永生只有一种方法还是有更多方法? 为了回答这个问题, 我们必须看看圣经如何讲救恩,以及圣经如何讲永生之道.
Every person is born as a sinner
每个人, 谁出生在这个地球上, is born in the flesh in a fallen state with a sinful flesh and carries sin and death. This sinful nature separates people from God. Because this sin nature rebels against God and disobeys His Word.
每个人都是 born as a sinner and and is ruled by the flesh (senses, 头脑, 想法, 情绪, 感情等) 因为事实, that a person is a sinner, the person walks in sin. This means that the person shall do those things that oppose the will of God.
The sinner lives in darkness under the power of the devil, 罪与死. A sinner carries the death because the spirit of a sinner is death. 只要一个人的灵魂还死了, death rules the life of a person and the person bears the fruit of death, 这是罪孽. When the person dies, the person goes to hell (the kingdom of the death).
旧造的最终归宿 (每个人, 由亚当的后裔所生; 人类的种子) is eternal death, 除非…
What is the only Way to eternal life?
因为神如此爱世人, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, 但有永生 (约翰 3:16)
There is only one way, 为了逃避神的审判; 对罪的惩罚: 永恒的死亡. That is by the blood of Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him; 悔改, the death of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead, 借着圣灵的力量.
当一个人的灵魂从死里复活时, 借着圣灵的力量, the person is born again in the spirit, by the seed of the Holy Spirit.
The person has become a new creation in Christ; 神的儿子 (这适用于男性和女性).
那里没人, who can come to God the Father, 胜过通过耶稣基督, 儿子.
没有人能够得救并与父神和好, 通过自己的作品.
No one can be saved by visiting a church every week or become a church member, 读圣经, praying, charity works, ETC。. Because these carnal works can’t do anything about the sinful flesh, the state and nature of fallen man, and the spiritual connection with God. 肉体, 无法取悦天父, 因为肉体带有罪性.
这就是耶稣必须死的原因, 一劳永逸地解决这个罪的问题.
The evil; the sin and iniquity of fallen man, 杀了耶稣基督. When you think about that and ponder on it, you won’t be so hasty anymore to keep walking in sin.
Jesus dealt with the sin problem
耶稣被钉在十字架上并死在十字架上. 他带走了一切邪恶; 人类的所有罪恶和不公正 (世界), 在他自己身上. 耶稣带着, all the sins and iniquities, 统治了老人; 旧造. By His blood, Jesus conquered sin and death.
Jesus was obedient to His Father until death. He carried the punishment of death, which was actually meant for the sinner; 旧造.
因为他的救赎工作, Jesus dealt once and for all with the sin problem and the sinful nature, 存在于每个人身上, 谁出生在这个地球上; 旧造.
When you’re redeemed by the blood of Jesus from sin and death, 你从永恒的死亡和死亡的国度中被救赎出来.
所以, 你不再属于黑暗王国.
谁把我们从黑暗的权势下拯救出来, 并将我们带入他爱子的国度: 我们借着他的血在他里面得到救赎, 甚至罪孽的宽恕 (歌罗西书 1:13)
By the blood of Jesus, 你已经被买来并转移到神的国度.
You are no longer the old creation; 由亚当的后裔而生. But you have become a new creation in Jesus Christ; 由圣灵的种子而生. 一切都已过去,一切又都变成新的了.
现在你已经从罪恶和死亡中被救赎了, 你不可再随从肉体而行. Your spirit that has been raised from the dead, shall rule over your flesh. You shall 更新你的想法 与神的话语. Because through the Word, you will get to know, 耶稣, 父亲, 和神的国度. 圣灵将是你的老师, 你的向导, 和帮手.
You shall no longer be a representative of the kingdom of darkness. You shall not be a slave of sin and death; 魔鬼的奴隶, 不再.
但你现在要作为神国度的代表而行. 你行事必行公义、圣洁, 作为至高神的儿子.
耶稣的宝血已将你从罪恶和死亡中救赎出来。你过去作为罪人的生活; 旧造, 被耶稣的宝血抹去了. It no longer exists to God.
你呢, 死在你的罪孽和未受割礼的肉体中, 他有没有和他一起加速, 原谅了你所有的过犯; 涂掉反对我们的法令的笔迹, 这与我们相反, 并把它拿开, 把它钉在他的十字架上 (歌罗西书 2:13-14)
God’s love and mercy made the way to eternal life
神伟大的爱 和对人的怜悯, became visible through the perfect 救赎工作 耶稣基督的. 他的工作保证了, that every person has the ability to be reconciled with God the Father.
每个人, 谁相信耶稣基督; 神的儿子, 并接受耶稣为救主和生命的主, 将从罪恶和死亡中被救赎 (罪孽的死刑).
每个人, who is born again in the spirit, becomes a new creation and has the life of God. The people, who have the life of God, 将获得永生.
这就是永生之道; 永生的唯一途径. 尽管人们可能会说, 没有其他方法可以获得永生, 胜过通过耶稣基督和他的血.
没有侧面条目, 没有任何途径可以来到父神面前. 通向永生只有一扇门和一条路, and that is through Jesus Christ.
The world may develop all kinds of promising philosophies and theories about the way to eternal life. But they’re developed from their carnal mind; human wisdom and knowledge, 感受和情绪.
世界可以畅所欲言. 他们可以说, that it doesn’t matter, 你相信什么, 只要你做好事并做正确的事 (按照世界标准) 善待你的同胞, 尊重并容忍各种行为, ETC. 那么你就会得救.
或者他们甚至可以说, “it doesn’t matter what you believe or to which religion you belong to, eventually, 我们都相信同一个上帝“.
但这些都是 来自魔鬼的谎言 因为这确实很重要!
很遗憾, 许多人相信这些谎言, 包括许多基督徒.
那些, 那些没有重生并且不随从圣灵而行的人, 将相信并支持这些谎言.
These carnal Christians believe that there are more ways to God and eternal life, 因为神就是爱.
但事实是, that there are no other ways. The Bible says so. The Word of God is reliable and trustworthy. 为什么? Because every word that has been spoken; 圣言所给予的每一个预言, has come to pass and still comes to pass.
事实是, 神不能与罪人相交; 带着老人的罪恶本性.
神只能与新造的人有交通和关系; 那些被耶稣基督的血成圣并放下肉体的人, 他的灵魂已从死里复活, 借着圣灵的力量.
每个人, 谁不信耶稣; 神的儿子, 作为救赎主; 弥赛亚, 并没有让耶稣成为他/她生命的主宰, 不做耶稣命令他的追随者做的事, 将永远失去.
唯有耶稣是门. 他是通往天父的道路,唯有耶稣才是通往永生的道路.
耶稣对他说, 我就是那条路, 真相, 和生活: 没有人到父那里去, 但由我 (约翰 14:6)