When Jesus talked with His disciples about the end times and the sign of His coming, Jesus said in Matthew 24:24, there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, natoľko, že, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect. But what will these false Christs and false prophets and their deceiving signs and wonders look like? What does the Bible say about false Christs and false prophets?
What does the Bible say about false prophets in the Old Testament?
Not only in the New Testament do we read about false prophets. But also in the Old Testament, we read about false prophets, who God did not send.
Tvoji proroci videli pre teba márne a pochabé veci: a neobjavili tvoju neprávosť, aby si odvrátil svoje zajatie; ale videl som pre teba falošné bremená a príčiny vyhnanstva (Náreky 2:14)
Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the Lord; Toto hovorí Pán Boh; Beda pochabým prorokom, ktoré nasledujú svojho vlastného ducha, a nič som nevidel!
Ó, Izrael, Tvoji proroci sú ako líšky na púšti. Nešli ste hore do priepastí, ani nevytvoril živý plot pre dom Izraela, aby stál v boji v Pánovom dni.
Videli márnivosť a lživé veštenie, hovorí, Hovorí Pán: a Pán ich neposlal: a prinútili ostatných, aby dúfali, že potvrdia slovo. Či ste nevideli márne videnie, a či ste nepovedali lživé veštenie, zatiaľ čo vy hovoríte, Hovorí to Pán; hoci som nehovoril?
Preto takto hovorí Pán, Boh; Pretože ste hovorili márnivosť, a videl klamstvá, preto, hľa, Som proti vám, hovorí Pán Boh. A moja ruka bude na prorokoch, ktorí vidia márnosť, a že božské lži: nebudú v zhromaždení môjho ľudu, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, ani nevojdú do izraelskej krajiny; a spoznáte, že ja som Pán Boh (Ezechiel 13:2-9)
Her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, vidieť márnosť, a veštecké lži im, hovorí, Toto hovorí Pán Boh, keď Pán nehovoril (Ezechiel 22:28)
What does the Bible say about prophets in the New Testament?
In the New Testament Paul, John, Peter, Jude (and others) warned about false prophets and false teachers. They warned the saints to be cautious
Ale medzi ľudom boli aj falošní proroci, ako budú medzi vami falošní učitelia, ktorý tajne prinesie zatratené herézy, dokonca zapreli Pána, ktorý ich kúpil, a privedú na seba rýchlu skazu (2 Peter 2:1)
Milovaný, never každý duch, ale skúšajte duchov, či sú z Boha: lebo mnoho falošných prorokov vyšlo do sveta (1 John 4:1)
Jesus warned us about false prophets and false christs
Lebo povstanú falošní Kristusovia, a falošných prorokov, a ukáže veľké znamenia a zázraky; natoľko, že, Keby to bolo možné, oklamú aj samotných vyvolených. Hľa, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Hľa, he is in the desert; go not forth: hľa, he is in the secret chambers; neverte tomu. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, tam sa zhromaždia orly(Matúš 24:24-28)
Dajte si pozor na falošných prorokov, ktoré k vám prichádzajú v ovčom rúchu, ale vnútorne sú to draví vlci (Matúš 7:15)
And many false prophets shall rise, a zvedie mnohých (Matúš 24:11)
Jesus warned us of false prophets, and told us, how can we can recognize false prophets. We can recognize false prophets by the fruit they bear.
False Christs and prophets do great signs and wonders. Therefore we can’t rely upon their teachings, doktríny, zázraky, znamenia, a zázraky.
Jesus told us that we should look at their lives and what kind of fruit they bear in their lives.
Do they walk after the Spirit according to the Word of God and keep His commandments? Do they bear the fruit of the Spirit?
Or do they walk after the flesh according to the will, žiadostivosti, a túžbu tela? And do they bear the fruit of the flesh (skutky tela), tak ako svet?
A true Shepherd vs a Wolf in sheep’s Clothing
Napríklad, A charismatic prophet or preacher can speak wonderful encouraging words and maybe do signs and wonders. Avšak, in private, the prophet or preacher lives like the world doing the same works.
When the person experiences depression, závislosť(s), watches porn, cudzoloží, goes to clubs/bars, leaves his/her spouse and gets a rozvod, or is habitually living in sin and doing things that oppose the Word of God, you know that the person is not rooted and seated in Jesus Chris. The person is carnal and walks after the lusts and desires of the flesh instead of the Spirit.
When you look at the fruit, that a person produces, you know whether you’re dealing with a true shepherd or a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
How do you recognize false Christs and false prophets?
We have accepted too much garbage and false doctrines in the church. And because many Christians don’t examine the Bible themselves and are led by the flesh instead of the Holy Spirit, there is hardly any discernment anymore.
Many Christians follow their pastors, (well-known) kazateľov, proroci, and evangelists, without studying the Bible for themselves. They accept and believe their words, even if their words contradict the Word of God. (Prečítajte si tiež: Falošné doktríny, ktoré sú urážkou Boha).
Let us be serious and watchful. Look at the fruit of the person. Do they produce the fruit of the Spirit or the flesh?
Skutky tela sú zjavené, ktoré sú tieto; Cudzoložstvo, smilstvo, nečistoty, lascívnosť, Modlárstvo, čarodejníctvo, nenávisť, rozptyl, emulácie, hnev, rozbroje, poburovania, herézy, Envyings, vraždy, opilstvo, revellings, a podobne: o ktorých som vám povedal predtým, ako som vám tiež povedal v minulosti, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Ale ovocím Ducha je láska, radosť, mier, zhovievavosť, jemnosť, dobrota, viera, Miernosť, miernosť: proti takýmto neexistuje žiadny zákon. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts (Galaťanom 5:21-24)
Ježiš povedal, that this is the only way, that we can recognize and discern true and false prophets and Christs.
Jesus told us in Matthew 24:24 (also in Mark 13:22-23), that these false Christs and prophets could even deceive the very elect if Jesus didn’t warn us about them. Predstav si to! These prophets seem like they are sent by God and seem devoted to God. Ale pravda je taká, that they aren’t sent by God. Therefore be and stay watchful!
How do you recognize real from counterfeit?
The more you study the Bible; Slovo Božie, the more you will get to know the real Jesus Christ. If you renew your mind with the Word of God, the easier you will discern, what is real (genuine) and what is false (a counterfeit). Ale znova… Ježiš povedal, the only way you will discern false Christs and prophets, is to look at their lives and the fruit they bear.
Ježiš pokračoval a povedal, that if these false Christs and prophets say, that the Son of man is in the desert, you should not go there, or in the secret chambers, you should not believe it. You do not have to search for Jesus in places. You shouldn’t be led by (super)natural manifestations, which can also be a counterfeit of the devil.
When Jesus returns, everyone will see Jesus, not just one person, or a few persons. He shall return at an unexpected moment. Jesus gave us the example of lightning to compare to His return. Jesus will return like a thief in the night. Therefore we should stay watchful and be ready to meet Him upon His return.
„Buď soľou zeme’