Die weë van die mens is voor die oë van die Here

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his goings (Spreuke 5:21)

Die weë van die mens is voor die oë van die Here. The Lord sees everything! Nothing is hidden before the eyes of the Lord. The Lord knows every thought and sees every heart of man. Daar is baie mense, who think that the Lord doesn’t see what they are doing and doesn’t know what’s in their mind.

If you think, you can hide something from the Lord, then you are wrong. It only proves that you don’t know the Lord, Because you can’t hide anything from the Lord.

The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and He ponders all his goings

When you go to church on Sunday’s and act religiously; dressing all up, acting piously, singing loud, while praising the Lord with your hands up in the air, shouting ‘amenduring the sermon, while the rest of the week you live just like the world; watch programs, flieks, soaps on television, that don’t line up with the Word of God, spend hours Speletjies, oefen joga, meditasie, Bewustheid, Vegkuns, go to clubs or bars to party and to have a ‘goodtime etc, then your visit to church doesn’t mean a thing.

God doesn’t want a church full of hypocrites

The Lord doesn’t want a church full of hypocrites. The only thing the Lord wants, is to have a relationship with His people. He wants to be a Father for His children.

The Lord is pleased when His sons and daughter are devoted to Him and spend time with Him, listen to Him and walk according to His will. He is pleased when His sons and daughters fill their hearts with His words, His wisdom, instead of filling and feeding themselves with the things of the world.

Anyone, who has become a son or daughter of God and walks after the Spirit, has the discernment of spirits. (S)he will discern the spirits, wether they are from God or not. They will know when (s)he is dealing with a sincere son or daughter of God or with a hypocrite.

‘Wees die sout van die aarde’

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    fout: Hierdie inhoud is beskerm