Existuje len jedna cesta k večnému životu?

Is there only one way to eternal life or are there more ways to eternal life? Aby som odpovedal na túto otázku, we must look at what the Bible says about salvation and what the Bible says about the way to eternal life.

Every person is born as a sinner

Každá osoba, ktorý sa narodil na tejto zemi, is born in the flesh in a fallen state with a sinful flesh and carries sin and death. This sinful nature separates people from God. Because this sin nature rebels against God and disobeys His Word.

Every person is born as a sinner and and is ruled by the flesh (zmysly, myseľ, myšlienky, emócie, feelings etc.) Kvôli skutočnosti, that a person is a sinner, the person walks in sin. This means that the person shall do those things that oppose the will of God.

The sinner lives in darkness under the power of the devil, hriech a smrť. A sinner carries the death because the spirit of a sinner is death. As long as the spirit in a person remains dead, death rules the life of a person and the person bears the fruit of death, čo je hriech. When the person dies, the person goes to hell (the kingdom of the death).

The final destination of the old creation (každý, who is born of Adam’s seed; the seed of man) is eternal death, unless

What is the only Way to eternal life?

Lebo Boh tak miloval svet, že dal svojho jednorodeného Syna, aby nezahynul nik, kto v neho verí, ale maj večný život (John 3:16)

There is only one way, to escape God’s judgment; the punishment for sin: eternal death. That is by the blood of Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him; pokánie, the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, mocou Ducha Svätého.

John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son

When the spirit of a person is raised from the dead, mocou Ducha Svätého, the person is born again in the spirit, by the seed of the Holy Spirit.

The person has become a new creation in Christ; syn Boží (to platí pre mužov aj ženy).

Nikto nie je, who can come to God the Father, ako skrze Ježiša Krista, Syn.

No one can be saved and be reconciled with God the Father, by their own works.

No one can be saved by visiting a church every week or become a church member, reading the Bible, Modliť, charity works, atď.. Because these carnal works can’t do anything about the sinful flesh, the state and nature of fallen man, and the spiritual connection with God. Mäso, can’t please the Father, because the flesh carries the sinful nature.

That’s why Jesus had to die, to deal once and for all with this sin problem.

The evil; the sin and iniquity of fallen man, killed Jesus Christ. When you think about that and ponder on it, you won’t be so hasty anymore to keep walking in sin.

Jesus dealt with the sin problem

Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. He took all evil; all sins and iniquities of the human race (svet), na Seba. Jesus carried, all the sins and iniquitiesthat reigned in the old man; staré stvorenie. By His blood, Jesus conquered sin and death.

Jesus was obedient to His Father until death. He carried the punishment of death, which was actually meant for the sinner; staré stvorenie.

by one man's disobedience many were made sinners

Because of His redemptive work, Jesus dealt once and for all with the sin problem and the sinful nature, that is present in every human being, ktorý sa narodil na tejto zemi; staré stvorenie.

When you’re redeemed by the blood of Jesus from sin and death, you are redeemed from eternal death and the kingdom of death.

Preto, you no longer belong to the kingdom of darkness.

Ktorý nás vyslobodil z moci temnoty, a preniesol nás do kráľovstva svojho drahého Syna: In whom we have redemption through his blood, aj odpustenie hriechov (Kolosanov 1:13)

Ježišovou krvou, you have been bought and transferred to the Kingdom of God.

You are no longer the old creation; born of the seed of Adam. But you have become a new creation in Jesus Christ; born of the seed of the Holy Spirit. All things have passed away and all things have become new.

You are a representative of the Kingdom of God

Now that you have been redeemed from sin and death, you shall no longer walk after the flesh. Your spirit that has been raised from the dead, shall rule over your flesh. Mal by si obnov svoju myseľ so Slovom Božím. Because through the Word, you will get to know, Ježiš, otec, a Kráľovstvo Božie. The Holy Spirit shall be your Teacher, your Guide, and Helper.

služobník hriechu

You shall no longer be a representative of the kingdom of darkness. You shall not be a slave of sin and death; a slave of the devil, už viac.

But you shall now walk as a representative of the Kingdom of God. You shall walk in righteousness and holiness, as a son of the Most High God.

The blood of Jesus has redeemed you from sin and death. Your old life as a sinner; staré stvorenie, is erased by the blood of Jesus. It no longer exists to God.

You have received a new life in Jesus Christ.

A vy, byť mŕtvy vo svojich hriechoch a neobriezke svojho tela, hath he quickened together with him, keď som ti odpustil všetky previnenia; Vymazávanie rukopisu nariadení, ktoré boli proti nám, čo bolo v rozpore s nami, a odstránil ho z cesty, nailing it to his cross (Kolosanov 2:13-14)

God’s love and mercy made the way to eternal life

God’s great love and mercy for people, became visible through the perfect vykupiteľské dielo Ježiša Krista. His work has ensured, that every person has the ability to be reconciled with God the Father.

Každá osoba, ktorý verí v Ježiša Krista; Syn Boží, and accepts Jesus as Saviour and Lord, shall be redeemed from sin and death (the death punishment for sin).

Každý, who is born again in the spirit, becomes a new creation and has the life of God. Ľudia, who have the life of God, shall receive eternal life.

This is the way to eternal life; the only way to eternal life. Despite what people may say, there’s no other way to eternal life, than through Jesus Christ and by His blood.

There are no side entries, and no sideways to come to God the Father. There is only one Door and one Way to eternal life, and that is through Jesus Christ.

The lies of the devil about the way to eternal life

The world may develop all kinds of promising philosophies and theories about the way to eternal life. But they’re developed from their carnal mind; human wisdom and knowledge, pocity a emócie.

The world can say all they want. They can say, that it doesn’t matter, what you believe, as long as you do good and do what’s right (according to the standards of the world) and be nice to your fellowmen, have respect and tolerate all kinds of behavior, atď. then you will be saved.

cesta k večnému životu, Ja som cesta, pravda a život

Or they even can say, “it doesn’t matter what you believe or to which religion you belong to, eventually, we all believe in the same God“.

But these are all lies from the devil because it does matter!

Bohužiaľ, many people believe these lies, vrátane mnohých kresťanov.

Tie, who are not born again and don’t walk after the Spirit, shall believe and support these lies.

These carnal Christians believe that there are more ways to God and eternal life, because God is love.

Ale pravda je taká, that there are no other ways. The Bible says so. The Word of God is reliable and trustworthy. Prečo?? Because every word that has been spoken; every prophecy that the Word has given, has come to pass and still comes to pass.

God can’t have communion with sinners

Pravda je, that God can’t have communion with sinners; with the sinful nature of the old man.

God can only have communion and a relationship with the new creation; those who have been sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ and have laid down their flesh, and whose spirit have been raised from the dead, mocou Ducha Svätého.

Každá osoba, who doesn’t believe in Jesus; Syn Boží, as Redeemer; Mesiáša, and doesn’t make Jesus Lord over his/her life, and doesn’t do what Jesus has commanded His followers to do, shall be lost forever.

Jesus alone is the Door. He is the Way to the Father and Jesus alone is the way to eternal life.

Ježiš mu povedal, Ja som cesta, pravda, a život: nikto neprichádza k Otcovi, ale Mnou (John 14:6)

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