people are written in the Bible. The people suppose to live within the framework of the Bible. The born-again believers, who love Jesus and submit to the Word, live within the framework of the Bible.

But the rebellious people, who are carnal and don’t fear the Lord God, don’t live within the framework of the Bible.

2 timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for reproof

They violate the boundaries that God has set for humanity and they move into dangerous areas, where they shouldn’t be.

The violation of boundaries not only takes place in the world but also in many churches.

This is mainly because the spirit of this world has been given room and operates in the lives of carnal people, που αυτοαποκαλούνται Χριστιανοί.

The devil has convinced many Christians that you don’t have to live within the framework of the Bible.

He makes Christians believe that the Bible is not significant and relevant anymore, but the human findings, Απόψεις, σοφία, and knowledge of the world are.

Therefore a spiritual transition has taken place, where the Bible is no longer relevant and authoritative but has moved to the background. 

People don’t rely on the Bible but on the words of people

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker (2 Είδος χόρτου 2:15-17)

Η Βίβλος, which contains the wisdom, η γνώση, and truth of God has been replaced by the wisdom, η γνώση, and experiences of people. Εξαιτίας αυτού, a god is created after the image of man that constantly changes due to the changing of pastors, and a human faith has been developed that derived from the carnal mind, that increases ungodliness instead of holiness and make followers of people instead of followers of Jesus Christ. (Διαβάστε επίσης: Ένας πλαστός Ιησούς που παράγει πλαστούς Χριστιανούς)

Christians know everything about their pastor. They are familiar with his will, his thoughts, and his ways, through his words about his life, Σκέψεις, Απόψεις, and experiences. But what do they know about Jesus and the Father? Are they familiar with Οι σκέψεις του, Οι τρόποι του, και Η επιθυμία του?

Do they spend time in the Bible and commune with the Almighty God and get to know God and His will?

Occultists use objects to connect to spirits

Λαός, who live in darkness and operate in the occult realm, know the power of objects. They know that objects can connect people to the invisible and the transcendent. Therefore they use objects to connect with the spirit realm. But what they don’t know is that they make a wrong connection.

An object connects to the death and connects them to spirits. A specific object connects the person to a specific spirit.

Objects from a deceased person are often used in seances to connect to the spirit of the deceased and communicate with that spirit and gain knowledge and insights. Without using objects, it’s more difficult to connect to the spirit realm.

Now we know, through God’s Word, that they belong to the death and that they live in darkness. We also know that these spirits are fallen angels (δαίμονες),. Demons can cause a lot of trouble in the lives of people, who connect to them, open up themselves to them, and communicate with them to gain knowledge and insights.

As soon as people move outside the framework of the Bible (God’s Word) and act from their own insight, from the body and soul, and use objects and follow certain Μεθόδους to enter the spiritual realm, they get themselves in a lot of trouble and bring mischief upon them.

The visible Bible warns people from entering the spiritual realm illegally

The Bible warns people from entering the spiritual realm illegally, διά conjuring spirits, soothsaying, μαγεία, ειδωλολατρία, and the use of objects. But because many Christians don’t read the Bible, they stay ignorant and get involved with the works of darkness and move into the occult, without considering their works as occult.

Many cultures have their existence in occultism. However because occultism is part of their culture, they consider the occult practices as normal. 

Only in the Light of the Bible, the truth will be revealed and the darkness, θάνατος, and the works of darkness be exposed.

Then it’s up to the people to withdraw themselves from occultism and eliminate the occult works from their lives, instead of holding on to their culture and ancestors and persisting in occultism. (Διαβάστε επίσης: Every culture disappears in Christ).

Look at the fruits

Many churches look spiritual, while in reality, they move in the occult. How can you see if churches are seated in Christ and enter the spiritual realm in His authority or if churches are carnal and enter the spiritual realm in their own authority?

That’s very simple. What did Jesus say? Jesus didn’t say look at the signs and wonders. On the contrary. Jesus warned, that in the end times, great signs and wonders shall occur. These great signs and wonders look like they come from God, while they are not. They seem so real, that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect (Ω. Ματθαίος 24:24-25, Σημείο 13:22-23).

But Jesus said, look at the fruit they bear. Do they live in submission to God and His Word? Do they obey His words and keep His commandments and bear the fruit of the Spirit?

The churches that move in the occult, bear the fruit of the flesh aka the works of the flesh.

The churches that are seated in Christ and walk after the Word and the Spirit bear the καρπός του Πνεύματος.

Have faith in the visible Bible and walk in communion with God in the Light

It’s important, that the churches repent from their vain walk, human pride, και ανταρσία εναντίον του Θεού. And that they remove the sins from their midst. Let the churches break the (πνευματικός) connection with the world and connect with God through His Word and Holy Spirit.

Stop analyzing the Bible, discussing the Bible, and start to believe the visible Bible and apply the infallible Word of God in your life. So that you walk in communion with God after the Spirit in the Light.

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